The US state Department said the high level of violence in Eastern Ukraine

The US state Department said the high level of violence in Eastern Ukraine WASHINGTON, may 22 — RIA Novosti. The official representative of US state Department Heather Nauert said about the extremely high level of violence in Eastern Ukraine, urging Russia to “stop the aggression”. Earlier in the operational command of the self-proclaimed DND stated that the Ukrainian security forces attempted to advance in the area of Gorlovka — one militiaman killed and three taken prisoner, losses of the security forces amounted to five people. Four were reported injured in the shelling of the city. Later in the command announced a new attack from the security forces. “I would like to draw your attention to the ongoing Russian aggression in Ukraine. The level of violence this week became one of the highest for the year. Five Ukrainian soldiers now dead and 23 people injured. Thirteen-year-old boy and his father were

The war preparing for the world championship

The war preparing for the world championship The situation in the Donbass deteriorated sharply. OSCE observers fix the increased level of violence: 7.7 thousand violations of the ceasefire over the past week. The conflicting parties daily report casualties due to shelling and sabotage. Kiev authorities and self-proclaimed republics accused of escalating each other. In DND it is associated with the approaching world Cup. The situation is dangerous, if they don’t stop, it can develop into something more, says the interlocutor of Kommersant in the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. In the Donbass frequent clashes between the Ukrainian military and security forces of the breakaway DNI and LC. Reported sabotage, mortar and artillery shelling. “The recent surge of militant activity in the line of contact in Eastern Ukraine to provoke more death and destruction — said in a statement on Tuesday the statement of the special representative of

Human rights activists called for a boycott of the world Cup in Russia

Human rights activists called for a boycott of the world Cup in Russia The Human rights organization Human Rights Watch called for a political boycott of the opening match of the world Cup in Russia. About it reports DW. “World leaders must send President Putin a signal that while he will not change its policy and take steps to end the atrocities of the Russian and Syrian forces in Syria, they will not sit together with him in the VIP boxes at the opening game,” said Executive Director Kenneth Roth. Roth added that, taking the championship, Russia achieves respect and seeks to sway the world public opinion. “However, despite the desire of millions to watch the match, suffering civilians of Syria should not be forgotten,” said he. The case of the poisoning of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal, a few countries announced a partial boycott of the world Cup in

Submarine “Yuri Dolgoruky” for the first time fired a salvo launch four missiles “Bulava”

Submarine “Yuri Dolgoruky” for the first time fired a salvo launch four missiles “Bulava” Moscow. May 22. INTERFAX.RU — Underwater cruiser of strategic appointment “Yury Dolgoruky” made a successful salvo launch four ballistic missile “Bulava” from the White sea to the Kura range on Kamchatka, have informed “Interfax” in the press service of the Russian Northern fleet on Tuesday. “The shooting was done from a submerged position. Task start completed”, — is spoken in the message. The military said that salvo firing so many missiles on submarines of this project was performed for the first time. Representatives of the Northern fleet said that the launch is performed “in the framework of the planned activities of combat training”. “Confirmed the tactical and technical characteristics and reliability of the missile submarine of strategic purpose of the project 955 “Borey” and a ship rocket complex “Bulava”, — said the representatives of the Northern

Spanish intelligence said that Russia interfered in the crisis in Catalonia

Spanish intelligence said that Russia interfered in the crisis in Catalonia MADRID, may 22 — RIA Novosti. The Spanish national Cryptologic centre, report to the National intelligence center, claims that “Russian institutes” tried to influence the situation in Catalonia during the political crisis last year, where on 1 October was held an illegal referendum on independence. “It seems the presence of activists, supported by the Russian institutions, in the media coverage of the conflict in consequence of the situation in Catalonia throughout the 2017 year as a result of evasion of the constitutional legality of certain of the Catalan Autonomous institutions”, — stated in the report Center “On cyber threats and trends”. Specific evidence is not provided. The authors of the document believe that Spain along with other countries became a victim of “cyber warfare”. “In most cases, the victims were democratic institutions or political parties of many countries, including

Ministry of Finance: the circumvention of sanctions is not the purpose of regulation of cryptocurrency

Ministry of Finance: the circumvention of sanctions is not the purpose of regulation of cryptocurrency MOSCOW, may 22 — RIA Novosti. Bypass sanctions of the West against Russia is not the purpose of the draft law on the regulation of cryptocurrencies, but it creates that possibility, said Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev. BTC 7874.87 -237.88 ETH 616.00 -39.85 LTC 124.00 -5.65 BCH 1049.40 -96.50 “Circumvention of sanctions is not the purpose (of the bill on the regulation of cryptocurrencies — ed), but it is possible definitely. First of all you can talk about jurisdiction, which is difficult to raise funds. This Republic of Crimea in the first place and the city of Sevastopol. If someone wants to open a cafe, then man is hard to find cheap money and the organization of the ICO, in fact, close this issue”, — he told in interview to TV channel “Russia 24”. Currently,

Reuters: trump said that if the meeting with Kim Jong-UN goes wrong, then she can go later

Reuters: trump said that if the meeting with Kim Jong-UN goes wrong, then she can go later WASHINGTON, may 22. /TASS/. The US President Donald trump said Tuesday that if the meeting with the DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN for some reason does not take place in June, then she can go another time. This was reported by Reuters. “If it [the meeting] will not take place, it could be too late,” trump said Tuesday during a meeting with South Korean President moon Jae-in of the White house. “Maybe, June 12, and it will not happen,” he added. Trump earlier said that his meeting with Kim Jong-UN, which discussed the prospects for complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, will be held in Singapore on June 12. However, on 16 may, first Deputy foreign Minister Kim Gye-Gwan said Pyongyang might not agree to participate in the summit with the United States, if