Zakharov staged the murder of SBU made Babchenko the laughingstock of the world

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, June 3. /TASS/. The security service of Ukraine (SBU) by faking the murder of Arkady Babchenko, has made a mockery of it, and the reputation of the journalistic community have caused serious damage. Such opinion on air of the program “Sunday evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on TV channel “Russia 1” voiced by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

Media: the US is building new military base on the border of Iraq and Syria

Media: the US is building new military base on the border of Iraq and Syria TASS, 3 June. United States building new military base in the Iraqi district of Sinjar near the border with Syria. This was reported in the Sunday news portal Sot Al Iraq, citing local sources. According to him, stationed in Sinjar, the us military will control the Iraq-Syrian border. On Friday, the mountainous region in the North-West of Iraq there arrived the military personnel of the U.S. armed forces by 15 armored vehicles, the source said. Official comment from Baghdad and Washington has not yet followed. The United States withdrew its forces from Iraq in December 2011 and returned to the country in August 2014 after capturing vast territories of the country by terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi has declared victory over the group in December 2017.

Moscow was outraged by the attempt of recruitment in Ukraine of the journalist Vysokovich

Moscow was outraged by the attempt of recruitment in Ukraine of the journalist Vysokovich Moscow. June 3. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian foreign Ministry called the Ukrainian security services attempt to recruit a correspondent of the Russian news Agency Irina Vysokovich evidence that in Ukraine there is no freedom of expression. “On June 2 it became known that the Ukrainian security Service tried to recruit a correspondent of RIA Novosti in Lithuania Irina Vysokovich arrived in the Ukrainian Kherson to cover the trial in the case of the head of the portal “RIA Novosti-Ukraine” Kirill Vyshinsky, who was arrested on an absurd charge of treason in the framework of fabricated criminal case,” — said in comments to the Agency. “This incident is another confirmation of the fact that freedom of expression in Ukraine ceased to exist, — said the Russian foreign Ministry. — Direct pressure, threats, provocation of special services, physical

Media: British authorities threaten to freeze assets of businessmen from Russia

Media: British authorities threaten to freeze assets of businessmen from Russia LONDON, June 3. /TASS/. The UK national Agency for combating crime expands the scope of the investigation against Russians linked to Russia, and could freeze their assets in the territory of the United Kingdom. It is reported in the Sunday newspaper The Sunday Times. The publication refers to the head of the above Agency for fighting economic offences and crimes in cyberspace Donald Tong, the team of investigators which is studying the possibility of introduction of from 120 to 140 “of Orders for the wealth of unknown origin” (Unexplained Wealth Orders, UWO). He Tun said that the efforts of him and his colleagues “focus on the fight against corrupt elite and their illegally acquired wealth”, and then assured that the investigators of the agencies do not define their “goals on the basis of nationality”. However, privy to the investigation

Volodin believes that the EU, a shame for the expulsion of Russian diplomats over the case Skripal

Speaker of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, June 3. /TASS/. Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin suggests that European countries are ashamed of the expulsion of Russian diplomats in solidarity with the UK due to business Skrobala, as evidence of Russia’s involvement in the incident was not provided.

Kim Jong-UN wanted to meet another President

Kim Jong-UN wanted to meet another President Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has announced his intention to visit the DPRK and meet with the leader of this country Kim Jong-UN, writes TASS with reference to the Central North Korean newspaper “Rodong Sinmun”. According to her, such plans Assad said during a ceremony presenting his credentials the new Ambassador of the DPRK in Syria, held on 30 may. The Syrian leader added that Damascus intends to maintain the political course of North Korea, and noted positive developments on the Korean Peninsula. In the beginning of this year in relations between Pyongyang and Seoul there has been warming: the North Korean athletes participated in the Olympics in Pyeongchang. This was followed by meetings at the highest level with the participation of Kim Jong-UN and South Korean President moon Jae-In. Later it became known about the agreement between the United States and the DPRK

Vice-Chancellor of Austria urged to lift sanctions against Russia

Vice-Chancellor of Austria urged to lift sanctions against Russia The EU should reconsider its position towards Russia and to lift the sanctions, said in an interview with the newspaper Österreich, Vice-Chancellor of Austria Heinz-Christian strache. “It would be desirable for the EU to reconsider (the position to Russia), as sanctions will primarily hurt the Austrian economy. I have always warned about not to send Russia into the arms of China. It is time to stop these painful sanctions and normalize political and economic relations with Russia”, — said Mr. strache on the question of EU policy in relation to the new duties of States (quoted by “RIA Novosti”). We will remind, on may 31, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross announced that from June 1, the U.S. imposed a 25 percent duty on steel from the EU, Canada and Mexico, and 10% — for aluminium produced in these countries. See

NATO plans to create a 30-strong reserve in case of a “Russian attack”

NATO plans to create a 30-strong reserve in case of a “Russian attack” The initiative to form a new joint advanced USA. Lead role it will play Germany. MOSCOW, 3 Jul — RIA Novosti. NATO intends to increase its readiness in case of “attack Russia”, and to this end plans to create an operational reserve, is represented by several allies, in the amount of 30 thousand people. About this newspaper Die Welt, citing a high-ranking diplomats of the Alliance. It is reported that the backup connection, the disposal of which will be several hundred fighters and ships, create in addition to the existing forces of the NATO Response Force (NRF), which currently has about 20 thousand soldiers. The required period of alerting to thirty days. Clarifies that the initiative to create a new connection put forward in the USA. Lead role it will play Germany. According to the publication, the

The Russian foreign Ministry urged to respond to the attempt of Kiev to recruit a Russian journalist

The building of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, June 3. /TASS/. Moscow calls on relevant international institutions to respond to the recruitment attempt of the correspondent of “RIA Novosti” in Lithuania Irina Vysokovich employees of the security Service of Ukraine (SBU). This is stated in a statement on Sunday comments by the Russian foreign Ministry. “We urge the relevant international institutions and the international community to properly respond to the situation with Vysokovich,” – said in comments. “This incident is another confirmation of the fact that freedom of expression in Ukraine ceased to exist”, – added in Department. On Saturday, the Agency “RIA Novosti” reported that the SBU was trying to recruit them correspondent Irina Viskovic, who came to Kherson to cover the judicial process on the case of editor-in-chief “RIA Novosti Ukraine” Kirill Vyshinsky. According to the journalist, they 1 Jun