The Russian Embassy in London criticized a new article on The Sun about the investigation into Skrobala

The Russian Embassy in London © EPA-EFE/ANDY RAIN LONDON, July 3. /TASS/. The publication of the newspaper the Sun about the establishment of the suspects in the case of the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, based on obscure sources, and its main objective is to relate the incident in Salisbury with Russia. This statement was made on Tuesday, the Russian Embassy in London.

Putin signed the law on broad public monitoring in elections at all levels

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, July 4. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has signed a law allowing the Public chamber of the Russian Federation and public chambers of subjects of the Russian Federation to appoint observers at elections to bodies of state power of regions and local self-government (LSG). The document adopted by the state Duma on 21 June and approved by the Federation Council on June 27, published on a single portal of legal information. It shall enter into force from the day of its official publication, except for certain provisions for which a different period of their entry into force.

Trump wanted privacy in his conversation with Putin

Trump wanted privacy in his conversation with Putin The President of the United States Donald trump wants to hold a confidential conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the summit in Helsinki, which will be held July 16. It is reported by CNN. A source familiar with the preparations of the summit, said that trump will meet with Putin in person before allow other delegations to join in the discussion with the Russian leader. The American President argued before the talks in Singapore that wants to “appreciate the chemistry” with Kim Jong-UN. Trump is familiar with the peculiarities of communication with Putin, but he needs more time to establish a relationship as heads of state, reports the source. Earlier, on 12 June, during the summit in Singapore, us President and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-UN spoke for about an hour just in the presence of their translators. Coming to the

British police found the two guilty in the poisoning Skrobala

British police found the two guilty in the poisoning Skrobala British police say two Russians involved in the poisoning in Salisbury, the former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia on March 4. About this newspaper The Sun, citing sources at Scotland Yard associated with the investigation of the incident. Presumably, the investigation will focus on two key figures, whose names were not disclosed. In Scotland Yard believe that the organizers of the assassination left the UK the next day and are now under the protection of the Kremlin. According to the source, this discovery is assessed as “major breakthrough”. “The ultimate goal always is to ensure that they appeared before the court. Of course, if they are no longer in the UK, it makes this task much more difficult”, — quotes the edition of his words. In Scotland Yard the news is not yet ready to comment. Sergei

Trust the Russians to Shoigu and Lavrov fell behind the ratings of Putin

Trust the Russians to Shoigu and Lavrov fell behind the ratings of Putin The trust ratings of the most popular Russian Ministers, Sergei Shoigu (defence Ministry) and Sergei Lavrov (foreign Minister) — has declined sharply over the past six months, follows from the data of “Levada-center”. After the fall of the level of trust to President Vladimir Putin (from 60 to 48%) and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (from 12 to 9%), caused by the announcement of the increase in the retirement age, lose the trust and Ministers who were not involved in this reform: the rating of trust to Shoigu declined from 31 to 19% to Lavrov from 25 to 14%. At the same time, anti-ratings of opposition politicians has decreased almost twice: the level of distrust of Alexei Navalny — from 13 to 6%, to Ksenia Sobchak — from 30 to 15%. Decreased and the level of confidence in

Lavrov discussed by phone with Pompeo preparations for the summit in Helsinki

The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, July 3. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo discussed on Tuesday by phone preparations for the Russian-American summit, a settlement in Syria and the situation on the Korean Peninsula. This is stated in the message the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the basis of the conversation held on the initiative of the United States.

Ukraine will include journalist Wyszynski in the lists for exchange with Russia

Ukraine will include journalist Wyszynski in the lists for exchange with Russia Moscow. July 3. INTERFAX.RU the Name of the journalist Kirill Vyshinsky is not in the list of persons whom Kiev is ready to transfer to Moscow in exchange for the release of Ukrainian prisoners in Russia, and also in DNR/LNR, because extradition was not requested by the Russian side, said first Vice-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s representative to the Humanities subgroup of the trilateral contact group Irina Gerashchenko. “Surname Wyszynski never sounded neither in Minsk, nor in any other formats anywhere. (…) Russian Federation (…) must make a proposal to the Ukrainian side. And we will consider it,” she said in the program “Svoboda words” on ICTV on Monday evening. Earlier it was reported that I. Geraschenko announced the list of 23 prisoners or detainees in Ukraine Russian citizens, Kiev is ready to transfer Moscow in exchange

The chief of the General staff signed the order on de-communization in the Ukrainian army

The chief of the General staff signed the order on de-communization in the Ukrainian army MOSCOW, 3 Jul — RIA Novosti. The chief of the General staff of the armed forces of Ukraine Viktor Muzhenko signed the order on de-communization in the army. About this he wrote on his page in Facebook. According to him, the document clearly reglamentary execution of commanders and chiefs at all levels of the law of Ukraine “About the condemnation of the Communist and national socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes in Ukraine and ban their symbols”. Muzhenko added that this step is the validation rate. The order approved the corresponding instruction that should be brought to each individual military unit. The so-called law on de-communization, prohibiting propaganda of Soviet symbols, operating in Ukraine since 2015. The new rules include the renaming of cities and streets named after Soviet statesmen. The Institute of national remembrance published a

American experts have estimated China’s nuclear Arsenal

American experts have estimated China’s nuclear Arsenal MOSCOW, 3 Jul — RIA Novosti. American experts believe that China’s nuclear Arsenal has 280 warheads, according to the academic journal Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. “China continues a program of modernization of nuclear weapons, which began in 1980-ies,” — said the Director of the nuclear information Project at the Federation of American scientists Hans Kristensen and senior fellow Federation Robert Norris. According to their estimates, China’s nuclear Arsenal has 280 warheads, 48 of them ballistic missiles, sea-based. “In response to the US deployment of a missile defense system in the Pacific region, China has equipped a number of its ICBMs different warheads”, — experts say.