The U.S. house of representatives supported the plan to create new nuclear weapons

The U.S. house of representatives supported the plan to create new nuclear weapons MOSCOW, may 24 — RIA Novosti. The U.S. house of representatives did not support the amendment to the military budget for 2019, which would restrict funding for the project on the creation of new nuclear warheads of low power, reports Defense News. It is noted that the rejected amendment was to halve the financing of the program for development of nuclear warheads of low power W76−2, designed for ballistic missiles Trident II sea-based. This amendment was supported by only 188 out of 435 members of the house of representatives, and 226 voted against it. Representatives of the Republican party openly stated that this program should become one of the means to curb Russia. Former employees of the security organs and committees of the Pentagon sent to Congress a letter in which urged to refuse funding for the

The Pentagon wants to accelerate the supply of arms Ukraine

The Pentagon wants to accelerate the supply of arms Ukraine MOSCOW, may 24 — RIA Novosti. The Pentagon conducts a search facilitator who can on a permanent basis to quickly implement the direct supply of weapons to Ukraine, according to Defense One, with reference to the Deputy Minister of defense for acquisition, technology, and the rear of Ellen Lord. According to her, the Pentagon already uses special mediators to accelerate the supply of arms to allied countries, in particular Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Japan and Romania. Currently, intermediaries are involved in the execution of contracts for the sale of anti-missile complexes Patriot for Romania, a strategic reconnaissance UAV Global Hawk to Japan, THAAD missile complexes to Saudi Arabia, as well as TOW anti-tank systems to several other countries. “Such intermediaries will allow the Pentagon several times to reduce time for the supply of arms to allied countries,” said the Lord.

U.S. Secretary of state spoke about the challenge to turn “Northern stream-2”

U.S. Secretary of state spoke about the challenge to turn “Northern stream-2” U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo spoke about the task to prevent the supply of gas to Europe through the “Nord stream-2”. This entry was posted on the YouTube channel of the Committee on foreign Affairs U.S. house of representatives. According to the head of American diplomacy, the EU is virtually unable to oppose Moscow because of the dependence on supplies of energy resources, and the United States see it as our task to provide the countries of the Old world other sources of gas, including through the Caucasus. “We must continue to exert pressure to “Nord stream-2″ was not started. We cannot allow even greater the EU’s dependence on Russian gas. We should not allow the option, when Russia will be able to achieve their goals thanks to this relationship,” said Pompeo. The Russian Embassy in Washington

Zakharova: Russia insists on a strong reaction of the OSCE in the ban, “RIA Novosti” Ukraine

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Artyom Geodakyan/TASS MOSCOW, may 24. /TASS/. Russia insists on the immediate and harsh reaction from the relevant international organisations, primarily the OSCE, in connection with the lock, “RIA Novosti” in Ukraine. This was stated on Thursday by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

The United States began the transfer of military equipment to Eastern Europe

The United States began the transfer of military equipment to Eastern Europe MOSCOW, may 24 — RIA Novosti. USA begin the transfer of troops from Belgium to Eastern Europe as part of operation Atlantic Resolve, according to defense News, citing a representative of the American armed forces in Europe. As noted, the transfer is considered as full-scale exercises aimed at training the movements of troops in Europe in case of possible military conflict on the continent. In total will be about 3.3 thousand people of the personnel and 650 pieces of military equipment, including tanks 87 M-1 Abrams and the 18 ACS M-109 Paladin. All equipment will be sent to the Baltic countries and in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary. It is reported that some of the troops moved by rail and highways, and also involves water transport, which for these purposes is not used. Later this force will take

Makron is sent to Russia to discuss a broad agenda

Makron is sent to Russia to discuss a broad agenda PARIS, may 24. /TASS/. The President of France Emmanuel macron will go on Thursday on a visit to Russia. He will visit Saint Petersburg to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin and attend the St. Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF). This is the first trip of the Macron in Russia as head of the French Republic. He, however, visited Moscow in 2016, when he was Minister of economy and co-chair bilateral business Council for cooperation. During operation of the Macron in these positions, France has become a leader among foreign investors in the Russian economy. This position is at the head of the list of investment partners of Russia it retains to this day. The third meeting Commenting on the expectations of the French side from the upcoming negotiations, a source in the Elysee Palace told reporters that Paris is

Reuters: trump’s attorney denied receiving money for promoting trump’s meeting with Poroshenko

Reuters: trump’s attorney denied receiving money for promoting trump’s meeting with Poroshenko TASS, may 23. The lawyer of the President of the United States Michael Cohen on Wednesday denied a report that he had received from sources close to the President of Ukraine, $400 thousand for the assistance in organizing the meeting Donald trump and Petro Poroshenko. This was reported by Reuters. “This story is a perfect fake,” said Cohen in response to the Agency’s request to comment on the message about receiving money from the Ukrainian side. The White house has not yet responded to the Agency’s request for comment. Administration of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on Wednesday also denied this information. This was reported by the Ukrainian edition of the Earlier Wednesday, the broadcasting Corporation bi-Bi-si reported with reference to sources in Kiev, that American attorney Michael Cohen, representing for many years the interests of

Kosachev: the increasing persecution of Kiev media could mean preparations for military provocations

The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, may 24. /TASS/. The increasing persecution of Kiev on journalists given the worsening situation in the Donbas may indicate a preparation for a large-scale military provocation. This opinion was expressed on Thursday the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev.

Russia does not believe the statement made by Yulia Skripal and demanded a personal meeting

Russia does not believe the statement made by Yulia Skripal and demanded a personal meeting The Russian Embassy in the UK pointed out the strangeness of the statement of Yulia Skripal, released yesterday. This is stated in comments posted on the website of the Embassy. “The video only heightens our concern about the conditions in which it is contained. Obviously, she read out a pre-written text. Moreover, according to a number of turnovers, it was the English, and the original was composed by a native speaker” — say diplomats. “The United Kingdom has a responsibility to give us the opportunity to talk with Julia directly to make sure that it is not held against her will and not making statements under pressure. So far we have every reason to suspect the opposite”, — summarized in the Russian Embassy. Earlier on 23 may, the Russian woman gave an interview to Reuters.

Italy got a premiere scientist

Italy got a premiere scientist Italian President Sergio Mattarella has provided the mandate to form a government Professor at the University of Florence Giuseppe Conte. For this solution, the President was taken two days since, when the leader of the right “League” Matteo Salvini and the head of the populist movement “Five stars” Luigi Di Maio proposed the candidature on a post of the head of the Cabinet. This pause can be explained by the doubts of Mr Mattarella’s political independence and competence of Giuseppe Conte. The first test of the new Premier will be very soon, when he will have to defend to the President the list of candidates for Ministerial posts, including a lot of skeptics. The name of Paolo Conte, Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio was nominated for the post of Prime Minister, was made on Monday, during consultations of the leaders of the “League” and