Russia’s envoy to the UN said about the ability of the USA to stop the conflict in Syria in 24 hours

Russia’s envoy to the UN said about the ability of the USA to stop the conflict in Syria in 24 hours Moscow. April 14. INTERFAX.RU — the United States and its allies could during the day to stop the conflict in Syria, said Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий “You could have 24 hours to stop the conflict in Syria. For that Washington, London and Paris it is only necessary to give the team its hand to terrorists to stop fighting with the legitimate authority of the people”, — he said at an emergency UN security Council meeting on Saturday. Night attack of USA and their allies in Syria, he called aggression and bullying. “Mask, or rather, the white paint once again reset. We’ve used that in the implementation of its questionable geopolitical attitudes of the aggressor countries obviously all sins accuse the Assad regime. Recently there

Peter Tolstoy proposed to replace the medicines from USA hawthorn and oak bark

Peter Tolstoy proposed to replace the medicines from USA hawthorn and oak bark MOSCOW, 14 APR — RIA Novosti. Vice-speaker of the state Duma Peter Tolstoy during the broadcast of the program “60 minutes” on the channel “Russia 1” was offered instead of American medication drinking hawthorn and steep the oak bark in the case of response to anti-Russian sanctions. During the discussion, Boris Nadezhdin said that the possible response of Russia has been a problem for American business, and for Russian citizens. He added that now he drinks the medicines produced in the country, “the opponent”. “Spit out. The oak bark brew” — ironically advised him Fat. Nadezhdin said that in Soviet times, when he was diagnosed with hypertension, he was prescribed the hawthorn. “Well, Yes, the hawthorn,” he agreed with a recipe of the Vice-speaker of the state Duma. After that, he asked the opponent what drugs he

Russia is ready to develop cooperation with the Arab League to resolve the situation in Syria and Iraq

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, April 15. /TASS/. Russia is ready to develop cooperation with the League of Arab States (LAS) in order to ensure regional security, together they can strengthen the political settlement and reconstruction in Syria and Iraq. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Russia is ready to develop cooperation with the Arab League in order to ensure regional security. I hope that in the conditions prevailing after the defeat of the main forces of ISIS (the former name of the banned terrorist group “Islamic state” – approx. TASS) in Syria and Iraq, together we can promote the political settlement process and post-conflict reconstruction in these countries, the solution of urgent humanitarian task,” – said in greeting the head of state the meeting of the Arab League, posted Sunday on the Kremlin website.

Kislyak: USA attacked Syria in an attempt to maintain leadership in the world

The first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs, former Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, April 15. /TASS/. USA launched a missile attack on several facilities in Syria in an attempt to regain its leading position in the international arena, said the first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs, former Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak. This opinion he expressed on Sunday in interview to TV channel “Russia 24”.

Zheleznyak said that Assad highly assessed the Soviet weapons after the attack on Syria

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad © Syrian Presidency Facebook page via AP DAMASCUS, April 15. /TASS/. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad highly assessed the Soviet weapons that were involved in repelling a missile attack, US, UK and France on Syria. This was announced on Sunday, the Deputy of the state Duma, Deputy Secretary of General Council of “United Russia” Sergei Zheleznyak following the meeting of Russian parliamentarians with Assad. “From the point of view of the President it was a aggression, and we share this position. He praised the Russian arms, which showed the superiority of the weapons of the aggressors”, – said after the meeting Zheleznyak.

Lavrov: independent examination at Salisbury found traces of chemical weapons, NATO

Lavrov: independent examination at Salisbury found traces of chemical weapons, NATO MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. Independent examination of the substance of the incident of Salisbury found traces of chemical weapons, were armed, US, UK and NATO countries. This was stated on Saturday, Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking at the Assembly of the Council on foreign and defense policy. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “This laboratory, which, I believe, are professional and value their reputation as scholars have come to the following results — I’m going to literally quote: according to the results of the examination of samples found traces of a toxic chemical BZ and its precursors related to chemical weapons of the second category in accordance with the Convention for the prohibition of chemical weapons,” Lavrov said. “This recipe was adopted by the USA, UK and other NATO countries, continued to quote the report of the Minister. — In the Soviet Union

US and allies launched a missile strike on Syria. Generalization

US and allies launched a missile strike on Syria. Generalization Moscow. April 14. INTERFAX.RU IN the night of Saturday, April 14, the President of the United States Donald trump announced the beginning of operations against Syria in response to alleged chemical attack by the regime of President Bashar al-Assad in the suburbs of Damascus last week. American forces joined Britain and France. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий “I ordered US armed forces to inflict high-precision strikes on targets related to potential of chemical weapons by Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. A joint operation with the connection of the armed forces of France and great Britain began,” said trump in the official video. Speaking of allies, trump said: “I Hope someday we can work together with Russia and perhaps even with Iran, but perhaps not. I will say this: the US has to offer”. The US President said that American military under any circumstance do not

France has declassified a report on the possible use of chemical weapons in the Duma

France has declassified a report on the possible use of chemical weapons in the Duma The French defense Ministry published a declassified report on the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government in the Duma. The document is published on the Agency’s website. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий “The document consists of the technical analysis of information from open-source and declassified information obtained by the French services”, — stated in the message. According to the report, France considers it proven that the Syrian government used chemical weapons. The report consists of eight pages, one of them is fully occupied with photos of victims himataki, and the other placed the map of hostilities. “The symptoms in the photos characterize the attack using chemical weapons, in particular, suffocating substances and organic compounds or hydrogen cyanide,” — noted the authors of the document. The President of the United States Donald trump gave the order to put

When the Western coalition strike on Syria, no one died

When the Western coalition strike on Syria, no one died Moscow. April 14. INTERFAX.RU — the us-led coalition Strike on Syria, according to preliminary information, did not lead to casualties, but this information will be checked on, said the chief of the main operations Directorate of the General staff of Russia Sergey rudskoy at a briefing on Saturday. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий “Missile and air strike targeted Syrian military airfields, industrial and research facilities. According to preliminary data, victims among the civilian population and soldiers of the Syrian army is not. Information will be updated and reported to the public,” he said. In the Russian General staff also said that the Russian military assessment of the situation in Syria after a U.S. strike as calm. “Currently the situation in Damascus and other localities in Syria, the us is estimated as calm,” said rudskoy. “We are closely monitoring the situation”, — said the head

Russia will convene an emergency meeting of the UN security Council for air strikes on Syria

Russia will convene an emergency meeting of the UN security Council for air strikes on Syria Moscow. April 14. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday made a statement in connection with the missile strike on Syria Western coalition, said that Moscow calls emergency meeting of the UN security Council. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий “The current escalation of situation around Syria is having a devastating impact on the whole system of international relations. History will put everything in its place, and she was laid on Washington a heavy responsibility for a bloody massacre of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya,” — said in a statement released by the press service of the Kremlin. “Russia convenes emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss the aggressive actions of the US and its allies,” — said the President of the Russian Federation. “Russia very seriously condemns the attack on Syria, where the Russian military help to