The CEC has estimated the cost of presidential elections in Russia

The CEC has estimated the cost of presidential elections in Russia MOSCOW, 4 Jul — RIA Novosti. Presidential elections has cost the Federal budget more than 14 billion rubles, says the draft report of the CEC of Russia on the expenditure of Federal budget funds allocated for preparation and conduct of elections of the head of state. According to the draft report, the expenditures of the Federal budget for preparation and conduct of elections amounted to 14 billion 259 million 422 thousand rubles. Of them on election commissions at all levels in the regions it took 14 billion 52 million 483 thousand rubles. CEC to fulfill its mandate in the period of preparation and conduct of elections spent 84 million 913 thousand rubles, another $ 122 million spent by the Federal bodies of Executive power. Initially the elections had been budgeted 17 billion, 697 million 998 thousand rubles. The report

Vladimir Putin: Russia is interested in a cohesive EU

Vladimir Putin: Russia is interested in a cohesive EU Russia has no purposes to divide the European Union, said in an interview with the Austrian broadcasting company ORF, Russian President Vladimir Putin. About the plans of Vladimir Putin to visit Austria, “Kommersant” reported in April. President on 5 June to take part in the celebration of half a century of the contract for the supply of Soviet gas in this country. In addition, Vladimir Putin will hold talks with Federal President of Austria Alexander van der Ballena and Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz. See also: Austrian Chancellor called the US “increasingly unreliable”

“Levada-centre”: the appointment of Medvedev as Prime Minister do not approve of more than half of Russians

“Levada-centre”: the appointment of Medvedev as Prime Minister do not approve of more than half of Russians According to “Levada-the centre” referring to the held in late may, the survey, 51% of respondents did not approve the appointment of Dmitry Medvedev as Prime Minister. Positively to the performance of Mr Medvedev and responsibilities of the Prime Minister refers 41%, 8% are undecided with the answer. Note, when a politician has headed the government in 2012, this purpose, by estimates of the “Levada-center”, was approved by 59% of respondents and disapproved by 25%, undecided — 16%. Estimated other sociological service of the Fund “Public opinion”, the percentage dissatisfied with the reappointment of Dmitry Medvedev also high: 45% against Premiership policy, 39% and 16% were undecided. In 2012, the FOM survey is not conducted. Dmitry Medvedev, resigned on may 7, three days later, on the proposal of Vladimir Putin was re-approved by

Yonhap: Kim Jong UN replaced the military leadership of the DPRK before the summit with Donald trump

Yonhap: Kim Jong UN replaced the military leadership of the DPRK before the summit with Donald trump DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN has replaced three high-ranking representatives of the military command of the country before the summit with the US President Donald trump in Singapore. On 3 June, reported South Korean Agency “renkhap” with reference to sources. Kim Jong-UN has sent in the resignation of the Minister of people’s armed forces of North Korea, Park Yong-Shik, head of the General staff Lee Myung-soo and chief of the political Department of the army, Kim Jong GAK. The Agency said that the changes also reported the North Korean and Japanese media. According to sources, “Yonhap”, the change of military leadership took place in mid-may during a meeting of the Central military Commission of the workers ‘ party of Korea. The leader of the country decided on a reshuffle in order to rejuvenate the

Media: in Russia will appear new pedestrian crossings

Media: in Russia will appear new pedestrian crossings MOSCOW, 4 Jul — RIA Novosti. In Russia there will be new pedestrian crossings, they will be lifted above the roadway. About this newspaper “Izvestia” with reference to the project developers. It is noted that new transitions can appear near the entrances and playgrounds to enhance the safety of pedestrians. A preliminary version of the project includes the construction of elevated three inches to the pedestrian crossings near the entrances and playgrounds. According to the developers, this design will force drivers to slow down before the transition, as before the speed bump. As reported edition head project technical Committee “the Easy road” when Rosstandart Alexander Shumsky, the project is still under development and is planned to be ready by the end of the year, and in 2019 is expected its approval.

The former head of Krasnoyarsk region Tolokonsky has resigned from the post of mayor of Novosibirsk

A former Governor of the Krasnoyarsk territory Viktor Tolokonsky © Cyril Kuhmar/TASS NOVOSIBIRSK, June 4. /TASS/. The former Governor of Krasnoyarsk Krai Viktor Tolokonsky resigned from the post of chief adviser to the mayor of Novosibirsk Anatoly Elbow, which he took in November 2017, after the resignation from the post of Governor. Information on Monday confirmed to TASS the press Secretary of the mayor of the city of Artem Rogowski.

Kudrin predicts a shortfall of 43.2 billion rubles, dividends of state-owned companies

Kudrin predicts a shortfall of 43.2 billion rubles, dividends of state-owned companies The Federal budget may receive less of 43.2 billion rubles dividends of state-owned companies due to the difference in their evaluation. About it writes RBC with reference to the conclusion of the accounting chamber with the signature of its new head Alexei Kudrin, the bill on amendments to the budget in 2018. The document was submitted to the Duma on may 29. Revenues in the form of a dividend, it was reduced by 34% from the pre 379,9 billion rubles to 250,7 billion. According to the estimates of auditors, the budget will not get it. They indicate that the project is not taken into account the revised forecast of Federal property management Agency dated may 7, which implies that the income t dividend in 2018 will be 207,3 billion rubles. It is based on own data of state-owned

Vedomosti: the chamber will be able to check costs in the regions

Vedomosti: the chamber will be able to check costs in the regions On 30 may, the government approved amendments to the Budget code, according to which the chamber will have the authority to audit costs in the regions. About this newspaper “Vedomosti” with reference to the document, the authenticity of which was confirmed by the representative of the Ministry of Finance. In the explanatory note to the bill States that the amendments have already passed the coordination in the ministries and departments and will be submitted to the Duma. The representative of the Ministry of Finance in an interview with the publication did not rule out that the amendments can be accepted in July. According to the official financial-economic bloc of the government, to operate they will begin since 2019. According to the newspaper, the bill is divided into three blocks. The first part of the amendments empowers the audit

Day in jail equating to a half in the colony

Day in jail equating to a half in the colony Day of stay in the remand prison (SIZO) will equate to one and a half days in a penal colony and to two in a colony-settlement. Now a day in jail is the day of the colony. This “news” told the state Duma Committee on state construction and legislation, which prepared the corresponding project. With the initiative the head of Committee Pavel Krasheninnikov and the Commissioner for human rights Tatyana Moskalkova. Legislators believe that such a measure can greatly facilitate the lives of prisoners, moreover, in this case, once released about 100 prisoners. Krasheninnikov believes that this measure is actually an Amnesty. This measure will also apply to other measures of restraint. Night in the prison will equate to two days of restriction of freedom and to the three days of correctional labor. However, persons sentenced to prison and “strict