The Syrian President arrived at his residence in Damascus

The Syrian President arrived at his residence in Damascus TASS, April 14. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad arrived on Saturday in his residence in Damascus. This was announced by the office of the head of state, posted a Twitter video, as Assad comes to the presidential Palace on the mountain Kasyun. The video, lasting a few seconds, called “a Morning of resistance”. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий Previously, as reported by a TV channel of Brazil, was held in the capital a few blocks public demonstrations in support of the government. The participants were carrying Syrian, Russian and Iranian flags. صباح الصمود.. رئاسة الجمهورية العربية السورية — Syrian Presidency (@Presidency_Sy) 14 APR 2018 In the night of Saturday, the United States together with Britain and France launched missile strikes on Syria. The US President Donald trump, declaring in a speech to the nation about the given them the order to attack targets in Syria,

When the Western coalition strike on Syria suffered three people

When the Western coalition strike on Syria suffered three people MOSCOW, 14 APR — RIA Novosti. British, American and French planes attacked about 110 missiles at targets in Syria on Saturday, injuring three people, said the General staff of the Syrian armed forces. “The United States, Britain and France carried out the tripartite aggression around 3.55 PM local time, with nearly 110 missiles at targets in Damascus and out of the city”, — reported in the statement of the General staff. “Syria’s air defense systems high-performance knocked most of the missiles, some were in one and buildings, where there is an educational center and science lab. The only material damage”, — said in a statement. According to him, the rate of rockets aimed at a military base near HOMS, has changed. “As a result, one of them exploded, injuring three civilians,” the statement reads. The attack on the United States,

Estimated quantity released for Syria Tomahawk

Estimated quantity released for Syria Tomahawk The armed forces of the United States, Britain and France released on Syria more than 100 cruise missiles and rockets of class “air-ground”. This was stated in the Russian defense Ministry. The defense Ministry added that a significant part of the rockets were shot down on approach to the targets. At the same time to repel the attack was used by the Syrian air defense systems s-125, s-200, Buk and “Square”, produced in the Soviet Union. The defense Ministry claims that strikes on two U.S. Navy ships from the red sea, tactical aircraft over the Mediterranean sea, as well as American strategic bombers B-1B from the area of al-TANF. According to open sources, the cost of a “Tomahawk” is about $ 1.5 million. Earlier it was reported that the RAID was subjected to both military and civilian targets. On 14 April President of the

Named the first targets of U.S. strikes on Syria

Named the first targets of U.S. strikes on Syria WASHINGTON, April 14 — RIA Novosti. The first U.S. strike in Syria was aimed at the research center, the second at the warehouse of chemical weapons, where, according to the United States, stored sarin, told journalists the Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the United States Joseph Dunford. Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump made an appeal to the nation in which he announced the strikes on Syria. Later, the attacks confirmed the Prime Minister Theresa may and the Elysee Palace. “The goals that we hit and destroyed, have been associated with the chemical weapons program of the Syrian regime,” said the American General, calling the three goals of perfect bumps. “The first goal is scientific research centre located near Damascus, a military facility, which the Syrian authorities are researched, tested and produced the technology of chemical and biological weapons,”

The Elysee Palace published a video with the aircraft, causing a strike on Syria

The Elysee Palace published a video with the aircraft, causing a strike on Syria PARIS, April 14 — RIA Novosti, Victoria Ivanova. The administration of the President of France Emmanuel Makron — Elysee Palace — posted on his official account Twitter video the departure of aircraft for strikes on Syria at night on Saturday. “Take off that night of the French armed forces, which intervened against illegal chemical Arsenal of the Syrian regime,” — said in the recording. Décollage, cette nuit, des forces armées françaises qui interviennent contre l’arsenal chimique clandestin du régime syrien. Déclaration du Président de la République @EmmanuelMacron : — Élysée (@Elysee) 14 APR 2018 It is accompanied by a video in which several fighter planes, they rule on the runway, and then one of them leaves the ground and takes off. A video made in night time, therefore, to determine the base planes flew,

Damascus has called the strike on Syria a flagrant violation of international laws

Damascus has called the strike on Syria a flagrant violation of international laws Moscow. April 14. INTERFAX.RU — Taken by the United States, Britain and France missile strikes on Syria constitute a flagrant violation of international laws, said the Syrian news Agency SANA. “The tripartite aggression is a flagrant violation of international laws,” it says. As reported by Syrian state TV, the Western media greatly exaggerate the results plotted in the Syria strikes. It led an appeal of the Ministry of information of the country, which in this regard, urged citizens “not to pay attention to any media reports”. The Syrian authorities claim that the US, UK and France produced in their country about 30 rockets, reported on Saturday by the Western media, citing unnamed representatives of Damascus. According to authorities, a third of these missiles managed to shoot down. Currently, assessment of damage caused by fire. The Syrian army

Fired at the missiles to Syria was not included in the zone of responsibility of Russian air defense

Fired at the missiles to Syria was not included in the zone of responsibility of Russian air defense MOSCOW, 14 APR — RIA Novosti. The defense Ministry announced that none of the released of the US and its allies of cruise missiles in the area of responsibility of the units of the Russian air defense, covering objects in Tartus and Mamimi, not included. According to the Agency, 14 April at 3.42 p.m.-5.10 MSK planes and ships of the U.S. armed forces, in conjunction with the Royal air force and France was caused a missile strike against targets of military and civilian infrastructure in the Syrian Arab Republic.

Putin in conversation with Erdogan has called the US action a gross violation of the UN Charter

© Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin during a telephone conversation with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan stressed that the actions of the US and its allies in Syria violate the UN Charter and principles of international law. As reports on Saturday a press-service of the Kremlin, the leaders of the two countries consider it necessary to intensify bilateral cooperation to promote the process of political settlement in Syria.

Expert: the rejection of the Russian draft UN security Council resolution on Syria was expected

MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. The rejection by the UN Security Council of the Russian draft resolution on Syria was expected, since three permanent members of the UN security Council – the US, Britain and France – have veto power and are able to put pressure on its allies. This opinion was expressed by TASS on Saturday, the head of the Centre for public relations and mass media of the Russian Institute for strategic studies (RISS) Igor Pshenichnikov.

Zakharov: strike on Syria inflicted at a time when the country has a chance for a peaceful future

Zakharov: strike on Syria inflicted at a time when the country has a chance for a peaceful future MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. The US and its allies attacked Syria in a time when the country has a chance for a peaceful future. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on his page in Facebook. “For all these are those who claim to moral leadership in this world, expresses its uniqueness, she said. — You have to be truly exceptional to at a time when Syria got a chance for a peaceful future, shelling its capital”. The diplomat also said about the responsibility of Western media for struck. “The white house said that confidence in the chemical attack of Damascus based on “media reports about the symptoms, videos and photos, as well as on credible information,” said Zakharov. “After this statement the American and other