In the U.S. Congress do not rule out new air strikes on Syria

In the U.S. Congress do not rule out new air strikes on Syria WASHINGTON, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The United States can inflict on Syria a new blow in case of repetition of incidents with chemical weapons, said the Chairman of the foreign Affairs Committee of the U.S. house of representatives ed Royce. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий Speaking at a hearing of the Committee, Royce recalled that the recent U.S. strike was “legitimate and justified” because, according to him, was done in response to the “barbaric attack” of the authorities using chemical weapons. “I hope that (President Bashar) Assad understood the signal. If not, it may be new (strikes),” said Royce. The US, Britain and France on the morning of 14 April, launched missile strikes on Syrian government facilities that, in their opinion, are used to produce chemical weapons. Syrian authorities have repeatedly stated that the entire chemical Arsenal was removed from

The defense Ministry denied the information of the SSU on the transfer of men PMC “Wagner” in Syria

The defense Ministry denied the information of the SSU on the transfer of men PMC “Wagner” in Syria MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Russian defense Ministry denied the allegations of the security Service of Ukraine about the alleged transfer of the cruiser “Varyag” in Syria “militants” private military company “Wagner” with arms and ammunition. The Ministry said that the security service has published “another broken pseudopregnant detained a Russian citizen about the alleged transfer of the cruiser “Varyag” from Vladivostok to Syria “militants PMC “Wagner” with heavy weapons and ammunition.” “Semi-literate leadership of the Ukrainian security services, before you write fiction, you should consult with the high command of the Navy of Ukraine or Western curators. The flagship of the Pacific fleet guards missile cruiser “Varyag” never went to the Syrian Tartous. For the approach and mooring of warships such displacement in item logistics Tartus is simply no

Early presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey will be held June 24

Early presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey will be held June 24 ANKARA, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti, Alain Palazhchenko. Early presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey will be held on 24 June 2018, said on Wednesday the country’s President Tayyip Erdogan following the meeting with the head of the opposition nationalist national movement Party (MHP), Devlet Bahceli. “Bahceli yesterday in Parliament proposed to postpone the election at an early date. We discussed the proposal. We agreed on the need for early elections. This decision is made, the election is scheduled for June 24, 2018. The Supreme electoral Commission will immediately begin their training,” said Erdogan to the journalists. He argued in favor of early elections by the need for a speedy transition to a presidential system. On Tuesday, Bahceli, speaking at a meeting of the parliamentary faction of the MDP, said that because the presidential system is not well

Iran’s Supreme leader stopped to use Telegram

Iran’s Supreme leader stopped to use Telegram TEHRAN, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Iran’s Supreme leader Ali Khamenei and the first Vice President of Iran eshaq Jahangiri abandoned the use of the messenger Telegram, reported on their official Telegram channels. “To protect national interests and eliminate monopoly Telegram, informportal the office of the messenger Telegram, which is responsible for storing publications, Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, from that moment ceased its activity”, — stated in the message on the Telegram-channel Khamenei. It is noted that this step is aimed at the rejection of “monopoly Telegram” and the support of the Iranian messengers. The report also says that the initiative was adopted before came into force the state program of Iran on the prohibition of the use Telegram messenger official institutions of the country. Next, the report deals with three bands of messengers, including Messenger Soroush Gap and iGap, which will now include

The Syrian army showed the defense systems of the Russian production

The Syrian army showed the defense systems of the Russian production MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of defense of Syria showed the video of the latest air defense systems, the armament of the army. The video was published on YouTube channel of the office. During the download an error has occurred. Among other weapons were demonstrated to the Russian launcher module “Sagittarius”. It is designed for launching missiles “Igla” or “Igla-s” from the media of land, air and sea-based. In addition, the video shows missile and gun complex “Pantsir-s” anti-aircraft missile complex “Buk-M2E” and other samples of air defense systems. Last week the US, UK and France have launched missile attacks on Syrian government facilities that, in their opinion, are used to produce chemical weapons. It was released more than a hundred missiles, the Syrian military shot down most of them. HelpWhat is known about the military

Adviser to trump apologized to Haley for the words about the confusion around the new sanctions

Adviser to trump apologized to Haley for the words about the confusion around the new sanctions Moscow. 18 APR. INTERFAX.RU. The head of the National economic Council at the White house Larry Kudlow apologized to the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley for saying that she is confused, because they mistakenly announced the readiness of the us administration to impose new sanctions against Russia. The AP reported Wednesday, citing a source in the White house that Kudlow called Haley the day before, to bring her apologies. According to us media reports, the head of the National economic Council of the United States stated that he was “completely wrong” and that Haley “is not confused.” “The plans (of the US administration on possible new sanctions — if) changed, and she was not informed of,” explained, Kudlow in conversation with the correspondent of the TV channel CNN. On Sunday, Haley

Trump said that the dismissal of the former Director of the FBI was not associated with the “business Russia”

Trump said that the dismissal of the former Director of the FBI was not associated with the “business Russia” MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said that he had fired the former Director of the FBI James Komi does not have investigating the “interference” of Russia in American elections. Komi, dismissed trump’s scandal in may 2017, many times refused in the past to say there is an investigation against trump or not, while trump has publicly referred to the words of Komi that such an investigation was not. Komi from the silence most of the media, particularly critical in relation to trump, drew the conclusion that the U.S. President was under investigation for “conspiracy with Russia” in the elections. Ex-FBI Director later in his book admitted that assured trump in the absence of an investigation against him. “Slippery, James Comey, the worst FBI Director in

Shulgin: London cannot provide real evidence for its version of the case Skripal

Russia’s permanent representative at the OPCW Alexander Shulgin © REUTERS/Michael Kooren The HAGUE, April 18. /TASS/. The UK will not be able to provide any real evidence supporting his version of what happened in Salisbury. This was stated by Russia’s permanent representative to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) Alexander Shulgin in his speech at the extraordinary session of the OPCW Executive Council.

Source: from fighters in Syria, a possible new provocation from artisanal “chemistry”

© EPA-EFE/Mohammed Badra MOSCOW, April 19. /TASS/. New provocations from artisanal “chemistry” is possible in Syria to justify a planned attack on government forces in the South of the country, which will involve more than 12 thousand fighters from different factions under the leadership of “al-Nusra Dzhebhat” (banned in Russia). This was announced on Thursday the military-diplomatic source. According to him, for an attack on the troops of Syrian cities, Deraa and al-Baath only “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra” and the “Free Syrian army” has prepared more than 12 thousand fighters, as well as hundreds of pieces of equipment. The occasion will serve as the accusations of the government troops in alleged violations of the cease-fire.

Nebesa compared the debate in the UN security Council in the case Skrobala with “Alice in Wonderland”

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews UN 19 APR. /TASS/. Russia is not heard at a meeting of the UN Security Council from the British side, “nothing new” on the incident in Salisbury, and performances by Western diplomats on this subject reminiscent of the book of Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland”. This was stated on Wednesday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia at the security Council meeting, convened at the initiative of great Britain.