Became known cause of the arrest of former Iranian President Ahmadinejad

Became known cause of the arrest of former Iranian President Ahmadinejad MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. In Iran in support of the protests arrested former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Detention, as found by the newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi, is due to travel policy in Bushehr. Thursday during a speech to residents of the city, Ahmadinejad lashed out at current President Hassan Rouhani and his government, accusing them away from the problems of the people, “bad management” and assigning a “monopoly on social wealth.” Diatribe authorities regarded as “incitement to riot”. The arrest policy, according to the newspaper, was held with the approval of the Supreme leader of the Islamic Republic Ali Khamenei. In the major cities of Iran from December 28 to continue the protests. The main demand of the protesters is to improve the economic situation in the country. There are demonstrations in support of the current authorities. The instigators

The media learned about the reflection of Russian military drone strike, against a database of Hamim

The media learned about the reflection of Russian military drone strike, against a database of Hamim According to them, one of the devices was shot down, then the attack ceased. Moscow. January 7. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian military failed to prevent the strike using drones for the Russian military base Hamim in Syria, reported the BBC broadcast Corporation. One of the attacking aircraft were shot down, and then the attack stopped, the BBC reports citing data from the London-based Syrian human rights defenders. Information on possible victims. January 3, the newspaper “Kommersant” reported that on December 31 militants Russian air base “Hamim” in Syria mortar attack destroyed seven aircraft. The next day, the Russian defense Ministry denied the information on their destruction. The military said that on December 31 airbase “Hamim” has undergone a sudden mortar fire in mobile diversionary group of militants, two soldiers were killed.

Kosachev condemned the proposal to call the stay of Ukraine in the USSR “occupation”

The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 7. /TASS/. The separation of national histories of the peoples of the former USSR, it is impossible, it is a philosophy of traitors and liars. The opinion in the resurrection expressed in conversation with the correspondent of TASS, the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev, commenting on the proposal of the head of the Ukrainian Institute of national memory Vladimir Vyatrovich to recognize the period of stay of Ukraine in the USSR “occupation”. Viatrovych said Sunday that Ukraine should recognize the period of stay in the USSR “occupation” and to pass laws that would have fixed the succession of the current country of traditions of the Ukrainian national Republic (UNR).

The health Ministry told how to operate the telemedicine in 2018

The health Ministry told how to operate the telemedicine in 2018 MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of health of the Russian Federation plans to organize round-the-clock telemedicine in 2018, told reporters on Sunday, the Minister of health of Russia Veronika Skvortsova. Federal law on telemedicine, which provides, inter alia, a copy of electronic prescriptions and the provision of medical care remotely, was adopted on 29 July. The first paper introduced the possibility of medical care with the use of telemedicine technologies. The telemedicine act came into force in Russia from January 1, 2018, from January 1, 2019. “Our goal in 2018 the activities of these specialized telemedicine systems “sanded” to make this work hour in order to from any region on any patient could be conducted round-the-clock telemedicine, consultation with the best specialists of the country”, — said Skvortsova. According to her, with a certain frequency will

Patriarch Kirill noted the danger of refusal of cash

Patriarch Kirill noted the danger of refusal of cash MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. Waiver and cash transfer to payment Bank cards could restrict a person’s freedom, says Patriarch Kirill. “We have hotheads who enthusiastically talk about the need to eliminate cash and go only to the electronic card. This will ensure transparency, control, and well, all those arguments with which many are familiar. And all this is so”. And if suddenly at some point in the historical development of access to these cards will open in response to your loyalty?Patriarch Kirill The Primate of the Russian Church gave the example of “a European country”, where people wishing to obtain citizenship or residence permit, I suggest to watch the movie, which tells about the life of the country, its customs and laws. In this video, he said, very clearly, “paint” presented the topic of LGBT. “Watching this movie asks

Putin congratulated Orthodox on Christmas

Putin congratulated Orthodox on Christmas Moscow. January 7. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Orthodox Christians and all Russian citizens celebrating Christmas, the press service of the Kremlin. In the congratulation the head of state, in particular: “I cordially congratulate you on Christmas. This holiday gives to millions of believers the joy and hope, introducing them to the spiritual sources and national traditions. Brings together timeless Christian values, centuries-old historical and cultural heritage of our people. With great satisfaction I note a fruitful, truly selfless work of the Russian Orthodox Church, other Christian denominations in promoting and maintaining civil peace and accord in our country, the development of interreligious and interethnic dialogue. And of course, their significant contribution to the strengthening in the society high moral ideals, education of the younger generation, the solution of urgent social problems. I wish Orthodox Christians, all of you who celebrate Christmas, health,

Media reported about the arrest of former President of Iran for the support of street protests

Media reported about the arrest of former President of Iran for the support of street protests Iranian authorities have arrested former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for what he supported and incited street protests that began in late December. About this newspaper The Times of Israel, citing the Arabic newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi. The newspaper’s sources in Tehran said Mr Ahmadinejad in late December visited the city of Bushehr. During the meeting with the residents of this city, he said that the ruling Iranian leaders live in isolation from the problems of ordinary people. He accused the government of President Hassan Rouhani in the inability to professionally run the country. According to sources, these statements by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provoked house arrest policy. In Iran 28 Dec began anti-government demonstrations against the rise in food prices. During the demonstrations killed more than 20 people. Hundreds of people were detained. The US President Donald trump

The party of growth gathered the fifth part is required for registration in the election of Titov signatures

The Chairman of the Party of growth Boris Titov © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, January 7. /TASS/. The party’s growth over the last few days of 2017 and the first full week of 2018 gathered over 21 thousand signatures in support of a candidate of the party in the presidential elections, the business Ombudsman Boris Titov. This is about the fifth part from necessary for participation in elections 100 thousand signatures. “At the time of the evening of January 6 in support of Boris Titov, were collected for 21 348 signatures. All signatures verified and certified in accordance with the legislation,” – said TASS in the press service of the Party of growth.

US intelligence agencies have recognized their failure of development of the DPRK’s nuclear programme

US intelligence agencies have recognized their failure of development of the DPRK’s nuclear programme Failure to provide accurate forecast for the timing of implementation of missile and nuclear program of the DPRK and objectively evaluate the plans of the leader of this country Kim Jong-UN, the US intelligence services consider to be one of its main failures. It is reported by The New York Times, citing sources in the American intelligence community. The sources said that when the President of the United States Donald trump in January of last year commenced the performance of their duties, the secret service informed him that Washington has four years to slow or stop the development of Pyongyang missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to the United States. Errors in forecasts, according to sources, was related to incorrect conclusions, which were made after eight unsuccessful tests of missiles North Korea in 2016. According

Kim Jong-UN decided to establish relations with South Korea

Kim Jong-UN decided to establish relations with South Korea DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN in his address to the inhabitants of the country ordered the creation of all necessary conditions for improving relations with South Korea. This is with reference to the North Korean news Agency KCNA reports TASS. “The President clearly stated that our country should resolutely adhere to the policy, which would allow to make a breakthrough in self-Association. It is not necessary to rake up the past and reminisce about the specifics of the relationship with Seoul. Instead, you need to improve the relationship between the North and the South”, — stated in the material KCNA. In the release, the KCNA said that the time has come to unite the efforts of the Korean people, to stop the escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula. “We are talking not only about the normalization of inter-Korean relations, but about