In the United States fear Russia’s reaction to the passage of missiles over its territory

In the United States fear Russia’s reaction to the passage of missiles over its territory MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Washington fears Russia’s reaction to the passage of missiles over its territory in case of realization of the concept of “instant global strike”, reports RT with reference to the report of the research center of the U.S. Congress. The system assumes that Washington should be able to hit any target on the planet within the hour. In accordance with the document, this concept can enhance the efforts of the United States to “deter and victory over opponents”, allowing you to attack the most important targets in any time of conflict. It is noted that in case of any American military non-nuclear attack by a possible enemy missiles can fly over the territories of Russia or China. USA, in turn, is concerned that in such a situation, Moscow and Beijing

In the center of Yerevan police detain dozens of opposition members

In the center of Yerevan police detain dozens of opposition members As the correspondent of TASS, one of the activists climbed under a police “GAZelle” to prevent the departure of the car of detainees. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Yerevan, April 19. /TASS/. Additional forces of police are pulled together to the centre of Yerevan, where the protest action of the opposition. Continued detention of protesters. As the correspondent of TASS, the protesters tried to block a third government building. To the place of events there arrived the Deputy chief of police General Samvel Hovhannisyan. “I urge journalists not to interfere with our work, and to mingle with the crowd. The police carries out special actions”, — he said. One of the opposition activists climbed under a police “GAZelle” to prevent the departure of the car of detainees. To free travel, the police dragged the demonstrators, taking them by the arms and legs.

Source: Syria gave Russia two unexploded in the course of a US strike cruise missiles

Source: Syria gave Russia two unexploded in the course of a US strike cruise missiles DAMASCUS, April 19. /TASS/. Two desdemonamelia during the US attack on 14 April cruise missiles, the Syrian military found in good condition, 18 APR flown to Russia. This was reported by TASS on Thursday, a source in the Syrian defense Ministry. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий “Two cruise missiles and an unexploded missile during the U.S. attack on Syria on the night of April 14, was discovered by the Syrian military. Both missiles are in a good condition the day before yesterday [April 17] was delivered by the Russian military”, — said the Agency interlocutor. As the source said, according to him, “these missiles yesterday [18 April] was sent by plane to Russia.” TASS has no official confirmation of the Russian side provided by the information source. The US President Donald trump on April 11 in his microblog on

Trump spoke about the “very tough battle” between the Americans and the Russians in Syria

Trump spoke about the “very tough battle” between the Americans and the Russians in Syria The US President Donald trump said during a joint press conference with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of “a very hard fight American and Russian forces,” which occurred in Syria about a month ago. The live broadcast of the press conference on 18 April led channel CBS. “We had a very, very tough fight recently, a month ago, in Syria, between our troops and the Russian military,” — said trump. He called the event “sad” and reiterated that during the conflict “many people died”. “No one refers to Russia tougher than Donald trump,” said the President during a press conference. He recalled that last week the troops of the United States, Britain and France attacked military targets in Syria because of attacks using chemical weapons in Eastern Huta. 12 APR candidate for the position of head

“Uralvagonzavod” revealed the true power of “Terminator”

“Uralvagonzavod” revealed the true power of “Terminator” Combat vehicle support tanks (BMPT) “Terminator” will be replaced on the battlefield six “ordinary” infantry fighting vehicles and 40 infantry, was reported by Janes the source of the “Uralvagonzavod”. 23фотографии23фотографии23фотографии “On the battlefield BMPT equivalent to six combat vehicles and 40 soldiers. The machine can hit all types of targets including small vessels and low-flying helicopters,” — said the source publication. International debut of “Terminator” was held at the International exhibition of land, naval, weapons and means to ensure the security of the state Defexpo India-2018. In a set of weapons BMPT has two rapid-firing 30-millimeter cannon, machine gun, two automatic grenade launchers and four anti-tank guided in the laser missiles “Attack-T”. The range of weapons BMPT fire creates a high density and capable of attacking up to four targets simultaneously. The Russian defense Ministry has purchased an undisclosed number of armored personnel

The authorities of the Crimea: pressure on participants AMAF Ukraine makes advertising forum

© Peter Kovalev/host photo Agency TASS YALTA, April 19. /TASS/. The Ukrainian authorities, putting pressure on the foreign participants of the Yalta international economic forum (AMEF), only the advertisement, said Vice-Premier of the Crimean government – Minister of internal policy, information and communications Dmitry Polonsky. Earlier Vice-Premier of the Crimean government, the permanent representative of Crimea under the Russian President Georgi Muradov said about pressure from the Ukrainian side and the EU on foreign politicians and businessmen invited to AMAP.

Bloomberg: Putin wants to give Trump a chance to improve relations between Russia and the United States

Bloomberg: Putin wants to give Trump a chance to improve relations between Russia and the United States Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to reduce tensions with the United States and give the American President Donald Trump another chance to fulfil promise to improve relations and to avoid escalation. It is reported Bloomberg, citing four people familiar with the situation. According to interlocutors of Agency, the Kremlin instructed to reduce anti-American rhetoric, and in this respect to linger with the adoption of the bill on retaliatory sanctions against the United States. “Putin understands that Russia can not compete with the West in the economic sphere, and does not want to start a war,” said Agency President of the Center for political technologies Igor Bunin. We will remind, on April 6, the United States imposed sanctions against 38 Russian companies, officials and businessmen in response to “a variety of malicious activities of

The state Department said that “Russian mercenaries” allegedly attacked U.S. forces in Syria

The state Department said that “Russian mercenaries” allegedly attacked U.S. forces in Syria WASHINGTON, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Assistant Secretary of state Uess Mitchell claims that “Russian mercenaries” allegedly tried to attack the position of the American military in Syria. “They (Russia — ed.) reckless intervention in Syria and support for the regime (Syrian President Bashar) al-Assad increased the risk of confrontation with the West. The failed attack on the American forces of the Russian mercenaries in Syria recently was one of the sobering examples of this behavior,” — said in a written statement of Mitchell before the international Committee of the U.S. house of representatives. He noted that the conflict in Syria can only be resolved during the Geneva talks under the UN auspices. “We insist that Russia has been a constructive participant in this process and brought Assad to the negotiating table. So far, Russia has ignored