In Mexico over the presidential election. They can radically change the country

In Mexico over the presidential election. They can radically change the country Mexico finished voting in the presidential election held in the conditions of acute political strife and unprecedented violence. More than 130 candidates and political party activists were killed after the start of the election campaign in September last year. The former leftist mayor of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador can to score the highest number of votes. He promised to resolutely fight corruption. The coalition, which he heads, may remove from power two of the conservative party, which ruled Mexico for nearly a century. The center-left Party of the democratic revolution and the party “Civic movement”, which has twice been nominated andrés Manuel lópez Obrador in the elections of 2006 and 2012, and the center-right national action Party have formed an Alliance for the sake of victory over the ruling Institutional revolutionary party (PRI). The third attempt Will

Rallies Bulk against increasing pensions for retirees failed

Rallies Bulk against increasing pensions for retirees failed In mid-June, blogger Alexei Navalny has called through the social networks of their supporters to support the protests against the increase of pensions for retirees. Rallies have been declared in most major cities of Russia. Bulk picked a date — July 1, the day of the match of team Russia against Spain in the 1/8 world Championship. However, even before it became known that the blogger himself in the rally will not take part on 30 June he flew together with his family to Hungary. The developments Alexei Navalny was watching from Budapest. In the end, as predicted by many political analysts, in most cities the protests against the increase of pensions for retirees were not even able to collect the stated number of participants. And some where they did and had to cancel. Closer to the evening, from information received from

Kerimov returned to Russia after the withdrawal of the charges in France

Suleiman Kerimov © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS PARIS, July 2. /TASS/. Russian businessman and Senator Suleiman Kerimov after removal from France of allegations of financial offences received back my passport and was able to return to Russia. About it the correspondent of TASS reported Monday in the office of the Russian Federation in Villefranche-sur-Mer – unit of the Russian Consulate General in Marseille.

Volodin July 3, will take a delegation of U.S. congressmen

Chairman of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, July 2. /TASS/. Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin July 3, will take a delegation of U.S. congressmen, who are on a visit to Russia. This was reported to journalists on Monday the first Vice-the speaker Alexander Zhukov.

In the United States announced the successful testing of nuclear bombs B61−12

In the United States announced the successful testing of nuclear bombs B61−12 MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. The US air force conducted the first qualification test controlled nuclear bombs B61−12, according to the portal During testing we used a strategic stealth bombers B-2 Spirit. “These qualification flight tests demonstrate that the design of the B61−12 meets the system requirements, and illustrate the further progress of the programme of extending the service life of the B61−12 in accordance with the requirements of national security”, — said the employee of the National office of nuclear safety U.S. Department of energy Michael Lutton. Test Assembly of the devices held on 9 June at a military training ground in the state of Nevada under the leadership of the 419 test squadron Edwards air force base. The US plans to deploy the B61−12 on military bases in Europe — Germany, Italy, Turkey, Belgium

Bolton and Putin remained everyone at the opinion, discussing the situation in Ukraine

Bolton and Putin remained everyone at the opinion, discussing the situation in Ukraine WASHINGTON, July 1. /TASS/ — Previously, the President of the United States Donald trump said it plans to raise the subject of the Peninsula at a meeting with the leader of Russia in Helsinki on 16 July. Russian President Vladimir Putin and the assistant to the American leader for national security John Bolton remained everyone at the opinion, after discussion of events in Ukraine. On Sunday he told the Bolton TV channel CBS. He stressed that on 27 June during a visit to Moscow and Putin discussed the reunification of the Crimea with Russia. “President Putin was very clear to me in this matter, and I replied that each of us will have to agree to disagree on Ukraine. This is not the position of the United States,” — said the assistant to the President of the

In LNR said about saving mode silence

In LNR said about saving mode silence LUGANSK, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. The silence mode is maintained in the self-proclaimed Luhansk people’s Republic, told RIA Novosti the official representative of the LPR militia Andrey Marochko. “As of 18.00 (GMT) from 0.00 1 July, the “silence” enforced,” said Marochko. The contact group on Ukraine meeting in Minsk on Wednesday agreed on a complete ceasefire in the Donbass from July 1. The self-proclaimed militia DND and LNR said that adhere to the announced regime of silence, and it is also observed from the armed forces of Ukraine. Later in DND said about the ceasefire violations by the Ukrainian security forces.

Lavrov likened the accusations against Russia with the logic of the Queen from “Alice in Wonderland”

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, June 29. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov in interview to the British TV channel Channel 4 has compared the accusations of Western countries against Moscow with the logic of the red Queen from Lewis Carroll’s tale “Alice in Wonderland”. Responding to a question about whether Russian President Vladimir Putin to ensure his American counterpart Donald Trump, that Russia will not interfere in the midterm elections in the United States, Lavrov said that Moscow “prefers facts”.

Matviyenko hopes that the visit of U.S. congressmen to change their opinion about Russia

The Speaker Of The Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Press service of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation TASS, June 30. The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko hopes that the visit of the delegation of American parliamentarians in Russia will change their opinion about Russia, caused by “Russophobic policy” against the country. This opinion was expressed on air of the program “Vesti on Saturday” on TV channel “Russia 1”, aired in the far East.