The CEC reported foreign accounts Pavel Grudinina

The CEC reported foreign accounts Pavel Grudinina The candidate for presidents of Russia, businessman Pavel Grudinina had accounts in foreign banks. This was at a meeting of the Central election Commission said Commission member Boris Ebzeev. According to him, a few days before the end of registration of candidates, Grudinin has made changes to your personal details, stating that he had five accounts in an Austrian Bank, informed to report which the applicant has forgotten. At the moment, all accounts closed, the balance on one of them exceeded 16 million rubles. In addition it turned out that Pavel Grudinin owns securities that are stored in the same Austrian Bank, announced when it comes. In the summer of 2016 in the Declaration submitted to the electoral Commission before elections to the state Duma, the businessman claimed that no securities other than shares of the company which he heads, had not. On

Employees of the interior Ministry have agreed on four countries for a beach holiday

Employees of the interior Ministry have agreed on four countries for a beach holiday In 2018, the MVD will be able to go in 13 foreign countries, which are recognized as safe for leave on the basis of “military-political, criminal, sanitary-epidemiological and climatic environment”. This is with reference to the disposal of the Minister of internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev said the Association of tour operators of Russia (ATOR). Of these 13 countries, only three were not in the USSR and only four — Cuba, China, Vietnam and Abkhazia — have well-developed infrastructure for a beach holiday. Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan have an access to the internal Caspian sea, but stay on it problematic. Surprised by the presence in the list of Turkmenistan — with this country Russia has a visa regime, and to obtain visas to Russians there is quite difficult. Organized tourism to Turkmenistan from Russia for this reason

Grudinin reported to the CEC about the foreign Bank accounts on the eve of registration for the presidential elections

MOSCOW, January 12. /TASS/. Nominated by the Communist party to the presidential elections, the businessman Pavel Grudinin has not indicated when submitting documents for the nomination of the five accounts in a foreign Bank and about 600 securities abroad, but then got rid of all foreign financial assets. This was reported to journalists on Friday a member of the CEC of the Russian Federation Evgeny Shevchenko.

The first family has already applied for a new allowance for child birth

The first family has already applied for a new allowance for child birth MOSCOW, January 12 — RIA Novosti. The first family has already applied for benefits from the new package of measures, said Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets at the meeting on implementation of presidential decree “On declaring Russia to the decade of childhood”. “The first family that applied for this allowance is the family from Vologda, they had twins, they immediately turned…” — said Golodets. Decree of the President dated 29 may 2017 Russia declared the decade of childhood. “Our joint task is not only to develop a plan of action until 2020, but also to implement it,” — said Golodets. Newstable of reproduction: who should benefit for the firstborn It is expected that the plan will be approved at the government meeting in April of this year. Golodets recalled that after the meeting of the coordination Council

A presidential candidate from the Communist party became the billionaire businessman

A presidential candidate from the Communist party became the billionaire businessman About their foreign accounts and assets Pavel Grudinin recalled gradually. MOSCOW, 12 January 2018, 13:21 — REGNUM in the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation today, January 12, registered candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation nominated by the Communist party of the businessman Pavel Grudinina. We will remind, the Director of the Moscow enterprise “Sovkhoz imeni Lenina” Grudinina 23 December last year put forward a Congress of the Communist party. Shortly thereafter, Grudinin filed to the CEC documents for the nomination and received permission to open special election accounts. According on 11 January, published on the CEC website, in his campaign Fund received about 143 thousand rubles, the money had been spent.

Vedomosti: Russian government will pay 800 million rubles for finding vulnerabilities in IT systems

Vedomosti: Russian government will pay 800 million rubles for finding vulnerabilities in IT systems The Russian authorities invited researchers to search for vulnerabilities in IT systems, including the state, the newspaper “Vedomosti” with reference to the government approved action plan on information security in the framework of the digital economy. According to the document, before the end of 2020 for these purposes will allocate 500 million rubles from the budget and 300 million roubles of extrabudgetary funds. Tracking vulnerabilities should start already in April. For the project meet the Ministry of communications, the FSB and the Federal service for technical and export control. The contractor was selected as a Centre of excellence for import substitution in the field of information and communication technologies. Director of the center for Ilya massukh told the newspaper that the test will be how the Russian state IT systems and IT products of domestic and

Zakharova called US demand registration RIA as a Global inherent discrimination

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, January 12. /TASS/. The requirement of the US government to partner the Agency Sputnik – company RIA Global – to register as a foreign Agency is discriminatory and contrary to international law on freedom of expression. On Friday said the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “Such measures are totally unacceptable, – said Zakharov. We clearly regard these steps as a manifestation of blatant discrimination against our mass media and in General attack on freedom of speech, not to mention the fact that they are completely contrary to the fundamental norms of international law in the area of equal access to information for all and freedom of expression”.

Tolstoy: a blogger can recognize noagenda if it is registered as mass media

Vice-speaker of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Pyotr Tolstoy © Marat Abulhasan/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, January 12. /TASS/. The blogger should be registered as mass media so that it could be applied the provisions of the draft media law-registered as a foreign agent. This was stated on Friday by Vice-speaker of the state Duma Pyotr Tolstoy in the discussion document.

Putin will decide how to respond to the new sanctions list of the USA when it is accepted

MOSCOW, January 12. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin will make a decision on the response to the new sanctions list of the USA only when this list will be formalized. This was stated to journalists the press-Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the publication in the newspaper “Kommersant” that the new sanctions list will include 50 Russians (along with family members – 300).

Donald trump cancelled a visit to Britain

Donald trump cancelled a visit to Britain The US President Donald trump has canceled a trip to Britain, explaining this decision by disagreement with the actions of the previous administration. “I canceled a trip to London, because they are not a big fan of the Obama administration, which sold for pennies Embassy in London, which was perhaps the best location, just to build on the outskirts of the new $1.2 billion is a Bad deal. Wanted me to cut the ribbon? No!” — I wrote to Mr. trump on Twitter. The Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for “peanuts,” only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars. Bad deal. Wanted me to cut the ribbon-NO! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)