The Prime Minister of Armenia expressed readiness to leave his post

The Prime Minister of Armenia expressed readiness to leave his post Serzh Sargsyan stressed that it may take this step after solving the most important problems in the country, including Karabakh. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Moscow. April 21. INTERFAX.RU Prime Minister of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan declares that its accession to office of Prime Minister due to the complex geopolitical situation in the region, the press service of the government. “I join the Prime Minister was due to one simple fact. In this region of complex geopolitics in the period full of new challenges, we must ensure the safe development of the country and continue efforts for a decent settlement of the Karabakh conflict,” said Sargsyan, responding to an open letter from a group of graduates of “Luys”Foundation. “In my view, these problems can be solved. After that the helm can get other figures. In this great cause we will rely on the capacity

The foreign Ministry commented on the lawsuit of the democratic party of the USA against Russia

The foreign Ministry commented on the lawsuit of the democratic party of the USA against Russia MOSCOW, 21 APR — RIA Novosti. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova called the lawsuit of the Democratic party of the United States, in which there were accusations against Russia, an attempt to justify the defeat of the Democrats in the presidential election of 2016. “Learned from media reports that the national Committee of the US Democratic party allegedly filed in new York court on the outcome of the us presidential elections in 2016, among the defendants who appear, the Russian Federation and Russian citizens. Official notification in this regard the MFA of Russia from anybody did not receive, so the nature of our actions to speak while early”. However, if the information is true, it seems, we are talking about a peculiar attempt by Democrats to justify their defeat.Maria Saharanafrican

More than 100 demonstrators arrested in Yerevan

More than 100 demonstrators arrested in Yerevan Moscow. April 21. INTERFAX.RU — police in Yerevan on Saturday was taken to the offices of more than a hundred opposition supporters, blocking roads for vehicle travel in residential areas of the capital. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “As of 17:00 local time (16:30 GMT), police departments delivered 102 people”, — said on Saturday, “Interfax” press Secretary of the Armenian police Ashot Aharonyan. Saturday morning April 21, headed by the Deputy of the Armenian Parliament Nikol Pashinyan, activists began to clear the streets for vehicles, in residential districts of Yerevan. In the capital of Armenia from April 13 to continue protesting supporters of the opposition politician, who oppose the appointment of ex-President Serzh Sargsyan to the post of Prime Minister. Sargsyan on Saturday issued a call for dialogue, which was rejected by the opposition. Meanwhile, the country’s secret service said on preventing the country attacks a criminal

Crimea and Syria signed a Memorandum of 62 billion rubles

Crimea and Syria signed a Memorandum of 62 billion rubles Moscow. April 21. INTERFAX.RU — Crimea and Syria signed a Memorandum of intent for a total amount of 62 billion rubles, said the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov. “We have signed a Memorandum of 62 billion rubles with colleagues from the Syrian Arab Republic, and some of these projects even in the first approximation, possible to implement,” — said Aksenov reporters in Livadia in the Crimea, where the Yalta ended the IV international economic forum (AMEF). According to the head of the Crimea, the economic effect for the Peninsula is obvious, will be uploaded ports of the region. Crimea as a subject of the Russian Federation is Syria’s closest.Sergey Aksenova Of Crimea Aksenov also reported that EMEP-2018 businessmen have signed agreements worth 42 billion rubles, representatives of the authorities with private investors — 58 billion rubles. AMEF-2018 lasted three

Syria presented the 26 construction projects that hopes to help Russia

Syria presented the 26 construction projects that hopes to help Russia Informed sources in Syria said that for the country’s reconstruction after the war will need serious foreign investment. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий YALTA, April 21. /TASS/. Syria presented the 26 construction projects, the implementation of which is hoped to help the Russian partners, said the Vice-President of the chamber of Commerce and industry Vladimir Padalko on Saturday at the conference “Economic development of Syria” in the framework of the Yalta international economic forum. Informed sources in Syria stated that the reconstruction of the country after the war will need major foreign investment and establishment of enterprises with foreign participation. In these matters, Syria hopes to help Russia. “The moment that would be useful, including residents of the Crimea, where they could take a serious part — construction in Syria, the reconstruction of cities. Now we are from the Syrian side have 26

Lawyer Veselnitskaya gave a statement to investigators of the U.S. Senate

Lawyer Veselnitskaya gave a statement to investigators of the U.S. Senate The Russian lawyer said that she had no contact with the environment of Donald trump. Moscow. April 21. INTERFAX.RU — a Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya said that he had given a statement to investigators of the Senate of the United States Commission on so-called case of Russian interference in presidential elections in the United States. “The investigators were interested in the issues related to my contacts with representatives of the United States. The meeting itself took place on 26 March in Berlin,” — told “Interfax” Veselnitskaya, which earlier this information is not published. According to her, the questioning took place behind closed doors. “My testimony has touched not only my knowledge about the facts in which I directly participated, but American investigators were interested in my analyses, which I willingly shared them concerning the links between people, which stood

USA noticed torture and corruption in Ukraine

USA noticed torture and corruption in Ukraine Bureau of the US state Department in the Bureau of democracy, human rights and labor reported on the massive violations of human rights in Ukraine last year. The document was published on the website of the foreign Ministry. The report covers the whole of Ukraine, as well as the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk republics (LNR and DNR) and the Crimea, which the US believes Ukrainian. Responsibility for offenses in the uncontrolled Ukrainian authorities territories, the state Department imposes on Russia. A separate section talks about “widespread corruption at the government level; censorship; blocking websites; the inability of the government to bring to justice involved in violence against activists (…) and violence against ethnic minorities and the LGBT community.” In addition, the state Department said that Ukrainian government forces, and “controlled by Russia” forces used violence and torture against soldiers and civilians. Among the

The foreign Ministry commented on the refusal of the USA of the Bolshoi theatre

The foreign Ministry commented on the refusal of the USA of the Bolshoi theatre MOSCOW, 21 APR — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation expressed regret in connection with the-issuance of the Bolshoi theatre American visas, noting that “until such is not reached even during the Cold war.” Earlier, the organizers of the gala concert of the contest “Modern stars meet stars of tomorrow”, which was held April 19 in the theater David H. Koch at new York’s Lincoln center, said that the artists of the Bolshoi theatre Olga Smirnova and Jacopo Tissi was not given a U.S. visa. According to the media, they were denied visas, but in a press-service of the Bolshoi theatre when it suggested that there was a technical glitch and working visa USA for Smirnova “just don’t have time to draw”. “Until such is not reached even during the cold

What is known about the family of Sergei Skripal

What is known about the family of Sergei Skripal Julia Skripal, daughter of Sergei Skripal, was born on 20 June 1984 on the island of Malta. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий In 1990, together with my parents returned to Moscow, where he graduated from school № 63 in Krylatskoe. After received the diploma of the Moscow state humanitarian University (2008). When the father retired and transferred to the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the girl was 15 years old. Since 2008 worked in the Russian office of Nike in the Department on interaction with clients. In 2012, after an exchange of Sergei Skripal, temporarily moved to London. From April to October 2014-worked at the Holiday Inn (Southampton). After returning to Moscow in the end of 2014 worked in PepsiCo Russia. Constantly visited his father in Salisbury. From moving refused. Fluent in English, Spanish and Italian. With his wife, Lyudmila Skripal, according

AP: trump was unhappy with the delay in the report on congratulatory call to Putin

AP: trump was unhappy with the delay in the report on congratulatory call to Putin The President of the United States Donald trump shortly after the election, publicly expressed dissatisfaction, Michael Flynn, because he did not inform him about the congratulatory call from one of the world leaders. This is stated in the records of the former Director of the FBI James Komi. Two anonymous source Agency AP claimed that this leader was the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. In the note James Komi said that at a private dinner in the White house, Mr. trump pointed his finger at Michael Flynn, who was then his national security adviser, said that “serious problems with the intelligence.” Due to the fact that Mr. Flynn had not informed the President about an important call, that was late with an appropriate response. Donald trump took office on 20 January 2017. In February of