The test of the missile interceptors in Hawaii failed

The test of the missile interceptors in Hawaii failed MOSCOW, 31 Jan — RIA Novosti. Test of a missile defense system Aegis in Hawaii failed, Sputnik reports, citing Pentagon sources. Anti-aircraft missile SM-3, which is equipped with the Aegis complex, are unable to intercept the object plane. The missile defense Agency confirmed this information, however, did not disclose details of the shooting. Last week, the Pentagon published a report in which it expressed confidence that the United States can protect its territory and the territory of Hawaii from a “small number” of North Korean Intercontinental missiles and medium-range missiles. In July 2017, during testing, the SM-3 was also unable to shoot down high-speed target. Then the failure was blamed on the human factor. USA has published a new video intercept Russian aircraft su-27

The Polish Senate has adopted the law banning propaganda of “Bandera ideology»

The Polish Senate has adopted the law banning propaganda of “Bandera ideology» The Polish Senate approved the introduction of criminal liability for propaganda of the ideology of Ukrainian nationalists (“Bandera ideology”) and spread the facts about the participation of poles in the Holocaust. After approval by the Upper house of Parliament, the document must be signed by the head of state. As a result of a majority vote package of amendments to the law on the Institute of national memory, the penalty of a fine or deprivation of liberty for a term up to three years threatens the use of the term “Polish death camps” and statements that can put the poles complicit in the crimes of Nazi Germany. This law has caused sharp negative reaction of the public. The US state Department had earlier warned that the adoption of this law may entail certain consequences “for the strategic interests

The Pentagon released five videos of the maneuvers of the su-27 during the interception of reconnaissance aircraft USA

The Pentagon released five videos of the maneuvers of the su-27 during the interception of reconnaissance aircraft USA The naval forces of the USA has published five more videos, which allegedly depicted “unsafe” maneuver the Russian fighter su-27 intercepts electronic warfare aircraft EP-3 Aries over the Black sea. Videos posted on YouTube on Wednesday by the press service of the 6th fleet of the US Navy, was also published an accompanying statement. During the download an error has occurred. The duration of the clips, filmed from different angles, ranging from six to 11 seconds. It reportedly shows the moment when the su-27 crossed the flight path of the EP-3, the result of which he hit the turbulence from a jet fighter. On Tuesday, the Navy had already published one video from one angle. During the download an error has occurred. “These videos demonstrate the interception of the su-27 aircraft EP-3

The Senate of Canada approved the change of the national anthem “gender neutral»

The Senate of Canada approved the change of the national anthem “gender neutral» OTTAWA, February 1. /TASS./ The upper chamber of the canadian Parliament (Senate) approved on Wednesday a bill to amend the national anthem, “O Canada,” replacing the word “sons” in the word “us”. This was reported in the official Twitter of the legislature. “The bill under the number S-210 was approved in the third reading,” — said in the message. The document envisages amendments to the English version of the hymn after the entry into force of the law in the song are replaced with the words in the line “patriotism is the lot of all thy sons” to “patriotism is the destiny of us all.” The entry into force of the law, it must now be signed by the Governor General of Canada Julie Payett. The lower house of the canadian Parliament (House of Commons) approved the

The Prime Minister of Denmark denies the influence of his ties with the business policy

The Prime Minister of Denmark denies the influence of his ties with the business policy MOSCOW, 1 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Prime Minister of Denmark Lars løkke Rasmussen said that his connection with big businessman and receiving a gift from him did not have any impact on policy, writes the Local. “Perhaps I have met many who are engaged in the fishing business … But these relations are in any case did not affect my policy or the policy of the government,” — said the Prime Minister during a parliamentary meeting on Wednesday. As previously reported by the Copenhagen Post newspaper, the former civil servant went to the police, saying that in 2014 Rasmussen, at that time held the office of member of Parliament, received an invitation from the fisheries magnate Jon-Anker Hametner Larsen to visit his country, and, according to Danish media, have accepted him as Prime Minister.

Yavlinsky has declared readiness to act as a negotiator on the situation in the South-East of Ukraine

Yavlinsky has declared readiness to act as a negotiator on the situation in the South-East of Ukraine One of the founders of the party “Yabloko” Grigory Yavlinsky has said it is ready to seriously consider a job offer on the normalization of Russia’s relations with Ukraine if such offer arrives. He said this at a meeting with journalists on “Freedom of speech and freedom of the media in Russia” in Pskov. “This is the number one issue. The normalization of relations between Russia and Ukraine is the key to any positive movement in the economy, social life, everything depends on it”, — quotes Mr. Yavlinsky “Interfax”. According to him, the meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in November, he discussed the topic of Ukraine. The politician added that if he will be asked to hold the position of negotiator on the situation in the South-East of Ukraine, he very seriously

The court has left under arrest of the dismissed mayor of Makhachkala Musayev

The Mayor Of Makhachkala, Musa Musayev © Sergei Rasulov/NewsTeam/TASS MAKHACHKALA, February 1. /TASS./ The Supreme court of Dagestan upheld the preventive measure suspended the mayor of Makhachkala, Musa Musayev, he will remain under arrest, the correspondent of TASS from the courtroom. “The court ruled that the decision of the Soviet district court of Makhachkala remain in force, in satisfaction of the appeal complaint to refuse,” said the judge.

Gatilov was appointed permanent representative of Russia to the UN Office and other organizations in Geneva

Gennady Gatilov © Dmitry Serebryakov/TASS MOSCOW, 1 Feb. /TASS./ Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree appointing Gennady Gatilov to the position of permanent representative of Russia to the UN Office and other organizations in Geneva, by another decree the head of state was released from this position of Alexei Borodavkin. Documents posted Thursday on the official Internet portal of legal information.

The state Department has warned about the consequences of adoption of law in Poland relating to the Holocaust

The state Department has warned about the consequences of adoption of law in Poland relating to the Holocaust WASHINGTON, 1 Feb. /TASS./ The United States has warned that the adoption in Poland of the act on the punishment of the charges of the poles in the Holocaust may entail consequences for relations with the United States, Israel and other countries, but also damage the strategic interests of Warsaw. This is stated in a statement on Wednesday, the statement of the head of the press service of the Department of state Heather Nauert. “The history of the Holocaust painful and difficult. We understand that phrases like “Polish death camps” is incorrect, misleading and harm”, — the document says. “However, we are concerned that this bill — if adopted — could undermine freedom of speech and scientific exchange. We all need to be careful in order not to hinder the discussion and