The United States expanded sanctions against the Islamic revolutionary guard Corps of Iran

The United States expanded sanctions against the Islamic revolutionary guard Corps of Iran WASHINGTON, may 10 — RIA Novosti. United States on Thursday expanded sanctions against the Islamic revolutionary guard Corps (IRGC) of Iran, the Ministry of Finance of the United States. In the sanctions list added six Iranians and three companies associated with one of them. They all came under sanctions in connection with the IRGC. Existing U.S. sanctions against the IRGC are not associated with the sanctions, which were suspended after signing with Iran of a Joint comprehensive plan of action. On Tuesday, President Donald trump announced that the US withdraws from the agreement and promised that soon against Iran new sanctions will be imposed.

Putin and Merkel stressed the importance of the conservation AGREEMENT, have discussed Ukraine and Syria

MOSCOW, may 11. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a telephone conversation on Friday stressed the importance of preserving the Iranian nuclear deal against the background of a unilateral exit of the USA. This was reported by the press service of the Kremlin. Also in a telephone conversation held on the initiative of the German side, the leaders discussed Ukraine and Syria.

The Chechen Parliament will submit to the Duma a bill to extend the powers of the President of the Russian Federation

The Chechen Parliament will submit to the Duma a bill to extend the powers of the President of the Russian Federation Previously with the idea of extending the mandate of the President from two to three consecutive terms was made by the head of the region Ramzan Kadyrov. GROZNY, may 10. /TASS/. The Chechen Parliament on Thursday unanimously decided to act with the legislative initiative about the possibility of extending the powers of the President with two to three consecutive terms, told TASS in the press service of the Parliament. According to the Constitution, now one and the same person cannot hold a post of the President of the Russian Federation more than two terms in a row. “The Parliament of the Chechen Republic under the chairmanship of Magomed Daudov decided to submit the draft to the state Duma as a legislative initiative, but also send it to the government

Trump gave a verbal message to Kim Jong Ynu, media reported

Trump gave a verbal message to Kim Jong Ynu, media reported TOKYO, may 10 — RIA Novosti. Central television of the DPRK, but said that Secretary of state Michael Pompeo President of the United States Donald trump gave a verbal message to Kim Jong Ynu and announced a new offer, said the South Korean news Agency Yonhap. “Comrade Supreme leader listened to the oral message from the President trump, expressed gratitude and appreciated the fact that the President has a new proposal and he manifests a deep interest in the solution of problems through dialogue, takes a proactive stance in relation to Korean-American summit”, — quotes Agency the words of TV Korea.

Peskov said, when can we expect the appointments of the new Cabinet

Peskov said, when can we expect the appointments of the new Cabinet SOCHI, may 10. /TASS/. Acting press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov expects that the new Russian government could be assigned this week or next week, at first, is likely to be agreed on the structure of the Cabinet of Ministers. Answering questions of journalists about the formation of the government, Peskov said on the constitutional deadlines for this. “At first, perhaps, we will focus on the structure, on the proposals of the Prime Minister [Prime Minister Medvedev] on the structure of the future Cabinet, and then followed by some personnel recommendations to the head of state and publication of the relevant decrees,” — said the acting press-Secretary. He stated that while no documents of the Kremlin has not been published. “You can, of course,” — said Peskov on a question, can we expect the appointment of members

The Kremlin did not know about the “interrogation” Vekselberg in the US

The Kremlin did not know about the “interrogation” Vekselberg in the US MOSCOW, may 10 — RIA Novosti. In the Kremlin know nothing about the allegedly interrogation of the Russian businessman Viktor Vekselberg for possible payments from one of his companies lawyer Donald trump Michael Cohen after the US elections, said on Thursday to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “The Kremlin knows nothing about it”, — told reporters Sands, answering the question of what is known in the Kremlin about this, and is there any concern about this investigation. Earlier, CNN, citing an anonymous source reported that Vekselberg was allegedly interrogated employees spectracolor Robert Mueller. CNN says that provides payment documents confirming the receipt of funds by Cohen from the company Vekselberg, but can not confirm the authenticity of the payment documents. Also earlier it was reported that Vekselberg was questioned in the U.S. this spring.

Volodin called “plus” Mutko good knowledge of the Russian language

Volodin called “plus” Mutko good knowledge of the Russian language Moscow. May 10. INTERFAX.RU — Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin considers good knowledge of the Russian language for Vitaly Mutko important advantage in connection with his nomination to the post of Deputy Prime Minister for construction. “It features a good knowledge of the Russian language, on a construction site is extremely important,” — said Volodin reporters last Thursday a meeting with Mutko. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev informed the meeting of the faction “United Russia” called Mutko as a candidate for the post of his Deputy for construction and regional policy Deputy Prime Minister. And for those who are interested in foreign languages, precisely on the construction site will be difficult, said Volodin. Therefore, a good command of the Russian language “is also a plus,” said the speaker. Thus he actually reminded of a funny situation with a long

Media reported 23 fatalities as a result of the Israeli attack on Syria

Media reported 23 fatalities as a result of the Israeli attack on Syria Moscow. May 10. INTERFAX.RU. As a result of the Israeli strikes on several facilities in Syria killed 23 military and militias. This is reported by the Western media with reference to close to the Syrian opposition witnesses. According to eyewitnesses, among victims — five Syrian soldiers and 18 supporting Damascus militias. Thus, according to the received data, among the victims of militias is, as Syrian citizens and foreigners alike. In the night of Thursday, Israel attacked Iranian formations on the territory of Syria. Israel said that it was a response to shelling by Iranian forces on Israeli positions in the Golan heights. According to the defense Ministry of the Russian Federation, the strike was from 01:45 to 03:45 in the morning, the attack was attended by 28 Israeli F-15 and F-16 that fired about 60 rockets. Also

As a result of the Israeli attack on targets in Syria killed three people

As a result of the Israeli attack on targets in Syria killed three people MOSCOW, may 10 — RIA Novosti. Three people were killed and two were injured in a rocket strike by Israel on targets in Syria, according to Syrian national news Agency SANA, citing a statement by the General command of the army cap. “Several rockets hit the Israeli enemy resulted in the deaths of three people, two others suffered”, — reads the statement of the General command. According to the army cap, a missile attack of Israel also resulted in material damage, in particular, was destroyed radar station, ammunition depot and several battalions of air defense. The Russian defense Ministry earlier reported that on may 10 in the period from 1.45 to 3.45 in the morning under the pretext of a response to the shelling of Israeli positions in the Golan heights from Iranian forces, the Israeli