Zakharov said that the USA have not coped with the role of Superman

Zakharov said that the USA have not coped with the role of Superman According to the Russian Ministry of foreign Affairs, the US has not coped with the role of “Superman” and could not confirm the concept of its uniqueness. At the same time, the foreign Ministry noted that the new record defense budget of the United States is the attempt by Washington to maintain its domination of the world by force. USA, who said once about its exclusivity, has not coped with a role of “Superman”, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, speaking at a meeting with participants of the international educational forum “Balcerek”, RIA “Novosti”. Was invented the concept of exceptionalism of the United States… But if the US could bring stability, handling stability, then many would accept this concept. For Superman, the US has failed.Maria Saharanafrican the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry

The British air force intercepted six Russian bombers over the Black sea

The British air force intercepted six Russian bombers over the Black sea Moscow. 15 Aug. INTERFAX.RU Royal air force of great Britain on Wednesday announced the intercept six Russian tactical bombers su-24 in the skies over the Black sea near the borders of NATO. In the message the British air force released on Wednesday, States that to intercept Russian bombers 13 Aug flew stationed in Romania fighter Eurofighter Typhoon RAF. At the approach of the British fighter planes of the Russian air force turned toward the Crimean Peninsula, the report says. Royal air force UK noted increased activity by Russian military aircraft in the area the night before the interception. Only Romanian air base “Mikhail Kogelnichanu” deployed four British Typhoon. How many of them participated in the interception, not specified.

Vladimir Putin said about the lack of positivity in social networks

Vladimir Putin said about the lack of positivity in social networks The President of Russia Vladimir Putin is convinced that social media is little positive content. During a visit to the North Caucasian youth forum “Mashuk-2018” in Pyatigorsk, the President talked with the co-author of the project “Cartoon Studio named after Alexander Shiryaev” children by Tameem. He told the President that the content for the student television stations distributed mainly in social networks. “It is especially nice that you are working in networks. Because, as I understand it, the mood you have the most positive. And positive networks need 100%, which is often lacking,” lead Vladimir Putin’s words news Agency. In recent years, Russia has increased the number of criminal cases for reposts and likes in social networks. The Kremlin urged when considering each of the cases to preserve my sanity. As stated by the press Secretary of the President

Vyacheslav Volodin proposes to raise pensions up to 20-25 thousand rubles

Vyacheslav Volodin proposes to raise pensions up to 20-25 thousand rubles Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin considers that in the coming years, the size of pensions in Russia needs to increase to 20-25 thousand RUB This initiative, he announced on 15 August at the workshop on the preparation of parliamentary and public hearings scheduled for August 21. “We need to fully consider this issue with the participation of experts, representatives of civil society institutions, the business community, regions, political factions of the State Duma, because the size of today’s pension does not suit anyone,” said the speaker journalists after the meeting (quoted by “RIA Novosti”). According to mister Volodina, a “hole” in the Pension Fund will increase. The situation when the Pension Fund does not solve the problem of the growth of pensions and on average 20-25 thousand rubles, and the Federal budget will not be able to

Ministry of communications supported the draft law on decriminalization of the article for repost

Ministry of communications supported the draft law on decriminalization of the article for repost Ministry for digital development, communications and mass communications has sent a positive opinion on the draft law on cancellation of criminal punishment for extremist publications and reposts on the Internet, told RNS the Deputy Minister Alexei Volin. “We wrote a positive review on the draft bill on the decriminalization of likes and reposts,” reported RNS Alexey Volin. Earlier the Deputy of the state Duma from the Communist party Sergei Shargunov, together with the Chairman of the party “Rodina” Alexey Zhuravlev introduced two bills on partial decriminalization of article 282 of the criminal code “inciting hatred or enmity”. MPs propose to leave criminal penalties for incitement of hatred with application of violence, use of official position or by an organized group. For public calls or calls in the media and on the Internet of the accused is

Zakharov: Kiev “the list Magnitsky” against Russia violate international law

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Vitaly Nevar/TASS SVETLOGORSK /the Kaliningrad region/, August 15. / TASS/. Moscow will consider the inclusion Kiev politicians of the Russian Federation in the “Magnitsky list” as a gross violation of international law. This was stated on Wednesday at a briefing the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, commenting on the intention of the Ukrainian authorities to create analogue of the American “Magnitsky act”.

Zakharova called allegations of Russian meddling in the politics of Greece

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Vitaly Nevar/TASS SVETLOGORSK /the Kaliningrad region/, August 15. /TASS/. Moscow never interfered in internal or foreign policy of Athens, such accusations are unfounded. This was at the briefing said Wednesday the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “Acquainted with the published on the website of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Greece review, August 10, in which Athens give their assessment of the current stage of bilateral relations. The charges Athens, reduced to the allegations, the evidence we were given,” said the diplomat, adding that “Russia has never interfered in the internal Affairs of Greece or its foreign policy.”

“I suffer in the name of Jesus.” What is known about the pastor, which the United States brought down the economy of Turkey

“I suffer in the name of Jesus.” What is known about the pastor, which the United States brought down the economy of Turkey A trade war between Washington and Ankara have brought down the Turkish economy and put the country on the brink of full-blown financial crisis. Relations between the two NATO allies appeared at the bottom of the 50-year-old American pastor Andrew Brunson. Who is he and what’s the duty on steel and aluminum? “In Turkey, he had UPS and downs” Andrew Brunson grew up in the small town of black mountain in North Carolina in a deeply religious family. Branson is the eldest among seven brothers and sisters. His parents are pam and Ron Branson — Presbyterian missionaries who preached in Mexico, Pakistan and Russia. The stories of pam, as a child, Branson almost died from a serious illness: “At that time I was ready to give him

Pamfilova has advised the Communist party actively to prepare for the pension referendum

Pamfilova has advised the Communist party actively to prepare for the pension referendum MOSCOW, August 15. /TASS/. The Chairman of the CEC of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova said that the Communist party should be more actively engaged in the registration of initiative groups on pension referendum in the regions. “Instead of complaining, the Communist party must actively work. They two groups was in Altai Krai and Irkutsk region,” — she told journalists on Wednesday. “Now they have the ability [to hold a referendum], if they don’t oversleep and will quickly develop their initiative groups, they do not need more in a CEC to handle. They came promptly, gave the documents to the electoral Commission. If they perform all the procedures they will simply be automatically registered under this question”, — said the CEC head. Pamfilova has underlined that does not see the initiators of the referendum “no obstacles” to