The police entered the machinery in the center of Yerevan because of protests

The police entered the machinery in the center of Yerevan because of protests Protesters against the current government opposition supporters in the morning began to block major roads of the city. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Moscow. April 25. INTERFAX.RU — the Police of Armenia in the morning on Wednesday began to pull in the center of Yerevan forces and special equipment after the call of the opposition leader Nikola Pashinian hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets in protest against the current government. “The police of Armenia has taken and will take all necessary measures to prevent violations of public order. We are monitoring the situation,” — said the “Interfax” press Secretary of the Armenian police Ashot Aharonyan. As the Agency reports, the protest began spontaneously in different parts of Yerevan. On Wednesday morning at the call of opposition leader Nikol Pashinian of Armenia in Yerevan have resumed protests against the government, people

In the US, told about Russian weapons of the “judgment day”

In the US, told about Russian weapons of the “judgment day” Equipped with a thermonuclear warhead underwater drones Russia is capable of destroying coastal cities, to cause a tsunami and make uninhabitable vast territory, writes Business Insider. Talking about the complex “Status-6”, which, without mentioning names, said on March 1, Vladimir Putin sent a message to the Federal Assembly. A robotic mini-submarine (or a giant torpedo, whatever you like) is able to move at speeds up to 100 knots at a kilometer depth, and thus can not be detected, and even more so intercepted using existing equipment. Speaking of the underwater drone, the Russian President mentioned his ability to reach other continents. According to experts at Business Insider, the visit of such a projectile to American shores with devastating consequences. Undermining in the coastal waters of the charge power of 50 megatons will cause an earthquake and a 100-meter-high tsunami.

The diplomat reported attempts by the U.S. to break into the residence of the Consul General of the Russian Federation

© EFE/STEPHEN BRASHEAR WASHINGTON, April 25. /Offset. TASS Dmitry Kirsanov/. U.S. officials are trying to open the door to the residence of the Consul General of Russia in Seattle (Washington), left on Tuesday at the request of Washington, but which is the property of the Russian side. This was reported to TASS by phone from Seattle, head of the consular Department of the Russian Embassy in the United States Nikolai Pukalov located at the scene. “We are now witnessing that the American side is trying, in violation of all of our diplomatic and consular conventions and its own legislation protecting the right to private property, to penetrate our territory, as evidenced by the attempt of breaking the lock of the entrance door on the territory [of the residence],” said Pukalov.

Source: the U.S. entered the residence of Russian Consul General in Seattle

© EPA-EFE/STEPHEN BRASHEAR WASHINGTON, April 25. /TASS/. Representatives of the United States entered Wednesday in the residence of the Consul General of Russia in Seattle (Washington), broke the lock on her front door. This was reported by TASS source in the Russian Embassy in the United States. According to the information from U.S. officials “broke the lock and got inside” the building. According to the source, “the Americans” included in the residence light, and “proceeded to break the lock on the door to the extension.”

Zakharova called a corporate RAID, the invasion of the US authorities to the Consulate General in Seattle

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, April 25. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova called the penetration of the US authorities on the territory of the Russian Consulate General in Seattle raider seizure. About it she wrote Wednesday on his page in Facebook.

The Guardian learned about the plan of the West to circumvent the Russian veto in the UN security Council

The Guardian learned about the plan of the West to circumvent the Russian veto in the UN security Council Western countries intend to adopt a UN resolution on chemical attack in Syria in circumvention of Russia, which still blocked the initiative, using its veto power as a permanent member of the security Council of the world organization. About it writes The Guardian. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий This gives the UN General Assembly resolution 377 “Unity for peace”, adopted 3 November 1950, the Mechanism provides for the transfer to the discussion of the UN General Assembly issues that cannot be addressed in the security Council “because of disagreements of the permanent members”, explained on the website of the world organization. “This provision applies to all cases where there is reason to perceive a threat to the peace, breaches of the peace or act of aggression”, explained the UN. For the application of this resolution

The Ministry of communications has proposed the procedure for the transfer of biometric data in FSB and MVD

The Ministry of communications has proposed the procedure for the transfer of biometric data in FSB and MVD MOSCOW, 25 APR — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of communications of the Russian Federation developed a draft government resolution that establishes the order of granting by the operator of the unified system of personal and biometric data of citizens at the request of the interior Ministry and the FSB, the draft document published on the portal of projects of normative-legal acts. In early March, the Russian government has appointed Rostelecom operator of the biometric system. The operator will have to ensure the collection, processing and storage of biometric personal data as well as checking of their compliance with the initially submit their biometric samples. The test results will be transmitted to banks for remote identification of citizens when opening accounts. According to the document, the operator of the unified biometric systems must

The G7 called Russia’s actions in Syria and Ukraine unacceptable

The G7 called Russia’s actions in Syria and Ukraine unacceptable MOSCOW, 25 APR — RIA Novosti. The G7 is concerned about the “destabilizing” Russia’s actions in Syria, Ukraine and in neighbouring States, said in a joint statement of the foreign Ministers and Ministers of security of the countries “Big seven”. “G7 foreign Ministers discussed a common concern on peace and security, including Syria, Ukraine and North Korea. Touching on common challenges to the international order, the Ministers raised the issue of Russian destabilizing behavior, including unacceptable Russia’s actions in Syria, Ukraine and other neighbouring States. The “big seven” also accused Russia of meddling in the democratic processes and campaigns of misinformation. Earlier, the G7 accused Russia of destabilizing the situation in the world, and has also threatened to toughen anti-Russian sanctions due to the Donbass. Russia acts in the middle East state at the official request of the President of

Trump warned about the consequences of the threats of Iran to the United States

Trump warned about the consequences of the threats of Iran to the United States WASHINGTON, April 24 — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said that Iran in case of a threat to the United States will pay a price that “few countries have ever paid.” “If Iran will threaten us in any way, he will pay a price that few countries ever paid,” said trump at a press conference with President of France Emmanuel Macron. Trump extended the partial lifting of sanctions against Iran in January, but announced that this extension will be the last. Trump believes that it may require to change some aspects of the agreements retroactively, and if Tehran does not agree to back sanctions. The administration says that this tactic does not mean violations of the agreements. Iran and “six” of international mediators on 14 July 2015, reached an historic agreement on the settlement

Trump has called Kim Jong UN an honest and open person

Trump has called Kim Jong UN an honest and open person Before the American President was considered the leader of North Korea “crazy”. Moscow. April 24. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump said Tuesday that he believes North Korean leader was “very open and honest” person, informs the American TV channel NBC News. Kin Jong-UN is behaving very openly and I think very honestly, based on what we see.Donald Trump He said that ahead of the summit between the leaders of North Korea and South Korea, which will be held on April 27, also against the background of preparations for the summit, Kim Jong-UN himself the trump that is scheduled for the end of may — beginning of June. Earlier, during an intensive diplomatic confrontation between Pyongyang and Washington, the U.S. President called Kim Jong UN “a maniac and a madman,” and “little man-rocket”.