Nabiullina income for the year rose by a quarter

Nabiullina income for the year rose by a quarter MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The declared income of the head of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina in 2017 rose by a quarter to 33.8 million rubles, should be published on the website of the Moscow city Duma Declaration of her husband Yaroslav Kuzminov. In property Nabiullina left Jaguar S-Type share the apartment with an area of 70.6 square meters and a separate apartment with an area of 112.2 square meters. He Kuzminov during the reporting period dropped to 29.9 million rubles of income against 29,66 million last year. In addition, he still owns a plot of land of almost 1.5 thousand square meters, a dacha (326,1 sq. m) and the proportion of the apartment with an area of 70.6 square meters. His car had not. Read also: top-earning officials and parliamentarians — 2018

In Moscow questioned the medical reasons of an artificial coma Skrobala

In Moscow questioned the medical reasons of an artificial coma Skrobala Moscow. 18 APR. INTERFAX.RU — IN Moscow believes that Sergey and Yulia Skrobala would intentionally enter into an artificial coma in order that the Russian experts could not access them. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий This assumption is contained in the document submitted by the Russian delegation to the extraordinary session of Ispolnitelnogo Council of the OPCW. The text of the document in English is available at the disposal of “Interfax”. “The UK authorities without conducting any investigation beforehand accused Russia. To Russian specialists could not gain access to Sergei and Yulia Scriply, British medics, we understand, introduced father and daughter Skrobala in an artificial coma, has made possible the collection of biochemical samples and manipulation of their health status without consultation with them”, — the document says. Former GRU officer and British agent, Sergei Skripal and his 33-year-old daughter Julia, according to

The British regulator has started investigations against seven RT

The British regulator has started investigations against seven RT UK media regulator Ofcom announced the launch of seven for investigation of the TV channel RT. “Ofcom has opened seven new investigations in compliance with due impartiality in news and documentary programmes on the TV channel RT,” — said in the message. Ofcom notes that after the incident with the poisoning Skrobala English in Salisbury, the regulator found a significant increase in the number of programs, services RT, serving as the basis for investigation of possible violations of the Charter, Ofcom. Previously Ofcom has promised to check RT for compliance with the British standard for television if London will establish the involvement of Moscow in the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. Later the Prime Minister of great Britain Teresa may in the course of his speech, devoted to the cause of the poisoning Skrobala said that

The representative of the Ministry of industry and trade showed journalists a us patent for a “Newbie”

Head of the Center for analytical research on the conventions banning chemical and biological weapons Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation Victor Canvases © TASS/ Grigory Sysoyev The HAGUE, April 18. /TASS/. Head of the Center for analytical research on the conventions banning chemical and biological weapons Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation Victor Canvases showed to journalists Wednesday at a press conference on the results of a special meeting of the Executive Council of the organization for the incident at the Salisbury American patent for the invention of a special bullet that can be equipped with different toxic substances, including nerve substance like “Beginner”. “That’s actually the patent, which in 2015 was registered in the United States, he said, demonstrating on camera this document. – It provides the bullet, offer different toxic chemicals, including “Beginner”, which is in the description. In fact, what

Zakharov commented on the story with the boy from the Syrian Duma

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, April 18. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova believes that Syria played a bloody spectacle. About it she wrote Wednesday on his page in Facebook, commenting on the story about the boy from the Syrian Council. “Oh, my God, when will end this bloody spectacle, which involves the States and their “coalition” fighters and the “White helmets,” wrote Zakharov.

Russia’s envoy to the UN demanded an explanation on the British claims in the case Skripal

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © AP Photo/Julie Jacobson UN, April 18. /TASS/. Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia on Wednesday at a meeting of the UN Security Council, convened at the request of the United Kingdom in connection with the so-called case Skripal, demanded clarification on the statements distributed by the British side.

In Yerevan, the police arrested 66 protesters

In Yerevan, the police arrested 66 protesters YEREVAN, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Police arrested on Wednesday 66 people who blocked streets in the capital of Armenia in the course of protests against the elected Prime Minister of ex-President Serzh Sargsyan, told RIA Novosti the head of Analytics, information and media relations of police Edgar janoian. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “In a police Department on Wednesday was delivered of 66 citizens,” said janoian. The leader of the protest, MP Nikol Pashinyan urged the police to release his detained supporters. “We urge the police to release our supporters. We salute their resilience and courage,” said Pashinyan during the procession. He also called for the release of two detainees in the case of penetration to the building of the Public radio April 14. Shares against the election of the Prime Minister of Armenia former President Sargsyan began April 13. The opposition accuses Sargsyan to ineffective

Chaika criticized the Roskomnadzor for failing to block malicious sites

Chaika criticized the Roskomnadzor for failing to block malicious sites Moscow. 18 APR. INTERFAX.RU. Roskomnadzor has failed to take adequate measures to protect children from harmful content, blocking sites that may tempt Teens to suicide, said Prosecutor General Yury Chaika. “Unfortunately, we have to admit that Rospotrebnadzor, Roskomnadzor has not taken any appropriate measures rapid detection of negative information and is blocked,” — said Chaika, speaking with the report in the Federation Council on Wednesday. According to him, the Prosecutor General, the Minister of communications proposed to develop additional mechanisms for the protection of minors from harmful content on the Internet. On the claims of prosecutors were denied access to sites that promote drug use, violence and other illegal actions. Tagansky court of Moscow on 13 April adopted a decision on blocking of Telegram messenger in Russia. April 16, Roskomnadzor sent to the operators information about restricting access to “Telegram”.

The state Department notified the Russian Embassy in Washington that new sanctions until

The state Department notified the Russian Embassy in Washington that new sanctions until A Kommersant source in the Russian foreign Ministry confirmed the information previously published in The Washington Post that new sanctions from the United States is not to be expected. “The state Department really had notified the Russian Embassy in Washington that new sanctions yet will not” — said the source in the foreign Ministry. We will remind, on Monday, the Washington Post wrote that the President of the United States Donald trump was unhappy because of the announcement of the next restriction, because it has not made a decision about their introduction. A source in Washington said that the President will not go to the new sanctions “without another provocative step on the part of Russia”. The announcement of the new sanctions really took place: he was made U.S. Ambassador to Russia John huntsman, sent to the