Embassy of the Russian Federation appealed to the state Department in connection with the FBI arrest of Russian citizens

© EPA-EFE/SHAWN THEW WASHINGTON, August 7. /TASS/. The Russian Embassy in the US appealed to the state Department for clarification on the situation with the FBI arrest of Russian citizens suspected of money laundering and conspiracy to commit fraud. A message posted Monday on the page of the Russian Embassy in Facebook. “He appealed to the state Department for clarification on this fact. Requested information on the whereabouts of the arrested. Are working to establish direct contact with detainees to ensure respect for their legitimate rights,” reads the statement of the diplomatic mission.

“Russia has received the main thing — world”

“Russia has received the main thing — world” Dmitry Medvedev, told “Kommersant” about the 2008 war that could lead to a new conflict in the region. 41фотография41фотография41фотография On the night of 7 to 8 August 2008 in South Ossetia, the war began. Georgian troops entered Tskhinvali, and then was knocked out of him by the Russian army, which stopped near Tbilisi. The outcome of the war was Moscow’s recognition of independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, who was then President, told the special correspondent of “Kommersant” Vladimir Solovyov on why the Russian tanks did not enter the Georgian capital that Moscow has won the recognition of the two republics, and that could provoke a new conflict in the region. — The August war of 2008, there was a feeling that the inevitable, even before it started. You have those feelings in that period

In the Greek foreign Ministry summoned the representative of the Russian Embassy, the source said

In the Greek foreign Ministry summoned the representative of the Russian Embassy, the source said ATHENS, August 6 — RIA Novosti, Gennady Melnik. The representative of the Russian Embassy in Athens on Monday was summoned to the foreign Ministry of Greece, he stated on the demarche in connection with the expulsion of Greek diplomats from Moscow, reported RIA Novosti diplomatic source in Greece. “The representative of the Russian Embassy in Athens on Monday was summoned to the foreign Ministry of Greece. The Greek side announced the move in connection with the action (Moscow) against Greece”, — said the source. As reported on Monday, the Russian foreign Ministry, August 6, the Russian foreign Ministry had summoned the Ambassador of Greece in Moscow Andreas Fryganas, he was handed a note informing the Russian side mirror taken measures in response to hostile actions of Athens in July against Russian diplomatic staff and citizens.

The source told how Moscow will respond to the expulsion of diplomats from Athens

The source told how Moscow will respond to the expulsion of diplomats from Athens ATHENS, August 6 — RIA Novosti, Gennady Melnik. The response of Greece touches the head of the political Bureau of the foreign Minister of Greece Giorgos, Sakellariou, reported RIA Novosti a source in the Greek government circles. As previously reported, the Russian foreign Ministry, August 6, the Russian foreign Ministry summoned the Ambassador of Greece in Moscow Andreas Fryganas, he handed over a note on measures taken by the Russian side mirror response to the unfriendly actions of Athens in July against Russian diplomatic staff and citizens. The source of the Agency reported three the Greeks, which will affect the response of Russia. “Russia sends trade representative of the Embassy of Greece in Moscow, and also responsible for communication of the Embassy,” said the source. “In addition denied entry to the head of the political office

The British foreign office called the reports of extradition requests from Russia speculation

The British foreign office called the reports of extradition requests from Russia speculation LONDON, August 6 — RIA Novosti. Reports on the plans of the British prosecutors to demand from Russia to extradite the suspects in the case of poisoning in Salisbury are speculation, said RIA Novosti the representative of the foreign Ministry of great Britain. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The Guardian newspaper on Monday, citing sources in the British government and the security service reported that London intends to request from Moscow the extradition of two suspects in the case of poisoning in Salisbury. According to the newspaper, a request has already been formed and the British authorities are ready to send. This is another example of speculation. The investigation is ongoing, and any official statements should come from the police.the representative of the foreign office As follows from the material the Guardian, a case of poisoning in Salisbury combined with the

Rouhani said that he sees no point in negotiations with trump after the return of the sanctions

Rouhani said that he sees no point in negotiations with trump after the return of the sanctions TASS, 6 August. The President of Iran Hassan Rouhani considers it pointless talks with the President of the United States Donald trump after Washington’s decision on the partial return of the sanctions against Tehran. “There is no point in negotiations with the introduction of sanctions”, — quotes the words of Rouhani channel Al-Mayadeen. According to the President of Iran, calls for trump to direct negotiations aimed at “creating divisions in Iran in favor of the United States”. “Group 4+1 (Britain, France, Germany, China, Russia — approx. TASS) has confirmed its solidarity with Iran and has taken a number of steps to compensate for the exit of Washington from a nuclear deal,” he added. Rohani also said that Iran is based on diplomatic methods, whereas the United States can not be trusted. “Iran believes

Britain asks Russia to extradite suspects in the case Skrobala

Britain asks Russia to extradite suspects in the case Skrobala London is going to send Moscow a request for extradition of Russians who were suspected of poisoning people with nerve substance in the British city of Salisbury. About it writes on Monday, August 6, the Guardian newspaper with reference to sources in the government and power structures of the UK. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий According to the newspaper, the authorities want to extradite from Russia two citizens of the country. It is noted that in the months of thorough investigation, which led hundreds of police and security officers, they are “fully tracked movement of the two Russians from the moment they enter the UK prior to departure” from the country. The publication writes that the request was prepared by the crown prosecution service. She was ready to send it at any time. At the same time, The Guardian indicates that such a request

Slutsky asked the Senator from the United States to help Butinai

The head of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, August 6. /TASS/. The head of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky at a meeting with U.S. Senator Rand Paul asked him to assist in resolving the situation with the arrested in USA Russian woman Marie Boutin.

Embassy of the Russian Federation: the Central African Republic has not yet provided new data on murder of Russians

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS RABAT, August 6. /Offset. TASS Pervin Mamed-zade/. The authorities of the Central African Republic (CAR) has not yet provided the Embassy of Russia in Bangui new data about the investigation of the murder of three Russian journalists in the beginning of last week. About it the correspondent of TASS said Monday the charge d’affaires of Russia in the Central African Republic Victor Tokmakov.