Nebesa: the US, Britain and France allow unprecedented rudeness towards Russia

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © AP Photo/Mary Altaffer The UN, on 9 April. /TASS/. USA, UK and France allow unprecedented rudeness against Russia. This was stated by the permanent representative of the Russian Federation Vasily sebenza on Monday at the UN security Council meeting on the situation in Syria and the latest case of alleged use of chemical weapons in the city Duma.

The first time was invited to a meeting “the Big seven”

The first time was invited to a meeting “the Big seven” KIEV, April 9. /TASS/. Ukraine for the first time invited to the meeting of heads of foreign Ministers of the countries “Big seven” (G7), which will be held April 22 in Toronto. On Monday the Ambassador of Ukraine to Canada, Andriy Shevchenko. “It is time for serious, strategic decisions on Ukraine, Russia and on how to expand humanity face to peace and international order. We are happy that Ukraine will be able to join this difficult but very important conversation and hope to make a valuable contribution to future joint decision,” he said in comments to “European truth”. According to the publication, the Ambassador noted that Ukraine for the first time in history will be present in full and the planned events of the G7 countries. He also stressed that Kiev is hoping for further discussion marked the meeting

The former Russian President made a joke in the spirit of the former Russian President

The former Russian President made a joke in the spirit of the former Russian President The Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting with Deputy Prime Ministers, reported on the website of the Cabinet. According to TASS, before the meeting, there was a small hitch: Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin went first to the portion of the table located to the right of the chair and the Prime Minister, however, it appeared that there it is not provided. In the end, Rogozin had to sit on the other side, between Arkady Dvorkovich and Alexander Khloponin. Medvedev looking on, joked: “have you Forgotten who is hosting? The rotation took place.” Joke of the Prime Minister reminded the users of the network phrase the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, “Not boarded”. It was delivered by Yeltsin on 5 may 1999 at a meeting of the organizing Committee for the

The source said details of a telephone conversation Putin and Erdogan

The source said details of a telephone conversation Putin and Erdogan ANKARA, April 9 — RIA Novosti, Alain Palazhchenko. The presidents of Russia and Turkey Vladimir Putin and Tayyip Erdogan discussed by phone the latest developments in Syria, stressing the need to work together to prevent the deaths of civilians, said Monday RIA Novosti source in the administration of the Turkish leader. “Today, the presidents of Turkey and Russia Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation during which he discussed bilateral ties and the latest developments in Syria. During the conversation, Erdogan expressed concern about attacks in the Syrian Duma and Eastern ghouta. Was stressed the need to work together to prevent the deaths of civilians and delivery of humanitarian assistance,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He added that both leaders expressed satisfaction with the results of the past 3-4 April in Ankara Russian-Turkish cooperation Council of the

Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and Tajikistan discussed bilateral cooperation and work in the framework of the CIS

The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov and Minister of foreign Affairs of Tajikistan sirodjidin Aslov © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, April 9. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and his counterpart from Tajikistan sirodjidin Aslov discussed at the talks in Moscow topical issues of bilateral relations, particularly military-technical and cultural-humanitarian interaction as well as work in the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Following the meeting, the sides signed a program of cooperation between the foreign ministries of the two countries in 2018. At the opening of the talks, the Russian foreign Minister said that Russia will support the chairmanship of Tajikistan in the CIS this year and intends to coordinate with other international agencies. “We will cooperate fully with the implementation of Dushanbe of functions of the Chairman of the CIS and will continue our close coordination with all other

The Russian Embassy has requested details of the interception of messages the day of the poisoning Skrobala

The Russian Embassy in London © EPA-EFE/ANDY RAIN LONDON, April 9. /TASS/. The Russian Embassy in London sent a request to the UK foreign office about giving the Russian side more detailed information about the interception of messages the day of the poisoning in the English city of Salisbury, the former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. This was the Russian diplomatic mission reported on Monday on Twitter after the publication of material on this subject in the Times newspaper. “A wonderful story about the interception. We requested confirmation and additional details from the foreign office,” reads a tweet from the Embassy.

Peskov called “a flagrant violation of everything the” new anti-Russian US sanctions

Peskov called “a flagrant violation of everything the” new anti-Russian US sanctions MOSCOW, April 9. /TASS/. The Kremlin believes the new anti-Russian US sanctions a “flagrant violation of all things”. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “It [the situation with the new anti-Russian sanctions by the U.S.] unconscionable terms and the rule of law, and from the point of view of violation of the standards of everything”, he said. The authorities, according to Peskov, will do everything possible to minimize the damage from new sanctions. “This is quite a new phenomenon [the new US sanctions], and we see the first manifestations of a negative character, — he explained. — Of course, it takes time to analyze, to understand the amount of actual damages and formulate steps at the maximum possible correction of the situation.”

Peskov called the incorrect words of three Assad

Peskov called the incorrect words of three Assad MOSCOW, 9 APR — RIA Novosti. Bashar Assad is the legitimate President of Syria, hardly insults at him is appropriate, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the message of the American leader Donald trump, in which he called Assad’s “animals.” “Assad is the legitimate President of Syria. From our point of view, of course, can scarcely be correct, the use of such offensive phrases against the legitimate President of the country,” Peskov said in response to a request to comment on trump’s statement that in his Twitter wrote that “the President (Vladimir) Putin, Russia and Iran responsible for the support of the animal Assad”. Earlier, U.S. state Department spokesman has told RIA Novosti that the United States is following the possible use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Duma, which could have been killed 40 people. Russian

Medvedev joked on the subject of the rotation of the government

Medvedev joked on the subject of the rotation of the government SLIDES, 9 APR — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev joked on the subject of the rotation of the Russian government. At the beginning of the traditional meeting in the suburban residence of the Prime Minister had a slight hitch as Vice-premiers mixed up their places at the table in his office to Medvedev. In particular, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin first tried to take his chair, but the Vice-premiers recovered quickly and took their traditional places. “Forgot who is hosting? There was a rotation,” joked Medvedev. This hitch could be caused by the fact that on Monday in a meeting with the head of the government was attended by all Vice-premiers. In particular, there was no Vitaly Mutko.

Russian defense Ministry: doctors in the city Council has denied the information about patients with chemical poisoning

© EPA-EFE/SANA EAST GHOUTA /Syria/, April 9. /TASS/. Syrian doctors in the city Council has denied the information about the alleged admission to him, patients with signs of chemical poisoning. About it journalists were reported by the Russian Centre for reconciliation of the warring parties. “The Syrian doctors from the Duma has denied the information about the alleged admission to him, patients with signs of chemical poisoning. In an interview, the doctor of city hospital of Duma Yasser Abdel-Majid told that neither the weekend nor the start of hostilities in Syria, they have not been victims of chemical poisoning,” – said in the message. Earlier, representatives of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties interviewed doctors and hospital staff of the city Duma.