Report: misinformation in social networks replacing real news

Report: misinformation in social networks replacing real news The amount of misinformation disseminated via the Internet is growing so fast that the fake news are beginning to displace the real. This was stated by the Chairman of the Committee of the house of Commons of the British Parliament’s culture, media and sport, Damian Collins. According to him, people hardly distinguish fake news from real. In the Committee’s report States that this problem poses a serious threat to democracy. It also calls for the adoption of more stringent measures of regulation of social networks. Earlier, the British government announced the intention to introduce a digital identification of all the campaign ads in the media. This means that all the political texts published in the Internet must have a registered authors, who are responsible for them. The report by British parliamentarians has been prepared in the Wake of the scandal firm Cambridge

Observers from Russia noted the high level of training of Cambodia to elections in the Parliament

© Yuri Denisovich/TASS Phnom PENH, July 29. /Offset. TASS Yuri D./. Russian observers noted the high level of training, which provided the government of Cambodia to passing Sunday in the Kingdom elections to the lower house of the Parliament of the Kingdom. The group of international observers from 538 people entered about 20 citizens of Russia, representing the state Duma, the Federation Council, the CEC and the Public chamber.

Erdogan announced a meeting on Syria with the participation of Russia

Erdogan announced a meeting on Syria with the participation of Russia In Istanbul on 7 September summit of Turkey, Russia, Germany and France, where it is planned to discuss the Syrian issue. This was stated by President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the newspaper Vatan. According to him, the sides will also discuss the agenda of upcoming trilateral summit in Turkey. It will involve Russia and Iran. Earlier on 26 July, the Turkish leader in the course of communication with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the BRICS summit in Johannesburg noted the positive dynamics of development of relations between the two countries, which “causes some countries jealous”. June 24, Erdogan won the presidential election in Turkey, with the support of 52.5 per cent of voters. After the victory, he promised to continue the fight against terrorist groups. The Turkish leader said that Ankara will “liberate Syria from the terrorists that

Bundestag Deputy believes that Russia is guilty in the poisoning Skrobala

Bundestag Deputy believes that Russia is guilty in the poisoning Skrobala Member of the Bundestag, Heike Hansel in an interview with Junge Welt said that neither the British nor the German secret services there is no imaginary evidence of Moscow’s involvement in the poisoning Skrobala. MOSCOW, 29 Jul — RIA Novosti. According to her, the government of Germany for the second time in a short period of time refused to provide the Parliament and the people of the country the evidence obtained from London, under which Russia was accused of poisoning a former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in Salisbury. According to Hensel, the refusal of the German government only shows that “neither the British nor the German intelligence services have no evidence” of Moscow’s involvement in the case. In addition, the German government also has not responded to the query whether the German security services have a

Erdogan has warned the United States that Washington may lose an ally in Ankara

Erdogan has warned the United States that Washington may lose an ally in Ankara The United States may lose their “sincere” ally, if Washington does not change its attitude to Ankara. About it as informs television channel NTV said on Sunday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. ANKARA, July 29. /TASS/, “We’re not tied to US, they should not forget that if they do not change their attitude, will lose a strong and sincere ally in Turkey,” he said, commenting on Washington’s statement on the court case of American pastor Andrew Brunson. According to Erdogan, Ankara “never conducted the auction in question Branson”, “Turkey will not back down because of threats of sanctions”. Leader called the official U.S. comments on this “psychological warfare”. A Protestant pastor Andrew Branson, who lived in the district of Izmir, was arrested in 2017 for alleged links with the outlawed Turkey Kurdistan workers ‘ party and “terrorist

In Colorado trump’s portrait replaced a picture of Putin

In Colorado trump’s portrait replaced a picture of Putin He lived a joke not for long — the picture is almost immediately removed by the staff. In Colorado at the Capitol building the place for the portrait of the President of the United States Donald trump put a picture with Russian chief Vladimir Putin. It managed to capture one of the state senators Stephen Feinberg, who posted a photo in his Twitter. “Right in the Capitol of the state of Colorado, in the hall of presidential portraits…#Patenbrigade,” accompanied by the sarcastic hashtag a photo of the incident Feinberg. As seen in the Colorado State Capitol Hall of Presidential Portraits today…#putinpotus — Steve Fenberg (@SteveFenberg) 26 Jul 2018 Unknown prankster said thus continued absence in the gallery of a portrait of the current President of the United States Donald trump. According to the Miami Herald, for the installation of organization

The Federation Council approved the agreement with China on the development of the kluchevskoye gold Deposit

The Federation Council approved the agreement with China on the development of the kluchevskoye gold Deposit MOSCOW, July 28. /TASS/. The Federation Council at the plenary session on Saturday has approved the ratification of the agreement with the government of the people’s Republic of China on cooperation in the sphere of implementation of development project klyuchevskoe gold Deposit, TRANS-Baikal territory. This agreement, signed in Beijing on February 5, defines the terms, allowing the company China National Gold Group Hong Kong Limited (all cngc) a company under full (100%) control of all cngc, to purchase not less than 60% and not more than 70% of voting shares of joint-stock company “Mine “West Keys”. In the conclusion of profile Committee of the Federation Council on international Affairs says that the agreement is aimed at creation of favorable conditions for investment cooperation in the development field. Responding to the critical comments of colleagues

Lavrov explained to the foreign Minister of Armenia the procedure of revocation of powers of the CSTO Secretary General

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, July 28. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov in telephone conversation with the foreign Minister of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanyan gave the necessary explanations on the procedure of revocation of the authority of the Secretary-General of the organization of collective security Treaty (CSTO) Yuri Khachaturov after the charges against him. This is stated in a statement on Saturday, the comments of the Russian foreign Ministry.

In Uzbekistan stopped the channel for the screening of the film “I am legend”

In Uzbekistan stopped the channel for the screening of the film “I am legend” TASHKENT, 28 Jul — RIA Novosti. The work of the private TV channel STV in Samarqand stopped because of the display of the American movie “I am legend” and the cartoon for adults “the Full raskolbas”, which are included in the list of tapes that are not recommended for viewing in Uzbekistan, said on Saturday the press service of the Uzbek Agency for print and information (UzAPI). “The work of the Samarkand TV channel STV stopped indefinitely, and capital Sevimli channel, received a strict warning for demonstration in the broadcast of materials unacceptable character”, — stated in the message. According to the press service, the decision was made Friday at a meeting of the Interdepartmental coordination Commission for the improvement and increase of efficiency of information activities and data transmission. Channel STV on July 21 showed