The German court acknowledged the possible results Pokdemon Spain

The German court acknowledged the possible results Pokdemon Spain Moscow. July 12. INTERFAX.RU the Supreme court of the German state of Schleswig-Holstein decided that the extradition to Spain of the former head of the Generalitat (government) of Catalonia Carles Pokdemon on charges of embezzlement of public funds, reported on Thursday the online portal of the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. Nevertheless, for the issuance of Pokdemon Spanish side requires the consent of the German Prosecutor’s office. This is Pujdeme remains at large. Currently he is in Germany under house arrest, he was ordered to comply with certain rules, including once a week to visit the police station. The former head of the government of Catalonia, was detained in the North of Germany at the end of may after Spain issued a European warrant for his arrest. The Spanish justice accuses Pokdemon of separatism and the organization of an illegal referendum on self-determination,

Zakharova: the new British foreign Secretary demonstrated the anti-Russian approach

Zakharova: the new British foreign Secretary demonstrated the anti-Russian approach Foreign Ministry spokesman noted that in the case of “aggravation of anti-Russian bias in the management of the UK” complicate the interaction of the Russian Federation and the Kingdom on multilateral platforms. MOSCOW, July 12. /TASS/. The new head of the British foreign Minister Jeremy hunt has demonstrated anti-Russian approach, emphasising the role of his predecessor Boris Johnson in the preparation of the international reaction to the incident in Salisbury. On Thursday at the briefing said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “The new head of the foreign office, just by joining the right of possession of the foreign Ministry, has put in the merit of his predecessor, quote, “considerable effort in formulating a response to an incident in Salisbury”, thereby, in fact, supporting anti-Russian line of British diplomacy,” — said Zakharov. We believe that this approach

The United States named an alternative to Russian gas in Europe

The United States named an alternative to Russian gas in Europe The U.S. state Department “strongly supports” the project “southern gas corridor”, which will be a serious competition to Russian gas supplies to Europe, told RIA Novosti the representative of the office on energy of the U.S. Department of state Vincent Campos. WASHINGTON, 12 Feb — RIA Novosti. “The United States opposes the proposed project “Nord stream-2,” said Kappos. According to him, this project “would undermine energy security and stability in Europe” and especially it will affect Ukraine. “With regard to alternative sources of energy, we work closely with our European partners in order to enhance energy security by promoting diversification of the supply of fuel, routes, countries and suppliers,” he said. For example, the United States strongly supports the project “southern gas corridor” (to include the TRANS-Anatolian and TRANS-Adriatic pipeline, TAP and TANAP — ed.) which will diversify its

In the chamber of Commerce stated that the changes in the pension system of Russia is inevitable

In the chamber of Commerce stated that the changes in the pension system of Russia is inevitable The head of CCI Sergey Katyrin noted that consensus was necessary regarding the fact how will pass the pension maneuver in the country. MOSCOW, July 12. /TASS/. Changes in the Russian pension system is inevitable, because the current ratio of pensioners and employed does not promise increase of pensions. This was stated by TASS, the President Trading-industrial chamber of the Russian Federation (RF CCI) Sergey Katyrin. “Understand, in my opinion, reform is inevitable, that to date, one non-performing ratio is 1.2 employees. This, of course, does not promise all no not that increase in pensions, but even maintain that there is,” said Katyrin. In addition, according to him, the necessary consensus on how to pass the pension maneuver in the country, and last Thursday a round table in the chamber of Commerce entitled,

Senators criticized the Federal Agency for youth Affairs for the use of the word “quest”

Senators criticized the Federal Agency for youth Affairs for the use of the word “quest” Moscow. July 12. INTERFAX.RU Member of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security have criticized the Federal Agency for youth Affairs for the use of anglicisms, in particular the words “quest” for names of events on Patriotic education. “Patriotic education, like any education, is a managed process. If we don’t educate our youth, it brings up someone else. If we introduce the language, terms and formulae for imported languages, we educate not people dedicated to our Home, and living formulas, interests, standards, templates of other States”, — said at a meeting of the Committee Senator Alex Kondratyev, referring to the head Rosmolodezh Alexander Bugaev. The meeting was devoted to questions of realization of the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020” and your participation in this Rosmolodezh. Bugaev, among

London published an exit strategy from the EU

London published an exit strategy from the EU The UK government has published a strategy for “Broksita”, which presents a vision of future relations with the EU. They are, according to the document, will be based on mutual benefit, will be respected as Britain’s sovereignty and independence of the EU. “We leave the EU but remain in Europe,” the document reads. Mutual access of goods to markets will remain in force, will be saved jobs, there will be new opportunities in the market. This is a London to establish a free trade zone. Strategy for future relations between the UK and the EU will develop this fall. London expects that the result of “Breccia” the country will become stronger and more cohesive. Earlier posts have left the key Ministers in charge of the process of withdrawal from the EU: on 8 July the post of the Minister “Breccia” left David

The President of Turkmenistan delivered a rap of his own composition along with a grandson

The President of Turkmenistan delivered a rap of his own composition along with a grandson President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has decided not to miss his well-deserved vacation. On vacation, he spends a lot of time with his 16-year-old grandson Caringola, and together they composed a song in the style of a rap and performed it on camera. Together with his grandson, the President of Turkmenistan is engaged in physical activity, and therefore wrote a song about sports: “Sports! Turkmenistan! Lovely AVAZ! The silk road extends from AMule to Hazara! The sonorous voice of the sport! Turkmenistan, Awaza — the abode of happiness!”. During the download an error has occurred. Showing his creation to his grandson, the President asked the boy to translate the poems into English. The song is called “Sports in Turkmenistan”, according to Turkmenportal. Takes the rap policies, too, along with her grandson, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov reads a

The Ministry of labor called on to link the pension reform with the correction of the migration policy

The Ministry of labor called on to link the pension reform with the correction of the migration policy Citizens of the Russian Federation should have an advantage over migrants in search of work, according to the Department. Moscow. July 12. INTERFAX.RU After raising the retirement age in Russia you may need to adjust migration policies to the flow of visitors from abroad has forced the citizens of the older generation from the labor market, said Deputy Minister of labour and social policy Andrey Pudov on Thursday. “Indeed, we have a problem of lack of jobs or the imbalance of resources closed it? Just individuals from other countries. In this case, we create the first time a positive history, when us involvement in this volume is not required, and we will be able to implement, including (…) a migration policy so that employment was provided to individuals who are citizens of

Zakharova: the new British foreign Secretary demonstrated the anti-Russian approach

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS MOSCOW, July 12. /TASS/. The new head of the British foreign Minister Jeremy hunt has demonstrated anti-Russian approach, emphasising the role of his predecessor Boris Johnson in the preparation of the international reaction to the incident in Salisbury. On Thursday at the briefing said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

The state Duma rejected the draft on the prohibition of the children of officials to study abroad

The state Duma rejected the draft on the prohibition of the children of officials to study abroad MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. The state Duma at plenary session on Thursday rejected a bill that bans the children of officials to study abroad. The draft law was submitted by one of the deputies from the Communist party faction in 2016. The initiative aimed at halting the common practice of referral by parents, officials, top managers of state companies and state corporations of their children to study abroad. It is clarified that the proposed restrictions would apply to foreign educational institutions operating outside the Russian Federation. The possibility of receiving education in the branches of Russian educational institutions abroad, supposed to leave. The Duma Committee for security and combating corruption, who is responsible for this project did not support this initiative and recommended the state Duma to reject the document. “The