Germany has urged Ukraine not to criticize the “Nord stream-2”

Germany has urged Ukraine not to criticize the “Nord stream-2” Kiev should stop criticizing Berlin for his participation in the project “Northern stream-2”. This was stated by the President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier. “You don’t have to accuse us, he said at a press briefing in Kyiv. Even if we are talking about the “Nord stream-2″, we speak also about the future and security of Ukraine”. According to Steinmeier, Berlin is working to ensure the transit of gas through Ukrainian territory. “For this the negotiations with the European Union, I hope they will bring results”, — said the President of Germany. “Nord stream-2” involves the construction of two pipelines from Russia through the Baltic sea to Germany. The Kremlin has repeatedly called on not to politicize this issue. According to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Moscow refers to the “Nord stream-2” only as an economic project.

Media: Russia will supply India With 400 to six billion dollars

Media: Russia will supply India With 400 to six billion dollars MOSCOW, may 30 — RIA Novosti. India and Russia concluded negotiations on the price of Russian s-400 “Triumph”, writes the Indian newspaper the Economic Times, citing a source in the air force. According to the newspaper, Russia will supply new Delhi complexes in the amount of 400 billion Indian rupees (of 5.93 billion). The article points out that now the parties are working on ways around the us sanctions, which Washington can be imposed on countries and companies cooperating with the Russian defense and intelligence agencies. According to the source The Economic Times, officially concluding the deal could be announced before the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra modi in October. Earlier, the head of Committee of the house of representatives of the US armed forces William Thornberry said that Washington is disappointed by

The Israeli air force attacked 25 targets in the Gaza strip

The Israeli air force attacked 25 targets in the Gaza strip MOSCOW, may 30 — RIA Novosti. The Israeli air force attacked 25 targets in Gaza in response to new attacks by Palestinian militants, according to a statement by the army press service, published on the website. “The IDF (Israel defense forces) tonight using combat aircraft, helicopters and aircraft struck about 25 strikes against targets of the terrorist group Hamas in the Gaza strip,” the statement reads. In a press-service have specified that it is “about a new wave of strikes.” This is the second day of a series of Israeli strikes on the enclave. The first aircraft attacked 35 facilities of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, whose militants have claimed responsibility for attacks on Israel. The army estimates, at 20.00 MSK from the Gaza strip were fired about 70 rockets and missiles, some of them were intercepted by units of

Gryzlov: the violation of Kiev the ceasefire regime in the Donbass pose a threat to Minsk

The Plenipotentiary of Russia in the contact group on settling the situation in Eastern Ukraine, Boris Gryzlov © Valery sharifulin/TASS MINSK, 30 may. /TASS/. Plenipotentiary representative of Russia in the contact group on settlement in the East of Ukraine, Boris Gryzlov said that Kiev is their irresponsible actions puts into question the possibility of implementing Minsk agreements.

Allowance for children up to three years will increase to the end of the year

Allowance for children up to three years will increase to the end of the year Child aged from eighteen months to three years will raise to the end of 2018. Now it is 50 rubles per month. The plans to change the amount of the payment, said the Minister of labour and social protection Maxim Topilin. “We have instructions to deal with the allowance of 50 rubles,” — he said “news”. Besides, now these payments are on the employers, from which the mothers went on maternity leave, and increasing benefits to at least 10 thousand rubles will be a serious blow to the business. Experts believe that the payments should take the government, and what their amount should be determined by the financial status of the family.

The savings of Russians in 2018 will increase to 5.2 trillion rubles

The savings of Russians in 2018 will increase to 5.2 trillion rubles In 2018, the Russians will be to save more and accumulate about 5.2 trillion rubles. This follows from the macroeconomic forecast of the Institute of economic forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences, with which acquainted “Izvestia”. This year, the growth of citizens ‘ savings compared to 2017 will increase by 15% in just a year, the Russians have gained 5.2 trillion rubles. The growth of savings will continue in the next few years. So, in 2019, the citizens have gained 13% — 5,9 trillion roubles, and in 2020 — 8% more — 6,4 trillion roubles. Experts say that citizens set aside funds not due to the unstable economic situation in the country. The increase in saving associated with the growth of real wages and incomes. The increase in savings does not mean the return of Russians to savings behavior.

Chandelle su-57 was shot with a drone

Chandelle su-57 was shot with a drone MOSCOW, may 30 — RIA Novosti. TV channel “Zvezda” released a video of the battle turn of the fifth generation fighter, the su-57, shot with a drone. Footage taken during the all-army competition “Aviadarts-2018”. Fighter jets imitated a combat turn and attack ground targets imaginary enemy, the channel reports. Su-57 — Russian multipurpose fighter of the fifth generation developed by the Sukhoi design Bureau. The plane is designed to destroy air, ground and surface targets with the use of air defense systems, long-range reconnaissance and destruction of the control system by enemy aircraft. The first flight of the su-57 was held in early 2010 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Production batch of 12 aircraft of Russian air force will receive in 2019. During the download an error has occurred.

Russians warned about the disasters and strikes in several countries

Russians warned about the disasters and strikes in several countries MOSCOW, may 29 — RIA Novosti. The Russian foreign Ministry warned on Tuesday the Russian tourists on natural disasters, strikes and disruptions of transport in a number of countries, including Greece, Argentina and Brazil. “Greece — 30.05 expected General strike; air traffic controllers go on strike for three hours in the period from 10.00 to 13.00; pauses a service/railway line (proastiakos), “Athens airport (ATH)”; close ferry; expected serious failures in the public transport”, — stated in the message in Twitter of the Department’s situation-crisis center (DSCC) the Russian foreign Ministry. “Aeroflot” has made changes to the schedule may 30, between Moscow and Athens, said earlier on Tuesday the carrier. In Argentina, a nationwide protest avtomarsh with the social demands from different cities of the country moving to Buenos Aires, the final demonstration will be held on 1 June. In Brazil

The Kremlin reminded the MMA fighter Monson about the necessity to swear allegiance to Russia

The Kremlin reminded the MMA fighter Monson about the necessity to swear allegiance to Russia American fighter MMA Jeffrey Monson for entry into the Russian citizenship it is necessary to take the oath, reminded the press-Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий By law, only after reciting the oath will be deemed that the person admitted to the Russian citizenship, Peskov said. President Vladimir Putin’s decree of may 28, Monson gave the Russian citizenship. “He is rather known person in the sports world in their discipline, the world famous, it became the basis for granting him citizenship. I want to note that this practice exists in many countries of the world,” explained Sands. According to the representative of the Kremlin, Monson has fulfilled all the procedures required for obtaining Russian citizenship. The desire to obtain Russian citizenship Monson said a few years ago. He has a tattoo with the image