Trump said that the meeting with Putin was the better of the NATO summit

Trump said that the meeting with Putin was the better of the NATO summit Moscow. July 17. INTERFAX.RU — the US President lamented the criticism in the media. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The US President Donald trump said Tuesday that his meeting with the leader of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin was better than its predecessor, the NATO summit in Brussels. I had a great meeting with (leaders — if) NATO (.. .) but my meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin was even better.Donald Trepresent USA While I had a great meeting with NATO, raising vast amounts of money, I had an even better meeting with Vladimir Putin of Russia. Sadly, it is not being reported that way – the Fake News is going Crazy! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 17, 2018 In addition, trump expressed regret at the way the Western media cover his summit with the Russian President. “Unfortunately, the

Profile Committee of the state Duma supported the changes in pension legislation

Profile Committee of the state Duma supported the changes in pension legislation MOSCOW, 17 Jul — RIA Novosti. The profile state Duma Committee on labour and social policy at the meeting on Tuesday supported the government bill on changes in pension legislation. On Tuesday, the bill also reviewed the committees as co-executors. The state Duma Committee on health protection and Committee on regional policy and problems of North and Far East also supported the document. Newsthe state Duma Committee supported the change to pension legislation However, the Committee, in the draft opinion on the draft law proposes to develop a comprehensive program of measures to promote employment and protection of labor rights of citizens approaching retirement age, and to prevent the increase in youth unemployment. In addition, the Committee considers it necessary to take measures to ensure the payment of unemployment benefits at a level not below the subsistence minimum

The Prime Minister: the Netherlands is actually removed from the Ukraine blame for the death of Malaysian Boeing

The Prime Minister: the Netherlands is actually removed from the Ukraine blame for the death of Malaysian Boeing MOSCOW, July 17. /TASS/ — the Department also drew attention to the fact that Kiev is “down with it” failure to provide important information regarding the crash. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The Russian foreign Ministry expressed concern about the position of the Netherlands that actually indulge the authorities of Ukraine in connection with the investigation of the disaster in the Donbass Malaysian Boeing on July 17, 2014. “The glaring fact is that the Netherlands is actually removed from Kiev blame for the closed airspace over the combat area in the East of the country,” — said in a statement on Tuesday the comments of the Russian foreign Ministry in connection with the fourth anniversary of the tragedy. The foreign Ministry also drew attention to the fact that Ukraine is an interested party in the investigation

At the summit Russia – the United States created a separate media centers for the Russian and American media

© EPA-EFE/ANATOLY MALTSEV HELSINKI, July 16. /TASS/. Journalists of Russia and the USA that cover the meeting of presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump at the presidential Palace in Helsinki, working in two separate press center. The Finnish organizers have taken care to ensure that the pools of the Kremlin and the White house had its own facilities for transmission of reports.

The state Duma Committee on regional policy has approved a bill on pension reform

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, July 17. /TASS/. The state Duma Committee on regional policy and problems of North and Far East at the meeting on Tuesday supported the concept of the government bill on the pension system, expressing to him some comments and suggestions to be considered for the second reading of the document. The Committee is co-executor in the consideration of this bill, the profile is the Committee on labor, lipolytica and veterans ‘ Affairs.

Detained in the United States Butina is not an agent of Russia, said the lawyer

Detained in the United States Butina is not an agent of Russia, said the lawyer Russian Maria Butina, detained in Washington by the American secret services on suspicion of espionage, not tried to influence US policy. This statement was made by the lawyer sodejannoe Robert Neil Driscoll. The leader of the movement “Right to arms” Butina previously tried to establish links with the American National rifle Association, is a member and President of the United States Donald trump. Published by Marie Boutin Saturday, 6 June 2015,During the download an error has occurred. The lawyer arrested by the us secret services, the Russians Maria Butunoi Robert Neil Driscoll said that his client was not trying in any way to influence US policy. The charges against 29-year-old butinai the charges “simply overblown”, and she is not an agent of Russian intelligence, said the lawyer. Butino accused of unregistered activity on the territory

Zhirinovsky has declared its intention to become the liberal democratic party of monarchist faction of the state Duma

Zhirinovsky has declared its intention to become the liberal democratic party of monarchist faction of the state Duma MOSCOW, 17 Jul — RIA Novosti. The leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky has declared its intention to include in the name of the faction the definition of “monarchical”. At the plenary session of the state Duma, the LDPR leader suggested to make regulations amendments, according to which once a year on July 17 in the conference room to sound the anthem “God save the Tsar!” in memory of the last Russian Emperor. Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin has instructed the Committee on rules and control to discuss the idea. Later, welcoming the participants to the event in the hall of the faction, Zhirinovsky said that the LDPR first followed by his offer, so the event began with a performance of the Royal hymns of the choir of the faction. See also: Grudinin gave

Victoria Skripal told about the condition of the victim in Salisbury sisters

Victoria Skripal told about the condition of the victim in Salisbury sisters YAROSLAVL, 17 Jul — RIA Novosti. Victoria Skripal said that in early July was able to contact the victim in Salisbury cousin Julia. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий According to Victoria, she talked with a relative on the phone, but did not specify who he called. I had no connection with the Sergey Viktorovich (Skripal. — Approx. ed.). She (Julia. — Approx. ed.) told me that now recovers and deals with the health of the Pope. All that she said.Victoria Skripal She added that it was the only conversation with my sister recently. Julia “sees no need” to call or answer emails. “But I know she saw them,” said Victoria Skripal, noting that she would like to keep in touch with relatives and to know how your uncle’s health. Case Skrobala Fourth of March in Salisbury, according to British authorities, was poisoned,

More than four hours lasted two rounds of the summit Putin – trump in Helsinki

The US President Donald trump and the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin © Valery sharifulin/TASS HELSINKI, July 16. /TASS/. The presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump completed two rounds of negotiations in Helsinki, the correspondent of TASS from the event. It is expected that the leaders will talk about the results of the summit at a press conference.