The head of Dagestan sacked the government of the Republic

The head of Dagestan sacked the government of the Republic MAKHACHKALA, February 5 — RIA Novosti. Acting head of Dagestan Vladimir Vasilyev dismissed the government of the Republic. “To assign temporary performance of the duties of the Chairman of the government of the Republic on Caribou Anatoly Shamsutdinovicha. To entrust the government of the Republic to continue performing its functions until the formation of the new government,” — said in the text of the decree. The decree comes into force on the day it was signed 5 Feb. On Monday in Dagestan, the FSB detained the acting Chairman of the government of Abdusamad Hamidov, acting Deputy Prime Minister Shamil Isayev, acting Deputy Prime Minister Rudina Yusufov and former education Minister Sahabas Yadav. They are on the case of embezzlement of funds allocated from the budget for social programs. All four officials were searched. Have Hamidov seized gold TT pistol, Beretta

A Russian military transport landed in Turkey

A Russian military transport landed in Turkey Russian military transport aircraft An-72 (RF-72949) noticed at the airport of Hatay to the Turkish district of Antakya, which borders the Syrian province of Idlib. It is reported by Telegram-channel 4 Directorate, is monitoring the situation in the middle East. It is noted that most of the border between the two countries on the Syrian side is controlled by the militants. The channel connects the aircraft’s arrival in this region of Turkey with the incident with the Russian su-25 that was shot down in Idlib province. The attack knocked 3 Feb. The responsibility for this was assumed by the terrorist group “Jaish al-Nasr”. Was published video of the battle the pilot of the plane with fighters. Su-25 hit by a portable anti-aircraft missile system (MANPADS). The terrorists he, according to Senator Igor Morozov could get from a warehouse in Vinnitsa region of Ukraine.

Putin signed the law on the status of volunteer organizations

Putin signed the law on the status of volunteer organizations MOSCOW, 5 Feb — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the law on the status of volunteer organizations, the relevant document published on the official Internet portal of legal information. The document equates the concept of “volunteerism” and “volunteering”, defines the status of voluntary organisations, organisers of volunteer activities and volunteers, establishes requirements that must be met by such organizations and individuals. The law defines the powers of authorities in the sphere of support and development of volunteer organizations. Provides for the approval of the regulations of interaction of Federal Executive bodies, Executive bodies of regions, local government bodies, their subordinate state and municipal institutions and other organizations with volunteer associations. The law provides that religious organizations will have to attract volunteers to participate in the organization of worship. As the authors of the law, the proposed changes will

Turkish armored personnel carriers blasted a shot from the Soviet “Bassoon»

Turkish armored personnel carriers blasted a shot from the Soviet “Bassoon» The Kurds from the people’s protection Units (YPG) destroyed APC ACV-15 Turkish armed forces in the Syrian district of Afrin. For this, they used Soviet anti-tank missile system (ATGM) “faggot”. Video was published by Telegram-channel 4 Directorate responsible for monitoring activities of terrorists. During the download an error has occurred. Turkey carries out the operation “Olive branch” against forces of the Syrian Kurds in the Afrin since January 20. Ankara considers terrorists representatives of the Kurdish party Democratic Union (PYD) and the YPG. 26 Jan Arab-Kurdish “Democratic forces of Syria” (DSS) declared the destruction of more than 300 members of the operation the Turkish army in ‘ afrīn and the deaths of 43 of their fighters. Turkey reported the deaths of three of its military and 11 Syrian fighters. “Faggot” is a Soviet-Russian portable anti-tank systems with semi-automatic command

Ryabkov: the format of the “BRICS plus” should become a platform for “integration of integrations”

Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov © Alexander Panov/TASS Cape town, 5 February. /TASS./ Russia considers the format of cooperation of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and regional organizations of developing countries are extremely convenient platform for the development of the process of “integration of integrations”. About it on taken place on Monday the opening of a meeting of Sherpas and sous-Sherpas BRICS in Cape town, said Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov.

Putin approved the write-off of Kyrgyz debt of $240 million

Putin approved the write-off of Kyrgyz debt of $240 million The President of Russia Vladimir Putin ratified the Protocol to the agreement to write off $240 million debt of Kyrgyzstan to Russia. The document published on the official portal of legal information. Previously, the debt cancellation was approved by the state Duma and the Federation Council. In June last year, President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev said that the Finance Ministers of Russia and Kyrgyzstan exchanged protocols on the write-off of all debts to Bishkek. Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin explained that the cancellation of the debt of Kyrgyzstan is aimed at the development of relations between the two countries. Who and why Russia forgives debts

Sky: the United States began a partial withdrawal of forces from Iraq after the destruction of IG

Sky: the United States began a partial withdrawal of forces from Iraq after the destruction of IG The United States began a partial withdrawal of its armed forces from Iraq after the destruction of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) in the Arab country. This was announced on Monday, Sky News Arabia, citing the official representative of the government in Baghdad. Iraqi officials confirmed the drawdown of American troops involved in the campaign led by the Washington coalition against ISIS. Previously, the Agency Associated Press (AP), citing sources claimed that the United States has entered into an agreement with the Iraqi government. It provides for the transfer of U.S. troops and weapons from Iraq to a military base in Afghanistan. According to AP, last week left the country a few dozen people. The international coalition against ISIS formed on the initiative of the USA at the NATO

In the Russian army will be recreated the governing political body

In the Russian army will be recreated the governing political body Moscow. 5 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Main military-political management that is envisioned in the Russian army, will be established on the basis of existing educational structures, have informed “Interfax” on Monday the Deputy Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation Alexander Kanshin. “An organizational-political and ideological authority it is expedient to form on the basis of the current Chief of Department on work with personnel (GURLS) of the Armed forces, the successor of the former Central Board of educational work”, — said Kenshin. The new main military-ideological control, — he said — should have a large enough authority and have strict vertical structure in the scale of the Armed forces, from company to branches of the armed forces to focus on the Ministry of defense of Russia.Alexander Consentaneously of the Public Council under

Grudinin has submitted to the CEC documents about the closing of foreign accounts

Candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation from the Communist party Pavel Grudinin © Vadim Massalimov/TASS ROSTOV-ON-DON, February 5. /TASS./ The presidential candidate from the Communist party Nikolai Grudinin submitted to the Central election Commission (CEC) information on the closure of the Swiss and Austrian accounts. He said this during a working visit to Rostov-on-don.