The Communist party claim that Grudinin had no securities at 7.5 billion rubles

The Communist party claim that Grudinin had no securities at 7.5 billion rubles MOSCOW, January 13. /TASS/. The head of the press service of the Communist party, state Duma Deputy Alexander Yushchenko argues that the Communist candidate in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation Pavel Grudinina were no securities in the amount of 7.5 billion rubles, and their total cost was 37 million. According to him, in the media “misinterpreted represented by Grudinina to the CEC information.” “There is no 7.5 billion [rubles]. On three accounts he had about 35 million rubles, and they were turned into securities. Some media reports yesterday wrongly decided and publicized that each paper is worth 37 million, and multiplied it by the number of securities that came out of it a figure of 7.5 billion,” — said the Communist. “He’s got 37 million invested in foreign banks in the period from January to

Air defense of the Crimea reinforced by the second division of s-400

Air defense of the Crimea reinforced by the second division of s-400 The second in the Crimea, the division of anti-aircraft missile systems s-400 “Triumph” was replaced on combat duty for air defense of Sevastopol, reports “Interfax”. “Today, the whole group of air defense of the Crimea equipped with the most modern, not knowing analogues in the world anti-aircraft missile system s-400” — said the commander of the Fourth army, air force and air defense Lieutenant-General Viktor Sevostyanov. A year ago, on combat duty in the area of Feodosia took first in the Crimea, a division of s-400. Earlier in the Kremlin commented on the deployment in Crimea-400.

Ryabkov: Russia will explain to US the inferiority and depravity of sanctions against Iran and North Korea

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Artyom Korotayev/TASS MOSCOW, January 13. /TASS/. Russia will persistently explain to US the inferiority and depravity of their sanctions policy against both Iran and North Korea. This was stated on Saturday in an interview with TASS Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov.

Deplorable condition: in a Network there was video with the Ukrainian ships in Crimea

Deplorable condition: in a Network there was video with the Ukrainian ships in Crimea MOSCOW, 13 Jan — RIA Novosti. In the Internet appeared the video with the Ukrainian ships, which are now in the Crimea. The footage seen sea trawlers “Chernigov” and “Cherkasy”, the submarine “Zaporizhia” and rescue tugboat “Kremenets”. Judging by the roller, the military equipment is in poor condition — dilapidated housing, everywhere visible rust. Earlier Vladimir Putin said that Moscow is ready to transfer to Kiev military ships and aircraft from the Crimea, although the technique is in poor condition. According to him, to waste not be transported ordnance can invite Ukrainian experts. During the download an error has occurred. Commander of the naval forces of VS of Ukraine Vice-Admiral Igor Voronchenko after this assured that military equipment, which remained in the Crimea, was allegedly in working condition, the decision to return will make the country’s

Moby spoke about the request of the CIA to disseminate information about “when the trump of the Russian Federation”

Moby spoke about the request of the CIA to disseminate information about “when the trump of the Russian Federation” The famous American musician Richard Hall, known as Moby, has told that employees of the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) turned to him with a request to help disseminate information about what President of the United States Donald trump is associated with the Russian authorities. About Moby announced on radio WFPK. “They gave me some information and said that my audience is much greater than their coverage, asked if I could publish some of the data,” said the musician. Moby said that the CIA tried to convince him that trump “the Russian agent”. The first accusations of ties trump with Russia came after the defeat in the presidential elections in the United States in 2016 democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. After that, the FBI started an investigation, in the USA had compiled “a

Speaking to Putin in Sakhalin seamen have received debts under the salary

Speaking to Putin in Sakhalin seamen have received debts under the salary VLADIVOSTOK, January 13 — RIA Novosti. Sailors from the ships of the company “VIP Stroy Ltd” (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), applied in 2017 to Russian President Vladimir Putin for wage arrears paid all money, told journalists the Chairman of the far Eastern regional organization of the Russian trade Union of seamen (DVO rpsm) Nikolay Sukhanov. According to him, due to repeated violations of the rights of sailors from the ships “ST wind”, “Port may”, “majestic” and “Tessa” 15 June 2017 was organized a collective treatment of seafarers to Putin. “After the intervention of the General Prosecutor on the instructions of the President of Russia was initiated 20 criminal cases to the head of the company, and the wages of the sailors eventually were paid,” — said Sahnow. The crew of the ship “Port may” reported the debt on a salary in

The United States recognized the nuclear advantage of Russia

The United States recognized the nuclear advantage of Russia Russia has advantage over USA in the production of nuclear weapons. This is stated in the draft us nuclear doctrine, excerpts from which publishes The Huffington Post. According to the survey, Russia increases the number of platforms that can be equipped with both nuclear and conventional cargo, which allows the country to expand its nuclear Arsenal without violating the new Treaty on measures for the further reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms (start). The doctrine lists the types of such platforms are: cruise missiles, ground-and air-based, nuclear submarines, Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). Military experts note that Moscow is actively modernizing its nuclear Arsenal and developing at least two new ICBMs, and hypersonic nuclear warhead and other weapons. The U.S. Department of defense at the same time stated that the development of doctrine is not yet complete. Earlier it was reported

CEC: income Grudinina for the six years amounted to more than 157 million rubles

The Director of the Lenin state farm Pavel Grudinin © Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS MOSCOW, January 12. /TASS/. Income put forward by the Communist party in the elections of the President of Russian businessman Pavel Grudinina over the past six years amounted to more than 157 million rubles, also on its account store almost 6 million roubles. This follows from information on the income and property of the candidate, published Friday on the website of the CEC.