Golikova named one of the purposes of raising the retirement age

Golikova named one of the purposes of raising the retirement age MOSCOW, 14 Jul — RIA Novosti. One of the goals of raising the retirement age in Russia is the increase of pensions of citizens, said at a press conference members of the Russian government Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova. The Russian Cabinet on Thursday approved a bill to raise the age of retirement to 65 years for men (in 2028) and 63 years for women (2034). The increase will be scheduled in stages, will start in 2019. “All those decisions that aim to increase pension coverage in the long term,” he said. She explained that in 1970 in the USSR, one pensioner had 3.7 V working citizens, and now about 1.8. The amount of funds earned by the pension system by paying insurance premiums reduced, respectively, this significantly reduces the possibility for the payment of pensions to those pensioners

The important thing about pension reform

The important thing about pension reform June 14, Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has revealed details of the upcoming pension reform. The main parameters and the main stages of raising the retirement age — in the material “Kommersant”. Raising the retirement age will start on 1 January 2019 and will be carried out gradually, increasing every year for six months. By 2028 the age of retirement for men will be increased to 65 years. By 2034 , the age of retirement for women will be raised to 63 years. Increased the age assignment of social pensions (for those who have enough seniority, for the calculation of normal pensions). The age for a social pension for women will be raised from 60 to 68 years old. The age for a social pension for men will be raised from 60 to 70 years. The age for early retirement will be increased

The government proposes to fix the contribution to pension insurance at 22%

The government proposes to fix the contribution to pension insurance at 22% MOSCOW, June 14. /TASS/. The government proposes to permanently fix the rate of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance at 22%, said first Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov at a meeting of the Cabinet. “The government proposes for an indefinite term to fix the rate of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance in the amount of 22% with a limit value base for taxation of contributions and 10% exceeding the limit,” — said Siluanov. The development of IPK The Russian authorities do not waive the insurance pension system, but will also develop a system of individual pension capital (NCI), said Siluanov. “We do not refuse to build the pension insurance system, we are interested in the fact that the pension system has accumulated more resources, more income,” he said, stressing that raising the retirement age

Vladimir Putin instructed to reorganize the five divisions of the President

Vladimir Putin instructed to reorganize the five divisions of the President The President of Russia Vladimir Putin instructed to reorganize several departments in the administration of the Kremlin. This is stated in the relevant decree. Reorganization are subject to the presidential administration on domestic policy, to ensure that the activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation for application of information technologies and development of e-democracy, on public projects, as well as expert management. On the internal policy Department is responsible, in particular, issues of local samoupravleniya; expert management — issues in digital technology and technological development; on the management to ensure the activities of the state Council — the monitoring and analysis of social processes. Management on it application renamed office for the development of information and communication technology and communication infrastructure. On the eve of Vladimir Putin approved the composition of his administration. The management of AP

Putin received a personal message from Kim Jong UN

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme people’s Assembly Kim Yong Nam and the Russian President Vladimir Putin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, June 14. /TASS/. Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme people’s Assembly Kim Yong Nam conveyed to Russian President Vladimir Putin a personal message from DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN. “I have the honour to convey to you sincere greetings from the President [of the Council of State of the DPRK], comrade Kim Jong-UN in your address” – he said at a meeting with Russian President and handed over the message.

Kudrin said that pension reform is best for the citizens

Kudrin said that pension reform is best for the citizens MOSCOW, June 14. /TASS/. The head of the chamber Alexei Kudrin said that raising the retirement age in Russia is beneficial for citizens, as it will allow to raise pensions. He said this on his Twitter page. “Pension reform is long overdue. Finally the decision was made. This is the best decision, it will allow to increase pensions”, — said Kudrin. Read also: raising the retirement age in Russia will begin since 2019

Pensions in Russia will increase above the rate of inflation, Medvedev said

Pensions in Russia will increase above the rate of inflation, Medvedev said MOSCOW, 14 Jul — RIA Novosti. Pensions in Russia will increase above the rate of inflation regardless of the external and internal factors, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a government meeting. “We need their (pensions — ed.) to increase rates above inflation, regardless of external circumstances and internal problems. But the demographic situation is such that the proportion of working people are becoming less of pensioners is increasing. Every year, this imbalance will only grow, and hence the load on those working. All this if not to make decisions, can lead to the imbalance of the pension system — to the extent that the state cannot fulfill its social obligations”, — said Medvedev. The government on Thursday is considering a bill, suggesting amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the issues of assignment and

Raising the retirement age in Russia will begin since 2019

Raising the retirement age in Russia will begin since 2019 MOSCOW, June 14. /TASS/. The government proposes to gradually raise the retirement age to 65 years for men and 63 years for women, the transition period will begin in 2019 and will last until 2028 for men and 2034 for women. This was stated by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a Cabinet meeting, which considered the bill. It is proposed to introduce a sufficiently long transition period — it is proposed to start in 2019, to incrementally reach retirement at 65 years for men in 2028 and 63 years for women in 2034.Dmitry Medvedevputin-Minister According to Medvedev, “this will allow us to direct additional funds to increase pensions above the rate of inflation.” He assured that “the changes are smooth, the increase will take place gradually”. According to Medvedev, “this will allow us to direct additional funds to increase pensions

Putin optimized structure of the Kremlin administration

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, June 14. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin five weeks after assuming the highest office has optimized the structure of its administration. The head of state reorganized the four management assigned new additional duties, one office changed its name. “To reorganize the office of the President of the Russian Federation for application of information technologies and development of e-democracy, converting it to the office of the President of the Russian Federation on development of information and communication technology and communication infrastructure, and laid on him including ensuring activity of the President of the Russian Federation on issues of state policy in the sphere of development of digital infrastructure, as well as on the application of information and communication technologies”, – stated in the presidential decree “On measures on optimization of the structure of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation”. The text of the document gave TASS

In “Naftogaz” told about “irreversible consequences” from the “Nord stream — 2”

In “Naftogaz” told about “irreversible consequences” from the “Nord stream — 2” The implementation of the “Nord stream — 2” will lead to “irreversible” consequences for Europe, said the Director of business development of the NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” Yuriy Vitrenko. “The project “Nord stream — 2″ violates European legislation and lead to irreversible consequences, and will kill competition in European gas markets under the action of gas blackmail of Gazprom”, — stated in the page of the Ukrainian companies in Facebook. In addition, the bloc lashed out at Germany for the position of dispute between Russia and Ukraine over gas contracts signed in 2009. “Let’s be honest, Germany was pressing on us so we signed the agreement in 2009. They didn’t want to go into details. They were satisfied that the Russians said that this contract is in line with European rules,” — said Vitrenko. The gas pipeline “Nord