Historic meeting: held the first round of talks between the leaders of the two Koreas

Historic meeting: held the first round of talks between the leaders of the two Koreas MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. The leaders of North Korea and South Korea Kim Jong-UN and moon Jae-In started the inter-Korean summit in the border point of Panmunjom negotiations. In the first round, Kim Jong-UN called for an end to confrontation, and moon Jae-In proposed to establish a rail link between the countries. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий During the day the two Koreas are expected to discuss the issues of improving relations between North and South, of the world and the prospects for reunification. A symbol of peace Kim Jong-UN and moon Jae-In was found at the demarcation line between the two countries. They greeted each other and shook hands. Then Kim Jong-UN has crossed the dividing line, becoming the first head of the DPRK, which was on the South side. In the early meetings of the

In the United States predicted the death of the naval aviation of Russia

In the United States predicted the death of the naval aviation of Russia Naval aviation of the Navy of Russia is in dire Straits and requires immediate decisions regarding the prospects of its development, believes The National Interest. “The aviation capability of the Russian Navy hangs in the balance. “Kuznetsov” is old and is in poor condition, not a single aircraft carrier can not be laid,” — the author writes Robert Farley. Us magazine notes that although the Russian military strategists and declare new projects in the field of naval aviation, to create a new carrier is not reached. Farley also remembers the promise of the authorities to 2025 to build six aircraft carriers. In the author’s opinion, such statements have been influenced by considerations of prestige.

The grouping of the Navy in Syria has reinforced floating workshop from the Baltic

The grouping of the Navy in Syria has reinforced floating workshop from the Baltic At the naval base in Tartus came floating workshop PM-82 from the Baltic fleet, told “Izvestia” in the defense Ministry. In Syria is the support vessel will be delayed for six months and will be responsible for the combat readiness of ships of the Russian Navy. Previously, it only worked mother ships of the black sea fleet. Floating workshops designed for quick repairs of ships, their weapons and equipment. They placed machine tools and lifting devices. In this workshop able to protect themselves in case of attack. It features two 25-mm two-barrel automatic naval gun mounts.

The defense Ministry will pay the conscripts increased wages

The defense Ministry will pay the conscripts increased wages The defense Ministry has prepared a bill according to which from January 2019 conscripts will receive a monthly allowance in 2 thousand rubles. The office “Izvestia” confirmed that the draft amendments to the Federal law “On military pay and provide them with separate payments” has been coordinated with the Federal bodies of Executive power. According to the document obtained by conscripts money will be indexed annually. Also, the soldiers expect special allowances — for example, skydiving, participation in diving operations and mine clearance. The maximum amount that can be paid to conscripts, will eventually exceed 10 thousand rubles. Furthermore, before firing the soldier will be awarded three elevated “discharge” salary.

The registration fee will reduce by half to save time and paper

The registration fee will reduce by half to save time and paper The Russians are ready to refuse from paper documents or statements in favor of electronic, make a 50% discount on stamp duty. The bill on behalf of the government developed in the Ministry of communications. The transition to e-statements will reduce the time of their training, to solve the problem of loss of documents and save tons of paper. At the same time, state agencies still do not always accept digital documents. To receive the discount you must order and pay for the document through the state services portal (gosuslugi.ru) or related to a single system identification sites, told “Izvestia” in the Ministry of communications. Digital documents signed by the electronic signature of the responsible person and are equal to the official document on paper. They can also be provided in place of the requirements in electronic form.

Putin instructed to create an Atlas of the world that do not distort “geographical truth”

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS ST. PETERSBURG, April 27. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has charged to create an Atlas of the world that is not distorted “historical and geographical truth” about the true names of various objects. “With the active participation of the RGS are invited to prepare a new Russian Atlas of the world in which all such cases [renaming of place names, which bore Russian names] will be correctly interpreted” – he said at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Russian geographical society. My assignment Putin addressed to Federal service for state registration, the expert PRO and the defense Ministry. The last “should ensure the availability of their cartographic materials for the compilers of the Atlas and in General for travellers, tourists, motorists, including in the format of modern computer technology, working online”. The Russian leader is sure that the secrecy on many maps

The leader of North Korea went to summit with South Korea

The leader of North Korea went to summit with South Korea DPRK leader Kim Jong UN left Pyongyang and went to the South of the demilitarized zone of Panmunjom, where he will meet with South Korean President mun Jae Otherwise. According to the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (KCNA), North Korean leader “with an open heart to discuss” all issues concerning the improvement of inter-Korean relations and achieving peace on the Peninsula. It is noted that Kim Jong-UN will announce the results of talks with his South Korean counterpart. This trip will be accompanied by his sister Kim yo-Jong, reports TASS. The two leaders will meet at 10:30 local time (04:30 GMT) in the pavilion “House of peace” in the South the border point Panmunjom. Around noon, Kim Jong-UN and moon Jae-In planted pine as a symbol of reconciliation and relations between the two countries. The negotiations will conclude with

Every Russian will give a single number

Every Russian will give a single number In 2019, your passport details, pension and insurance of identity is tied to end-to-end identifier. End-to-end identity that will bring together passport numbers, and pension and insurance certificates, will appear in Russia in 2019. This “Izvestia” said a source close to the Central Bank. Information was confirmed by sources close to the Ministry of communications and the Ministry of Finance. Also about a closed meeting, the Central Bank, dedicated to end-to-end identifier, said two present to her banker. According to experts, the Association data will significantly simplify the interaction of citizens with government organizations and banks. The development of end-to-end ID do the Central Bank, the Ministry of communications and Ministry of Finance. The ID will link information about citizens from different databases — a number of passport, as well as pension and insurance certificates. Citizen he will help you find information about