Matvienko instructed the Senator as an experiment to work the “black lumberjack”

Matvienko instructed the Senator as an experiment to work the “black lumberjack” MOSCOW, July 13. /TASS/. The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko has charged to Committee on agrarian and food policy and environmental management to understand how things work in Russia with the monitoring system for illegal logging, to hold parliamentary hearings. She suggested that the Chairman of the Committee Vladimir Lebedev on time to pretend “the black woodcutter” and “pass the axe” in the woods to better understand the situation. On Friday during the plenary discussion on the question of improving the reforestation and afforestation Matvienko drew attention of the head of the Federal forestry Agency Ivan, a Valentine to the problem of illegal deforestation. “Only recently arrived from Zabaykalsky Krai. The people said, “Valentina, black loggers as it was, and is, the forest is cut down, the wood is taken out, artificial arson”. No reforestation. This

Two-thirds of Russians said approval of Putin

Two-thirds of Russians said approval of Putin Moscow. July 13. INTERFAX.RU — Activities of Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to approve nearly two-thirds of Russians, the Russian government — slightly more than a third, according to a survey by VTSIOM received on Friday “Interfax”. As identified by sociologists, since the beginning of the month, there is a positive correction of assessments of the activities of the President. On average, for the period from July 2-July 8 the President approve 63.4% of the respondents, from 25 June to 1 July, the figure was 62.5%. The activities of the Chairman of the government Dmitry Medvedev approves 31.2% of respondents (the week before and 29.5%), the work of the Cabinet — 38% of respondents (a week earlier to 36.3%). The trust ratings of politicians over the week remained unchanged: in the first place Vladimir Putin — 37,6%, the second place is the Minister

Finland has introduced border controls with the EU due to the meeting of Putin and trump

Finland has introduced border controls with the EU due to the meeting of Putin and trump Finland will regain temporary control of their borders with other EU countries to provide security on the period of the meeting in Helsinki of the President of the United States Donald trump and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, informs the Finnish government. Border controls within the Schengen zone starts on 13 July from 12.00 noon and will be filmed July 17, also at noon. The meeting between the two leaders in the Finnish capital is scheduled for July 16. Reinforced control measures will not affect all passengers — they will be used against citizens, which will cause the suspicion of the security services. Additional documents when crossing the border is not required, but passengers should be prepared to control, the report States. Special attention will be paid to the Helsinki airport and the

The Russian foreign Ministry expressed protest to the Ambassador of Greece in connection with the expulsion of diplomats

The Ambassador of Greece in Russia Andreas Fryganas © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, July 13. /TASS/. The Ambassador of Greece in Moscow Andreas Fryganas was summoned on Friday to the foreign Ministry, where he expressed strong protest in connection with the expulsion of two Russian diplomats and a ban on entering the Republic of two citizens of the Russian Federation. This is stated in the message of the Russian depodesta.

Lavrov responded to trump’s words on the dependence of Germany on Russia

Lavrov responded to trump’s words on the dependence of Germany on Russia The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov in interview to TV channel RT has called “ideology” statements of the President of the United States Donald trump and Minister of energy of the country Rick Perry about the dependence of Germany on Russia. “And when the Minister of energy of the USA Rick Perry said that the project “Northern stream — 2″ must be stopped and that the United States may impose sanctions against European countries whose companies are involved in this project, under the pretext that the United States ostensibly in favor of competition and authoritarian Russian gas worse than the us democratic gas, I’m very sorry, but this is no longer the economy and competition, and pure ideology,” Lavrov said. Trump informed at the meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that Russia is

The return of “the French prisoner”. Suleiman Kerimov appeared in the Federation Council

The return of “the French prisoner”. Suleiman Kerimov appeared in the Federation Council The Senator from Dagestan, billionaire Suleiman Kerimov today for the first time since November of last year appeared at a meeting of the Council of the Federation. For several months he was under house arrest in France, where he was suspected of tax evasion. “Let’s welcome our French barman Suleyman Abusaidovich Kerimov, who, after a long break back in our team”, — said the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko during the meeting of the Upper house of Parliament. According to her, the colleagues of the victim “empathy” and “fought” for him. Today Kerimov, representing Dagestan in the Federation Council, for the first time since November of 2017 attended the meeting. At the end of June, the French government withdrew from Kerimov’s prosecution for tax fraud when buying property on the Cote d’azur. The investigators failed

TFR has proposed to introduce in the criminal code a separate article about the crimes of the doctors

TFR has proposed to introduce in the criminal code a separate article about the crimes of the doctors Moscow. July 13. INTERFAX.RU — the Investigative Committee of Russia offers to introduce into the criminal code a new article and change another to single out the responsibility of medical workers, said the official representative of SKR Svetlana Petrenko. “Proposes the introduction of new articles in the criminal code: article 124.1 “Improper rendering of medical care (medical services)” article 124.2 “Concealment of a violation of medical care”, presentation in the new edition of article 235 of the criminal code “Unlawful to carry out medical and (or) pharmaceutical activities”,” — said Petrenko. “The bill provides for amendments and additions to the Special part of the criminal code, aimed at improving the criminal law by introducing a special provision establishing criminal responsibility of medical workers, excluding the qualification of their actions under other articles