The CEC agreed with the Russian space Agency on cooperation in the reporting of presidential elections

Director General of the Federal space Agency Roscosmos, Igor Komarov © Donat Sorokin/TASS MOSCOW, February 14. /TASS./ The Central election Commission of Russia and the state Corporation “Rosatom” have signed on Wednesday the agreement on cooperation in the issues of informing citizens about the elections of the President of the Russian Federation.

The owners of the fighting. Diplomats clarify who was killed by us attack

The owners of the fighting. Diplomats clarify who was killed by us attack In the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor on February 7 in fighting involving American aircraft killed several Russian citizens who participated in combat operations on the territory of the Republic. The figures refer to different sources of waste differ from each other considerably. The Russian foreign Ministry “Kommersant” reported that the Ministry verifies information about the presence of the victims, including citizens of the CIS. The first information about the deaths of Russian citizens under the Deir ez-Zor appeared a few days ago, when several military sources, “Kommersant” reported that in addition to Syrian fighters near the former refinery, “al-ISBA” American aircraft fired on 7 February and Russians who fought on the side of government forces. Officially, the defense Ministry reported about 25 wounded Syrians, but Russian citizens are not mentioned. According to “Kommersant”, this is due

Russia will reform the system of secondary vocational education

Russia will reform the system of secondary vocational education The colleges will create regional centers not only for teaching school graduates, but also for retraining of adults. The Ministry of education is preparing a major reform of technical schools and colleges. The project of strategy of development of professional education in Russia is now in a high degree of readiness, have informed “news” the Deputy Minister of education and science Irina Potekhina. It is based on the creation of the colleges of the regional centres of occupational mobility, told “Izvestia” a source familiar with the contents of the document. These institutions will educate not only yesterday’s schoolboys, but also adults who are faced with lack of demand in the labour market. The draft reform of secondary vocational education (sve) was established by the results of the monitoring of the state colleges in the country. The main problem that was identified,

Vladimir Putin has held prolonged telephone talks with Poroshenko

Vladimir Putin has held prolonged telephone talks with Poroshenko On Tuesday, February 13, a telephone conversation between the presidents of Russia and Ukraine Vladimir Putin and Petro Poroshenko, the Ukrainian edition “Mirror of week” with reference to the source. The interview took place at the initiative of the Ukrainian side was long, the reason for it was the third anniversary of the conclusion of the second Minsk agreement. In the administration of the President of Ukraine (APU) confirmed the fact of negotiations. “The President of Ukraine has held a phone conversation with Russian President to enhance the liberation of the Ukrainian hostages, in particular the exchange of prisoners of guards and the liberation of the Ukrainian military in the occupied territories. They also discussed the agenda for the meeting of Ministers of foreign Affairs of the countries “Norman Quartet”, which is scheduled for 16 February in Munich. A telephone conversation

The US state Department has no objection to the “North American deadlock»

The US state Department has no objection to the “North American deadlock» WASHINGTON — RIA Novosti. The official representative of US state Department Heather Nauert said that Washington supports freedom of speech, any country, according to her may rename streets in the cities as it wants. “We heard about it, we also heard about what the Russian people think about how to do the same. This is a domestic issue. If the city decides that he wants to rename the street… we support freedom of speech, they can call it whatever you like,” said she, answering the question of what Turkey wants to rename the street, which houses the U.S. Embassy. Earlier, the head of the Duma Committee on physical culture, sport, tourism and youth Affairs Mikhail Degtyarev sent to the mayor of Moscow the letter with a proposal to name unnamed vnutrizonovye journey to the House of Narkomfin “American

In the United States said that the Syrian opposition is not able to overthrow Assad

In the United States said that the Syrian opposition is not able to overthrow Assad WASHINGTON, February 13 — RIA Novosti. Syrian opposition is unable to topple President Bashar al-Assad, but is able to maintain the conflict within the next year, the Director of national intelligence Daniel Coates. “The uprising of the Syrian opposition, which lasts for seven years, probably longer capable to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad or to eliminate the growing military gap (the government forces),” reads the report Coates, published on the website of the intelligence Committee of the U.S. Senate. “The rebels will retain the resources to maintain the conflict at least in the nearest (2018) year”, — added in the document.

The Pentagon chief said he had no information about the deaths of Russians in Syria with the coalition strikes

The Pentagon chief said he had no information about the deaths of Russians in Syria with the coalition strikes NEW YORK, February 13. /TASS./ The Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis had not received information about the death of Russians in Syria as a result of strikes led by the Washington coalition. The head of the Pentagon has declared on Tuesday to journalists accompanying him on a trip through Europe. “I have not received any evidence that among the dead were some Russian mercenaries, do not belong to the armed forces of the Russian Federation, — quotes the words of Mattis, the Associated Press (AP). — I do not have anything to report in this regard. I didn’t get your information from CENTCOM or from the Pentagon”. In the area of operational responsibility of the Central command of the US Armed forces are primarily the middle East and

CNN has posted a video of the airstrike coalition of the USA, after which killed the Russians

CNN has posted a video of the airstrike coalition of the USA, after which killed the Russians CNN released a video of air strikes the coalition led by the United States, which, according to TV channel, killing over a hundred people. Among them, as CNN reports, citing relatives and friends of the victims, there were several Russians. About the death of some “mercenaries from Russia”, which could refer to “PMC Wagner” and fight in Syria on the side of Pro-government forces, previously reported Bloomberg. Russian Agency sources claim that the strike on 7 February, killing 200 people, most of whom are Russians. During the download an error has occurred. A series of strikes by American aircraft in the province of Deir ez-Zor were struck in response to “unprovoked bombing,” the Syrian opposition, which is supported by the United States. The Russian defense Ministry insisted that the Russian military personnel in

The USA intend to leave the Syrian military contingent

The USA intend to leave the Syrian military contingent U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said the United States will retain its military presence in Syria. He said this at the Ministerial meeting of member countries of the international coalition to combat “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) in Kuwait. “The U.S. will remain due to the situation and focused on the IG’s military presence in Syria. We are also working to ensure that local forces that we are preparing, effective, accountable and respects human rights,” said Mr. Tillerson (quoted by “Interfax”). Also the foreign Minister of the United States urged all parties to focus “on defeating ISIS, a de-escalation of the situation, the solution of the Syrian conflict and protection of civilians.” Russia’s military operation in Syria lasted from September 2015. 22 December 2017, the head of the Russian Ministry of defense Sergei Shoigu reported to President Vladimir Putin

The Pentagon said that the Syrian tank destroyed “in self-defense»

The Pentagon said that the Syrian tank destroyed “in self-defense» WASHINGTON, February 13 — RIA Novosti. The coalition headed by the USA against the group “Islamic state”* (IG*, banned in Russia) destroyed tank of Pro-government forces in Syria in self-defense, said commander of the air force U.S. Central command Lieutenant General Jeffrey Harrigan. “First, Yes, it was (UAV) MQ-9. Secondly, I would like to return to the self-defense — we rely on our ground forces, which come to this decision (on defense),” said Harrigan at a briefing, answering the question of whether the coalition destroyed tank of Pro-government forces. According to him, the tank shot with the “effective distance” in the direction of the units of the “Syrian democratic forces” (SDF) and the American advisers who was there. After that it was decided to strike back. According to some media reports, the incident occurred on Saturday. The blow was struck