Expert: elections on the single voting day in Russia, are held in a relaxed mode

Expert: elections on the single voting day in Russia, are held in a relaxed mode The turnout in the regions where there is a vote, is half of the turnout in the presidential election at the same time, said the Chairman of the expert Council AISI Gleb Kuznetsov. Upstairs MOSCOW, September 9. /TASS/. Elections on the single voting day in Russia are held in a relaxed mode and with the tradition of the interest of the voters at which elections are held at the regional level. This opinion was expressed on Sunday, TASS the Chairman of the expert Council of the Expert Institute of social studies (AISI) Gleb Kuznetsov. “In General the elections are held peacefully and with the tradition of interest at which the elections are held at the regional level”, — said Kuznetsov. As the expert noted, the turnout in the regions where there is a vote, is

The day of the election. The main thing

The day of the election. The main thing Today in 80 regions of Russia held elections at various levels. The voting process, important news and first results — in the collection “b”. Upstairs The vote The first polling stations opened in Chukotka, September 9 at 8:00 local time (23:00 GMT, 8 September). To 15:00 (6:00 GMT) the turnout was 44,72%. In Moscow and the Moscow region for the soldiers of Regardie employed today, the protection of public order, the first stations opened at 06:00. All stations opened at 8:00, to vote for them will be to 22:00 (voting extended by two hours). No violations have been recorded. In the Amur region voter turnout for 12:00 was only 2.91%. In the Altai region by 12:00 (8:00 GMT) voted 18,48% of the voters. In Kuzbass at 12:00 (8:00 GMT) the turnout was 27,97%. In Primorye, the voting started at 01:00 GMT. At

Telegraph: British authorities suspect GRU in hacker attacks on the infrastructure of the country

Telegraph: British authorities suspect GRU in hacker attacks on the infrastructure of the country LONDON, September 9. /TASS/ — According to the publication, the purpose of the cyber attacks allegedly became energy networks, telecommunication systems and the media. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Critical infrastructure the UK was allegedly subjected to a series of hacker attacks from the Chief Directorate (the former Main intelligence Directorate, GRU) of the General staff of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation. This assertion, citing sources in the British government presented on Saturday newspaper the Daily Telegraph. According to the publication, the purpose of the Moscow-based Russian special services like steel British energy network, telecommunications and media organisations. The head of the National cyber security center (NCSC) Kieran Martin last year, claimed that since the founding of the organization in 2016, the Russians have repeatedly carried out attacks against the infrastructure of the United Kingdom. In total, the

Media reported about the deployment of Ukrainian armored in the sea of Azov

Media reported about the deployment of Ukrainian armored in the sea of Azov MOSCOW, 9 sen — news. Ukraine begins transfer of armored in the Azov sea and begins to create a full-fledged naval forces, as reported by the “Ukrainian military portal” with reference to sources in the General staff and high command of the Navy of the country. Upstairs According to the portal, on the morning of 8 November in Berdyansk noticed a small armored boat of naval forces of Ukraine, which carried on a cargo trailer. In the near future, according to the publication, there are planning to throw three small artillery boats. As the “Military portal” to the end of this year on the Azov sea, the construction of a full-fledged naval base of the Ukrainian Navy, and deploying boat division. Previously the Council of national security and defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine adopted a decision to

In the United States recognized the erroneous interpretation of the correspondence Butinai

In the United States recognized the erroneous interpretation of the correspondence Butinai WASHINGTON, Sep 9 — RIA Novosti. The Prosecutor’s office in the United States recognized that Russian Maria Butina, charged with the work of unregistered foreign agent, did not offer sexual services in exchange for the post. Upstairs As published in the judicial database, the prosecution assumed that Butina offered sex in exchange “for the position in the organization of special interest”. This conclusion investigators did from the correspondence of the accused with “other person”. Protection of Butynol denied it. “Even taking into account that the government (USA) misinterpreted this particular correspondence, questioned the assertion of the defendant that her relationship with (citizen) US Person 1 is strong enough to ensure her appearance in court for charges against her if she will be released”, — the document says. Thus, the Prosecutor argues his position on the fact that Butina

In Russia began a single day of voting

In Russia began a single day of voting All elections will be held in 80 of the 85 subjects (with the exception of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, the Crimea, Mari Republic and St. Petersburg) and will cover the territory where, according to the calculations of the CEC, is home to a total of 65 million voters. Upstairs Direct gubernatorial elections will be held in 22 regions, including Moscow, the Moscow, Samara, Voronezh and Tyumen regions. Chapter five of the regions of Dagestan, Ingushetia, Nenets and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous districts — will be elected on the same day the legislative bodies on the proposal of the President of Russia). Elections to regional parliaments will be held in 16 regions, such as Rostov, Vladimir, and Irkutsk regions. 12 administrative centers of subjects of Federation will be elected by the city Parliament, in four cities — mayors. While in Khakassia and Yakutia will be held simultaneously

Pavlensky spoke about torture in a French prison

Pavlensky spoke about torture in a French prison MOSCOW, September 8 — RIA Novosti. A Russian artist-actionist Peter Pavlensky, who is imprisoned in France, complained of ill-treatment in prison “Fleury-Merogis”. Pavlensky’s message published in Facebook by his friend Oxman. Upstairs “Prisoners are treated like animals, which is unacceptable for any self-respecting person,” — said in the recording. It is reported that on the first of August the guards provoked the actionist to “break and subdue” it. In August Turkey signed into solitary confinement, where he spent 30 days. The artist also spoke about the behavior of the guards in the solitary confinement in Russia and in France. “The prison warden calls the prisoner and read him the order of solitary confinement for 5, 10 or 15 days. He gathers his things, says goodbye to his cell mates and goes” — quoted Oxman message Pavlensky. In a French prison, according to

The Russian Orthodox Church will cease communication with Constantinople, if the UOC will give autocephaly

The Russian Orthodox Church will cease communication with Constantinople, if the UOC will give autocephaly MOSCOW, September 8 — RIA Novosti. The Moscow Patriarchate will stop Eucharistic communion with the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the event of the giving them the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church, said Saturday the Chairman of the Department for external Church relations of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk. Upstairs “When such a brazen and cynical way interfere in the Affairs of the local Orthodox churches, not only leads the situation into a dead end, but also threatens to split the world Orthodoxy. The canonical autocephaly of the Church that will not accept. We in the Russian Church this autocephaly is not recognized. We will have no choice but to break off communication with Constantinople,” said Metropolitan Hilarion, the TV channel “Russia 24”. Metropolitan Hilarion explained that “if Constantinople will complete his evil plan

Poroshenko said that he would not ask Putin for permission to enter NATO

Poroshenko said that he would not ask Putin for permission to enter NATO KYIV, September 8 — RIA Novosti. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that he would not ask President Vladimir Putin permission to European and Euro-Atlantic integration. Upstairs Poroshenko on Monday submitted to Parliament a draft law on amendments to the Constitution, which enshrines the country’s course to EU and NATO. “The principled position of Ukraine is the following: we have not asked and do not intend to ask the aggressor and Putin permission regarding the European integration process and with respect to our Euro-Atlantic integration. It is exclusively a sovereign right of the Ukrainian people”, — quotes the press service Poroshenko, he said in an interview with the Zhytomyr regional TV channel “W1”. Poroshenko noted that the majority of Ukrainians believe the rate in the EU and NATO a key factor in the security of the state.

Tsipras has called cooperation with the United States the best prospect for Greece

Tsipras has called cooperation with the United States the best prospect for Greece ATHENS, September 8 — RIA Novosti, Gennady Melnik. Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras said that the Greek and American peoples share common values and strategic cooperation between the two countries will become the best Foundation of a new Outlook for Greece and the region. Upstairs This statement Tsipras spoke, opening the American pavilion at the 83rd International fair of Thessaloniki (TIF), where the United States is the honorable country. Tsipras said that during the trip to Washington was discussed with the President of the United States Donald trump the importance of the first international exhibition of Thessaloniki after Greece’s exit from the eight-year program of structural adjustment, which marks the return of the economy and the country to a normal situation, growth, and the participation of the United States as a country of honor to TIF.