In Sochi ended consultations on the preparations for the Congress of the Syrian national dialogue

© Valery sharifulin/TASS SOCHI, January 20. /TASS/. Delegations of the countries-guarantors of a ceasefire in Syria (Russia, Iran and Turkey), concluded on Saturday in Sochi a two-day consultation on the preparation of the Congress of the Syrian national dialogue which will start here in ten days. The main result of the meeting, which the parties described as successful, was the harmonization of the lists of participants of the Sochi forum.

The Turkish General staff announced the defeat in ‘ Afrīn 108 goals out of 113 scheduled

The Turkish General staff announced the defeat in ‘ Afrīn 108 goals out of 113 scheduled ANKARA, January 20. /TASS/. Turkish armed forces in the course of “operation Olive branch” in the Syrian district of Afrin struck 108 of the 113 planned purposes. This is stated in a statement on Saturday the statement of the General staff of the armed forces of the Republic. “As of 18:30 on 20 January, the Turkish armed forces struck objects 108 of the 113 planned. All the wounded and killed are militants of the Kurdistan workers party and the party “Democratic Union”, — quotes a statement to Anadolu Ajansı. The report also says that Turkish aircraft attacked the airfield Mink in the Northwest of Syria, which is under the control of the forces of the “Forces of the people’s protection units” (SNA). The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia said that Moscow is concerned

Russia, Iran and Turkey agreed on the lists of participants of the Congress of the Syrian acdialog in Sochi

© Valery sharifulin/TASS SOCHI, January 20. /TASS/. Russia, Iran and Turkey agreed on the lists of participants of the Congress of the Syrian national dialogue, the final design will take one to two days. This was reported on Saturday, the special representative of the President of Russia on the Syrian settlement, Alexander Lavrentiev on the basis of consultations with Iran and Turkey.

Russia will demand the UN cease operations of Turkey in the Syrian ‘ Afrīn

Russia will demand the UN cease operations of Turkey in the Syrian ‘ Afrīn MOSCOW, January 20 — RIA Novosti. Russia will provide Syria, which Turkey launched a military operation, diplomatic assistance will support the UN demand that Turkey stop her, said RIA Novosti, first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich. The Turkish General staff on Saturday announced the start of “operation Olive branch” against the forces of the Syrian Kurds in the Afrin. The operation began at 17.00 GMT. “At the United Nations, not only Syria will require termination of the operation. Russia will support these requirements and will provide Syria with diplomatic assistance,” — said Klintsevich. According to him, the Turkish operation in ‘ afrīn violates the sovereignty of Syria.

Moldova will present Russia’s billion-dollar bill for Transnistria

Moldova will present Russia’s billion-dollar bill for Transnistria Moldova plans to present to the Russian authorities by billions of dollars for military presence in Transnistria. This was stated in an interview to Latvijas Avize, the speaker of the Moldovan Parliament Andrian CANDU. “We believe that about two thousand Russian troops in Transnistria are occupying forces,” — said the candidate. — Russia has violated international law. We intend to hire an international law firm to calculate the damage from Russia’s presence in Transnistria for 25 years. The expense will be measured in the billions of dollars.” According to him, the Russian military conducting joint exercises with the army of the unrecognized Transnistrian Moldovan Republic, threaten the security of Moldova. “This is an illegal military presence, such as in Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Eastern Ukraine,” the politician said, adding that he hoped the discussion of this issue at the international level. In

Erdogan has announced “anti-terrorist operation” in ‘ afrīn

Erdogan has announced “anti-terrorist operation” in ‘ afrīn Moscow. 20 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the actual launch of the “antiterrorist operation” in the Syrian Afrin, passes on Saturday Agency “Anadolu”. “Anti-terrorist operation in’ afrīn actually started, said President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in the province of Kutahya”, — reports the Agency. According to the Agency, the Turkish President said that “the West should realize that Turkey is a ally, with whom we have to reckon and cooperate in the region.” Earlier it was reported that Turkish armed forces launched a series of attacks in the area surrounding the Syrian Afrin, occupied by Kurdish militias. Turkey considers these groups a terrorist group. Afrin is the main city of the homonymous Canton. There are a total of three cantons of Syrian Kurdistan (Rozhava) — Kurdish territorial entity in Northern Syria, the creation of which was announced on 17

The Chinese defense Ministry has accused the US of undermining security in the region

The Chinese defense Ministry has accused the US of undermining security in the region BEIJING, 20 Jan — RIA Novosti. The next time an American warship in the waters near the Chinese Islands in the South China sea and threatens the sovereignty of China’s national security and undermine peace and stability in the region, said Saturday the official representative of the Ministry of defense of China From Qian. According to the Chinese side, the missile USS “Hopper” January 17, illegally entered the waters of disputed Huangyan Islands (Scarborough reef) in the South China sea, which China considers as its. The Chinese missile frigate “Huangshan” immediately carried out the identification of the American ship and warned of the need to leave the area. “At present, thanks to the joint efforts of ASEAN, the situation in the South China sea continuously stabiliziruemost. In these circumstances, the next time an American warship in

Lavrov urged to adhere to the agreements and responded to questions on Syria and Ukraine

© EPA-EFE/JASON SZENES UN, January 20. /Spec. Q. TASS Maria Ustimenko/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov concluded the trip in new York, where on January 18-19 spoke at two meetings of the Security Council (SC) of the UN on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and the security and stability in Afghanistan and Central Asia. Participation in discussions was accompanied by meetings with foreign colleagues, which addressed both bilateral issues and the most pressing issues on the international agenda is the situation around the nuclear deal with Iran, Syria and middle East issues. Lavrov also spoke at the opening ceremony of the exhibition devoted to memory of victims of the Holocaust and the role of the red army in the liberation of the prisoners of the death camps. As a result of participation in the activities of the headquarters of the UN, the Minister answered

Feldman: 1991 referendum on Crimean autonomy paved the way for reunification with Russia

Chapter Republic Of Crimea Sergey Aksenov © Valery sharifulin/TASS SIMFEROPOL, January 20. /TASS/. Referendum January 20, 1991, in which the majority of inhabitants of Crimea voted for the restoration of autonomy within the Soviet Union, paved the way for the reunification of the Peninsula with Russia, says the head of the Republic Sergey Aksenov. Annually after the entry of the region into part of Russia in March 2014, the date of 20 January is celebrated as the Day of the Republic of Crimea.