Putin discussed with Macron and Merkel the situation in Eastern ghouta

Putin discussed with Macron and Merkel the situation in Eastern ghouta The President of Russia Vladimir Putin during telephone conversation with the head of France Emmanuel Makron and the acting Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel discussed the suspension of the fire in Eastern ghouta, and noted that CompUSA does not apply to operations against terrorists, reported on the Kremlin website. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The sides expressed satisfaction with the “constructive joint work,” which helped to coordinate and make February 24 a resolution of the UN Security Council, in which Syria declared a humanitarian pause for 30 days. “At the same time drawn attention to the fact that the suspension of hostilities does not apply to operations against terrorist groups”, — reported in the Kremlin. Also, the leaders agreed to exchange information through various channels on the situation in Syria. Earlier it was reported that the UN security Council adopted resolutio gamepause in

Ukraine increased gas extraction from underground storage facilities

Ukraine increased gas extraction from underground storage facilities KIEV, Feb 25 — RIA Novosti. The selection of gas from underground storages (UGS) in Ukraine due to the cold snap increased by seven percent to 101 million cubic meters, said on Sunday Advisor to the Minister of energy and coal industry of Ukraine Maxim bielawski. Intense cold has come to Ukraine. According to forecasts Ukrgidromettsentra, the temperature at output in the country will fall in some places up to 21-22 degrees Celsius and Monday in some areas the night will be to 25 degrees below zero. “Ukraine due to the cold snap… has increased the selection of gas from storage on 7%, to 101 million cubic meters (this mode for the first time in the last year),” wrote bielawski on his page in Facebook. He said that the daily consumption of gas in Ukraine increased to 170 million cubic meters. Last

The defense Ministry continues the development of a supersonic drone long range

The defense Ministry continues the development of a supersonic drone long range MOSCOW, February 25. /TASS/. The defense Ministry leads the development of unmanned complex for long-range, capable of performing automatic low-altitude flight at supersonic speeds, said Deputy head of the research Department, Central research Institute of the air force, the defense Ministry of the Russian Federation Alexander Nemov. “Currently, the development of unmanned long-range complex, which is capable of performing automatic low-altitude supersonic flight, and hit both stationary and mobile targets in the operational strategic depth”, — he told on air of TV channel “Zvezda”. In July 2017 ongoing in Russia works on creation of heavy drones said Viktor Bondarev, who was then a post of the commander of the aerospace defence forces.

Zakharov: elections in Russia interested in the United States to continue their political rhetoric

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MAGADAN, 25 Feb. /TASS/. The theme of the presidential election in Russia is interesting to US because of their traditional involvement in the internal processes around the world, as well as to continue their political rhetoric. On Sunday in the program “week” on NTV, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

In the security Council of the Russian Federation has denied the rumors about the participation of the aircraft Patrushev in anti-drug operations

In the security Council of the Russian Federation has denied the rumors about the participation of the aircraft Patrushev in anti-drug operations Moscow. 25 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — IN the apparatus of the security Council of Russia has denied messages of some mass media that the plane of the Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev was involved in the operation to curb the supply of cocaine from Argentina to Europe. “This is someone’s fantasy and fake. The aircraft is not used for the carriage of diplomatic mail, diplomatic cargo,” — said “Interfax” on Sunday a source in the apparatus of the security Council of the Russian Federation. In addition, according to the interlocutor of Agency, in the publications of Western media are incorrect the date of the visit of Patrushev in Argentina. According to the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation, law enforcement agencies of Russia and Argentina conducted

For the Russian Navy will build a new aircraft carrier

For the Russian Navy will build a new aircraft carrier Moscow. 25 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — New aircraft carrier is a complex build for the Russian Navy, said the head of the Institute of shipbuilding and armaments of the military educational and scientific center of the Navy of Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation Nikolay Maksimov. “Envisages the construction of the aircraft carrier complex, which will include actual aircraft carrier, air wing and the system of location”, — he told on air of TV channel “Zvezda”. A new aircraft carrier will combine the springboard for take-off and accelerating device, said channel head of Department of forward planning of ships of the military educational and scientific center of the Navy of Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation Vladimir Pepelyaev. “If you combine the jump and overclocking the device, then we will increase opportunities off weight of the aircraft,” he said.

Source learned about the prospects of creating in Russia a new aircraft with laser weapons

Source learned about the prospects of creating in Russia a new aircraft with laser weapons Moscow. 25 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Russia will actively use the achievements gained in the creation of aircraft with laser weapons And 60, reported “Interfax” an informed source. “The development of this complex took place, all the work done will allow you to take a step forward in the development of such aircraft,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, the future of the complex will determine the defense Ministry. “Most likely, you later create a fundamentally new aircraft, but not on the basis of Il-76MD”, — said the source. “At the current stage of work is completed,” he said. In 2016, it became known that Russia is planning to create a laser system that will overwhelm with aircraft reconnaissance means even in space. The USSR had developed an experimental flying laboratory A-60, which was

Kosachev: resolution on Syria “a slap on the hands” of the US who are looking for a reason to intervene

The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, February 25. /TASS/. The resolution of the UN Security Council on the establishment of a 30-day truce in Syria will not allow the United States in case of military intervention in the conflict to refer to the will of the international community. Such opinion in conversation with the correspondent of TASS on Sunday expressed the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev.

Slutsky: support of UN security Council resolution reaffirms Russia’s commitment to de-escalation in Syria

The head of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, February 25. /TASS/. Russia’s support for the resolutions of the security Council of UN 2401 establishing a 30-day truce in Syria confirms the desire for an early settlement of the humanitarian situation and a General de-escalation. On Sunday told reporters the head of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky.