The training of the young governors will cost the Federal budget of 59 million rubles

The training of the young governors will cost the Federal budget of 59 million rubles To running at the Kremlin’s initiative, a program of development of managerial personnel reserve the Russian Academy spend in 2018, approximately 59 million rubles of budget funds, said in an interview with RBC Deputy rector of the Ranepa, program curator Alexey Komissarov. According to Komissarov, the presidential administration in April 2017 requested a whole range of programs, and the idea of a personnel reserve belonged to President Vladimir Putin. “In fact, the initiative of creating such a reserve came from the President of our country, and the order was made by the presidential administration headed by a Director and his first Deputy,” — said Commissioners. The commissioners noted that Putin has demanded to pay special attention to social mobility and promotion of young managers, and the adjustment of approaches to the selection of people for

Ukrainian security forces intensified offensive operations in the Donbass

Ukrainian security forces intensified offensive operations in the Donbass KIEV, June 20. /TASS/. The armed forces of Ukraine (AFU) has once again stepped up offensive operations in the conflict zone in the Donbas and moved 2 km near the village of Zholobok in Luhansk region. This was reported in the press center of the headquarters of “operation United forces” (EP). “Was planned, prepared and carried out a complex of measures with the creation of the strip ensuring a depth of two kilometers on the land defense of one of the brigades of the first echelon, — quotes the press center of the OOS of the TV channel “112 Ukraine”. The task of creating a strip security was successful.” The staff noted that the operation for the occupation of new territories lasted about two weeks in absolute secrecy. In mid-may, the military operation headquarters said that the Ukrainian troops occupied the

The former head of the Ministry of construction Mikhail Men was appointed auditor of the accounts chamber

The former head of the Ministry of construction Mikhail Men was appointed auditor of the accounts chamber The Federation Council approved the former head of the Ministry of construction Mikhail men, the auditor chamber of Russia. “For” his candidacy was supported by 148 people, 1 voted against. “Men appointed auditor of the accounts chamber of the Russian Federation”, — said the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. Previously head of the accounting chamber were appointed ex-Finance Minister, head of CSR Alexei Kudrin.

Retirement expectations were dispersed with pensions

Retirement expectations were dispersed with pensions Monitoring of the pension system. The expectations of most Russians regarding the acceptable size of pensions twice their current level. These results in a survey of public opinion received research holding “ROMIR”. So, a third of Russians (32%) would accept a pension at the rate of 20-25 thousand rubles a Quarter of respondents (28%) claim to pension payments with a volume of 25-40 thousand rubles. per month. A fifth of respondents (21%) believe that the monthly volume of payments at retirement must be in the range of 15-20 thousand rubles. Another 14% of the citizens believe that to maintain a decent quality of life in retirement they needed a sum more than 40 thousand rubles a month. With what objective level of pension can be in the range of 10-15 thousand rubles, I agree, according to the researchers, only 4% of Russians. Now, according

Means of illegal wiretapping will give a new definition

Means of illegal wiretapping will give a new definition The Federal security service (FSB) began development of the bill, which needs to establish the exact meaning of the term “special technical means intended for secret information”. Now the term is used in article 138.1 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation: since 2011, it provides for sanctions for illegal trafficking of such “special technical means” (punishment — till four years of imprisonment). The FSB clarify that the meaning of the term in Federal legislation “not solved”. “The purpose of fixing the values of the specified term due to the need of prevention of crimes connected with illegal circulation of such means,” reads the accompanying text to the initiative of special services. It is expected that by July 2 will be “public discussion” of the project. Up to this point, as follows from the data on special government portal, visitors

Moon Jae-In ahead of his visit to Russia gave an exclusive interview

Moon Jae-In ahead of his visit to Russia gave an exclusive interview The President of South Korea, moon Jae-In on the eve of a state visit to Moscow, scheduled for 21 June, gave an exclusive interview. As reported TASS, the South Korean leader spoke about the prospects of economic cooperation with Russia, his meetings with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, as well as about his expectations from the upcoming talks with Vladimir Putin. On June 8 the administration of the President of South Korea, moon Jae-In said that the country’s leader will visit Russia on a state visit from 21 to 23 June. The visit of South Korean leader to Russia will be the first for the last 19 years. Earlier official representative of the Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov was informed that moon Jae-In, most likely, will visit Russia during the 2018 world Cup football. In addition, the media reported that

Sergey Donskoy is again for exploration

Sergey Donskoy is again for exploration The former head of the Ministry of natural resources will lead the “Rosgeologiya” Roman Panov is. As it became known””, eks-the Minister of natural resources Sergey Donskoy in the near future will lead the geological holding “Rosgeologia”. The current General Director of Rosgeologia Roman Panov headed by its Board of Directors. Mr. don was already a General Manager of “Rosgeologia” before leaving the government in 2012. Interlocutors “” say that Mr Panov was given the chair of the Deputy Minister of natural resources — the head of the Committee, but he refused. The government has issued a Directive to the Board of Directors of Rosgeologia on the appointment of the former Minister of natural resources Sergey Donskoy CEO of the holding company, told Kommersant’s sources familiar with the situation. That Mr. don could lead the exploration holding company, “Kommersant” reported in early June, after

Matvienko in connection with the withdrawal of the US from the UNHRC stated that another of the globe for Washington no

The Speaker Of The Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Sergey Skates/TASS MOSCOW, June 20. /TASS/. The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko called the US withdrawal from the UN Council on human rights (HRC) a dangerous tendency to disregard existing international institutions and said that another of the globe for Americans is not.

The US has announced the release of the UN Council on human rights

The US has announced the release of the UN Council on human rights UN, 20 Jun — RIA Novosti. The USA is out of UN Council for human rights, said the permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley at a special press conference with us Secretary of state Mike Pompeo. Haley added that the U.S. does not retreat from the commitment to human rights, and admitted that under certain conditions, can return to the HRC. “We will continue to actively support the reform of the Council for human rights. If reform passes, we will be happy to join him”, she said. In turn, Pompeo said that the UNHRC does not protect, and covers violations of human rights, and called the organization “hypocritical”. In his opinion, the Board “falsely accuses the country of violations that they did not commit, and ignores violations of other countries.” The Secretary of state stressed that

Permanent mission of Russia called the US charges in the address of the HRC cynical

Permanent mission of Russia called the US charges in the address of the HRC cynical UN, 20 Jun — RIA Novosti. In the Russian mission to the UN commented on the US withdrawal from the Council of human rights and called cynical the reasoning of the Washington of his decision. Russian diplomats said the Council is “the key international platform for cooperation in the promotion and protection of human rights”, which operates on the basis of principles of impartiality, objectivity, non-selectivity, constructive dialogue and cooperation. “This body of the UN, which, like the entire UN system, is designed to serve all member States, and not any one country or group of countries”, — said the permanent mission. “Unfortunately, our colleagues from Washington do not understand or do not recognize. Although the international community’s response to their venture for the reform of the Council demonstrated their loneliness in this issue”, —