As Syria accused of using chemical weapons. Dossier

As Syria accused of using chemical weapons. Dossier TASS-FILE. A number of Western States have accused the Syrian authorities of use 7 APR chemical weapons in the city of Duma in Eastern ghouta. With the statement of the fact of application of chlorine was made by a non-governmental organization “White helmets”. The Russian foreign Ministry this message called “information spreading”. Editorial from the guardian, the DOSSIER prepared material about how the government army of Syria accused of chemical attacks during the civil war in this country. 2012-2013 The first allegations of the use of chemical weapons (CW) to the government of Bashar al-Assad was launched in December 2012. Then the Syrian opposition said that in the suburbs of the city of HOMS — al-Bayda — as a result of chemical attacks by government forces killed six people. Then was announced on 18 cases of use of chemical weapons (CW) in

Mei: Russia in the UN security Council hinders the investigation of cases of use of chemical weapons in Syria

Mei: Russia in the UN security Council hinders the investigation of cases of use of chemical weapons in Syria MOSCOW, April 9. /TASS/. Prime Minister Theresa may has accused Russia that its representatives in the UN security Council has consistently interfered with the investigation of cases of alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria. Speaking in Copenhagen at a press conference with the Prime Minister of Denmark Lars løkke Rasmussen, may has promised to make efforts to change in her opinion of the situation — including the upcoming Monday an emergency meeting of the security Council. “The incident in the Duma is part of a wider and disturbing picture, rich in examples of aggression and abuse of long-established international norms against the proliferation and use of chemical weapons. In recent years, repeated the Russian veto in the UN was allowed to break these rules and eliminated the mechanisms that allow

Vladimir Putin has discussed with Angela Merkel the Ukraine and Syria

Vladimir Putin has discussed with Angela Merkel the Ukraine and Syria Vladimir Putin spoke by telephone with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. As reported in the Kremlin, the main topics were the Ukraine and Syria. In addition, was “confirmed Russia and Germany in the implementation of big mutually beneficial projects in the gas sector — the “Nord stream-2″”. The situation in the South-East of Ukraine were discussed, “given no alternative” to the Minsk agreements “as a basis for the peaceful resolution of the crisis.” They noted the importance of the observance of “Easter truce”. “Expressed readiness to further assist the work of the special OSCE mission for monitoring the situation on the contact line. Affected by problems associated with the possible establishment of the UN mission for the protection of observers of the OSCE”, — stated in the message of the Kremlin. Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel agreed to continue working

Lavrov met with the expelled diplomats

© Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, April 9. /TASS/. Russian diplomats expelled from Western countries after the incident in Salisbury, came on Monday in a historic mansion of the Russian foreign Ministry on Spiridonovka in Moscow for a meeting with the Minister of foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov. The head of the Russian foreign Ministry welcomed them home and promised that soon they will be able to return to work. Ahead of the meeting, the diplomats told journalists stories sudden departure and impressions back home. Speculation around the return of the diplomats The meeting of Lavrov with the expelled diplomats said at a briefing on Wednesday the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. She noted that around the return of Russian dipuchrezhdeny in the press there appeared much speculation, especially after the foreign Ministry invited journalists to cover their arrival in Russia. Those journalists who managed to see the departure of

Poroshenko urged to increase gas transit through Ukraine

Poroshenko urged to increase gas transit through Ukraine MOSCOW, 9 APR — RIA Novosti. President Petro Poroshenko has proposed to increase the transit of gas through Ukraine is Nord Stream 2. Earlier, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine called on the parliaments and governments of other States to take measures for the complete prohibition of the construction of the pipeline “Nord stream — 2”, the corresponding statement at the meeting of Parliament on Thursday supported 266 parliamentarians when the required minimum of 226 votes. The German government has repeatedly stated that the Nord Stream 2 economic project. In an interview with German newspaper Handelsblatt, Poroshenko said that “German politicians and companies need to carefully consider” the implementation of the project, since it, according to the Ukrainian leader, allegedly “does not have an economically sound base.” “Is the Ukrainian transit pipeline, which is much cheaper. It is easy and profitable to upgrade…

Times: British experts in Cyprus have intercepted a message the day of the poisoning Skrobala

Times: British experts in Cyprus have intercepted a message the day of the poisoning Skrobala TASS, 9 APR. Experts of the British air force based in the South of Cyprus, was intercepted by the day of the poisoning in Salisbury Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia a message sent from the suburbs of Damascus to Moscow. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий A statement contained in the article of the British newspaper The Times published on Monday. According to the publication, it included the phrase that “parcel delivered”. The letter also indicated that two individuals “checked out successfully”. When you see this message, one of the lieutenants of the air force of the Kingdom remembered one captured a day ago, which have not given due attention. Intercepted the information as stated in the material, was part of intelligence provided by allies London before from a number of countries in connection with the incident were expelled

Surkov told Russian century “geopolitical solitude”

Surkov told Russian century “geopolitical solitude” MOSCOW, 9 APR — RIA Novosti. Presidential aide Vladislav Surkov said that Russia expected from one hundred to three hundred years “geopolitical solitude,” and noted the failure of the country’s “repeated and fruitless attempts” to intermarry with Western civilization. He wrote about this in an article for the journal “Russia in global politics”. According to him, the imposition of sanctions in 2014, “concluded an epic journey of Russia” in the West, “lightly started by the False Dmitry and resolutely continued Peter the great”. At this time the Russian government “sideways as it tried to squeeze” in the West — autocrats “hard married German women”, the nobility and the bureaucracy replenished “bragagnini foreigners” and the army “victoriously, and sacrificially fought in all major wars of Europe.” Not led to the pair and the fascination of the West with the ideas of socialism, and is embodied

Nebesa: the chemical attack in Syria was fabricated, and to divert attention from the case Skrobala

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © AP Photo/Mary Altaffer UN, April 10. /TASS/. Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia believes that information about the chemical attack in the Syrian Duma have been forged, in particular in order to divert attention from the discrepancies in Skrobala. He stated this on Monday at a meeting of the Security Council of the world organization.