USA fired on Damascus Tomahawks

USA fired on Damascus Tomahawks USA fired on the Syrian capital Damascus with cruise missiles “Tomahawk”. On it informs Agency Reuters. It is unclear whether the first blow the United States air force, however, the Agency revealed that he joined the attack fighters air force of great Britain taking off from a military base in Cyprus. Right now in Damascus #Syria — Arturas Kerelis (@arturaskerelis) 14 APR 2018 According to preliminary information, have been attacked the district Barzeh, where research centers, as well as the airport of Damascus. About the consequences of the attack have not yet been reported. Third wave of US coalition bombing knocks the hell out of Military Targets in Damascus, Syria — Jacob Wohl (@JacobAWohl) 14 APR 2018 The Syrian news Agency SANA, in turn, reported about the successful interception of cruise missiles 13 in the town of Kiswa South of Damascus. “Syria’s air

In Damascus exploded the first American shells

In Damascus exploded the first American shells In Damascus exploded the first American shells. About it reports Reuters with reference to eyewitnesses. The city heard the sounds of explosions, visible smoke. The explosions took place immediately after the announcement by the US President about the beginning of military operation in Syria in response to use of chemical weapons in Eastern Huta. MORE: Images have started to emerge on social media, apparently showing a Syrian air defense systems responding to incoming strikes — RT (@RT_com) April 14, 2018 April 6, Syrian troops launched an operation to free fighters from the city Duma — the last uncontrolled forces of President Bashar al-Assad village in Eastern ghouta. Later, Reuters, citing rebels, reported that the Duma dropped a chlorine bomb, also has information about the use of nerve gas. local sources posted a video shows the #Syrian regime air defense trying to

United States, along with France and Britain launched an operation against Syria

United States, along with France and Britain launched an operation against Syria WASHINGTON, April 14. /TASS/. The United States, along with France and Britain on Friday launched a military operation against Syria. This was stated by the President of Donald trump during a speech from the White house. “I have ordered the Armed forces of the United States to inflict high-precision strikes on targets related to potential of chemical weapons by Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. Currently a joint operation with the Armed forces of France and the United Kingdom,” said he. .@POTUS addresses the nation #SyriaStrikes — Bret Baier (@BretBaier) 14 APR 2018 Speaking about the so-called chemical attack, which is attributed to Damascus, the President claimed that “this is not the act of man.” “This crime monster,” he said. According to trump, “joint American, British and French response to these atrocities [of Syria] will unite all means of

Lukashevich: U.S. strikes on Syria without sanctions of the UN security Council was an act of aggression

VIENNA, April 14. /TASS/. Missile strikes USA, UK and France against targets in Syria without a UN security Council sanctions become an act of aggression and violated international law. This was stated on Saturday, Russia’s permanent representative to the OSCE Alexander Lukashevich. “The United States, Britain and France, grossly violated the fundamental principles of international law, UN Charter and Helsinki final act, causing without the authorization of the Security Council of the missile and bomb strikes on the territory of sovereign Syria. It is an act of aggression”, – said in a statement Lukashevich, which was distributed by the permanent mission of the Russian Federation to the OSCE in his Twitter.

CNN: in the US administration made a decision on Syria

CNN: in the US administration made a decision on Syria NEW YORK, April 14. /TASS/. The President of the United States Donald trump and his aides have developed a decision regarding a possible strike on Syria, it is likely to be announced soon. This was announced on Friday by CNN. According to sources, trump will make a statement in the coming hours. The American leader is going to announce plans to carry out a military operation against the middle East countries under the pretext of the alleged incident to chemical attack. With the statement that on April 7 in the city of Duma, located in the Damascus suburb of Eastern ghouta, chemical weapons were used, by a number of non-governmental organizations, including White helmets. The Russian foreign Ministry this message is called information spreading, the defense Ministry said that the White helmets are not a reliable source of news and

The situation in Syria is not similar to the Cuban missile crisis, said Khrushchev’s son

The situation in Syria is not similar to the Cuban missile crisis, said Khrushchev’s son RIGA, 14 Jul — RIA Novosti. The son of the first Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev Sergei believes that the situation in Syria should not be compared with the Caribbean crisis of 1962. “Now is not the situation that was during the Cuban missile crisis. At the time the crisis occurred between the two great powers,” said Khrushchev, in an interview to the Latvian radio Baltkom. According to him, today the US is trying to punish Russia, but it may do harm to themselves. “Now the Americans, having vast resources, it is unable to punish Russia. However, I do not believe that it is in the interests of America. Russia is the connecting link between West and East and the emerging superpower China. Russia is advantageous to have allies. Because of the

Trump has offered to make “pay” Russia and Iran in the course of strike on Syria

Trump has offered to make “pay” Russia and Iran in the course of strike on Syria Moscow. April 14. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump insists on a much bigger blow to Syria, which would have had to “pay” Russia and Iran, according to the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, citing sources in the administration. “During the meetings with the Minister of defence James Mattis trump advocated such an attack, which not only punish the Syrian regime, but were forced to pay two of its foreign supporters, Russia and Iran,” the newspaper quoted White house spokesman. According to sources, “trump calls his military advisers to agree to a broader attack on Syria than the one that they consider reasonable”. “Trump dissatisfied with the more limited options that he still offered”, — the newspaper notes.