Reuters: London court can cancel an arrest warrant for Assange

Reuters: London court can cancel an arrest warrant for Assange TASS, January 26. The court of the British capital on Friday will consider the possible cancellation of the warrant of arrest of the founder WikiLeaks Julian Assange, who for more than five years hiding in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for fear of detention and deportation in the United States. This was reported by Reuters. According to him, the court will hear the petitions on cancellation of Assange by the British authorities issued a warrant for his arrest in connection with violation of conditions of bail. British prosecutors did not rule out that Assange will leave the Ecuadorian Embassy in the case that the court will rule in his favor. On the question whether this development, the Prosecutor stated: “Hypothetically, Yes.” In 2012, Assange sought refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden, where a warrant

Erdogan said a possible extension of the operation in Syria to the border with Iraq

Erdogan said a possible extension of the operation in Syria to the border with Iraq ANKARA, January 26 — RIA Novosti, Alain Palazhchenko. Turkey intends to expand the area of operations in Syria to Manija and further to the border with Iraq, said the Turkish leader Tayyip Erdogan. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “We cleaned our borders from terrorists to Iraq itself. Manbij is also clear from the terrorists, as promised. Appeal to those who urged us to quickly finish the operation. If you fall on the rockets, what would you do?”— said Erdogan, speaking in Ankara in front of the heads of the regional offices of the ruling Party of justice and development. The General staff of the Turkish armed forces on 20 January announced the beginning of “operation Olive branch” against the forces of the Syrian Kurds in the Afrin. The Prime Minister of Turkey Binali Yildirim said Sunday the beginning of

Pamfilova has declared that does not see the logic in removing Gordon from the election of the President

The Chairman of the CEC of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, January 26. /TASS/. The Chairman of the CEC of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova has declared that does not see the logic in the act of the singer and human rights activist Catherine Gordon, who announced his withdrawal from the election of presidents because of the unwillingness “to participate in the show.” Gordon on Friday held a press-conference on which has declared that withdraws the candidacy, because they do not want “to be a party to farce,” and “to take part in the show.” She also said that he had collected the necessary number of voter signatures in his support, but will not submit them to the CEC.

In the CEC expect Gordon to explain why she called the election “a farce and a show”

In the CEC expect Gordon to explain why she called the election “a farce and a show” MOSCOW, January 26 — RIA Novosti. The CEC hopes that the journalist Catherine Gordon, who said that he would not participate in the elections of the President of Russia, because they do not want to participate “in the farce and a show” will come to the CEC and explain the meaning of her words, said the Minister, Ella Pamfilova at the meeting on Friday. Gordon previously said he would not participate in the presidential elections, which are scheduled for March 18. “There was such strange information in the media, where Gordon says he doesn’t want to be part of a farce and does not want to be part of the show… Strange, before that she was involved, no obstacle was that the signatures collected… If we are to participate in the show and

Gordon withdrew his candidacy from the presidential elections

Gordon withdrew his candidacy from the presidential elections MOSCOW, January 26. /TASS/. Nominated for the election of the President of Russia, singer and human rights activist Catherine Gordon announced his withdrawal. “I want to state the following: I do not want to be party to the farce. I don’t want to take part in the show. I’m not going to hand over the signatures to the CEC,” — Gordon said at a press conference in Moscow. Gordon stated that it had accomplished its task, which was to collect signatures. “We collected 105 thousand signatures,” she added. Gordon was nominated by the Party of good deeds, protection of children, women, freedom, nature, and seniors. Previously, Roman Khudyakov, put forward by party “Fair,” and the leader of the Monarchist party of Russia Anton Tanks withdrew from the election. Those involved in the campaign In the election campaign to date involved 14 candidates,

Trump has promised to protect the UK if necessary

Trump has promised to protect the UK if necessary MOSCOW, January 26 — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said that he had a very good relationship with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Theresa may, and stressed that Washington “will come to the defense” of London, if necessary. “I can tell you that I have a very good relationship with your Prime Minister … I support much of what she does and says. I support militarily very strong. We will come to your defense if something happens, though I hope nothing happens,” said trump in an interview with ITV. An excerpt of an interview that will air Sunday posted on Twitter the transmission of Good Morning Britain. In 2017 Mei gave Trump the invitation of Queen Elizabeth II to visit the United Kingdom on an official visit. After that about 2 million Britons signed a petition to

Gordon withdrew his candidacy from the presidential elections

Catherine Gordon © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, January 26. /TASS/. Nominated for the election of the President of Russia, singer and human rights activist Catherine Gordon announced his withdrawal. “I want to state the following: I do not want to be party to the farce. I don’t want to take part in the show. I’m not going to hand over the signatures to the CEC,” – Gordon said at a press conference in Moscow.

The US state Department criticized the plans to sell Russian fighter planes to Myanmar

The US state Department criticized the plans to sell Russian fighter planes to Myanmar Moscow. 26 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the Official representative of U.S. state Department’s Heather Nauert condemned the impending deal between Russia and Myanmar on the sale of su-30, reports the Associated Press. “This is a good example of what problems bring us some of the country”, — said Nauert, adding that the sale of arms to the Burmese government during the crisis with the Rohingya ethnic group in the country can only exacerbate the situation. “It would seem that this is the case when Russia would to show solidarity and provide humanitarian assistance instead of potentially exacerbate the situation by selling weapons,” said Neuert. January 22 it became known that the government of Myanmar reached an agreement with Moscow on the purchase of six multi-role su-30 and interested in buying marine and ground military equipment. “We believe

Trump could sign a decree on the preservation of the Guantanamo prison

Trump could sign a decree on the preservation of the Guantanamo prison The President of the United States, Donald trump intends to sign a decree that will allow you to save military prison at Guantanamo Bay. This writes Politico, citing a draft document. According to the publication, the decree, the us leader will sign on January 30. It is noted that the order of the trump will cancel the portion of the decree, signed by former President Barack Obama in 2009, which refers to the early closure of the prison. It is reported that trump has repeatedly stated that it does not support the idea of closing the prison. According to him, the transfer of prisoners from her is a threat to US security. According to unconfirmed reports, at the present time in Guantanamo Bay is 41 people. Camp for persons accused by U.S. authorities of terrorism and in the