Media: FBI did not study the cracked servers of the US Democratic party

Photo: RIA Novosti The FBI has not requested access hacked during the presidential election servers of the US Democratic party before you accuse Russia of cyber attacks. It is reported portal BuzzFeed with reference to the source. “The FBI never requested access to the server of the Democratic party,” BuzzFeed cites the words of the chief of public relations of the party of Eric Walker. It is reported that the Ministry trusted the analysis, conducted by CrowdStrike, which has also accused Russia of hacker attacks. Earlier, the hacker Guccifer has called the US charges against Russia of meddling in the presidential election crazy.

Expert: new sanctions Obama against Russia became a gift to trump

Photo: EPA New US sanctions against Russia became a “Christmas gift” for President Barack Obama to his successor, Donald Trump, said Tuesday RIA Novosti the head of the Russian-American Pacific partnership (ratop) Derek Norberg. “In my opinion, Obama has used the last chance to put pressure on Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia. As for trump, perhaps the introduction of new sanctions is a new year gift from Obama,” said Norberg. He recalled that “trump has always said about the desire to normalize relations or just to have more friendly relations with Russia.” However, according to him, “without new additional sanctions from the elected President was not specific sanctions measures that he could cancel without a strong reaction from the Senate and Congress”. Now as the future American leader such an opportunity, the head ratop. However, he expressed confidence in the fact that the repeal of new sanctions will be

Caught in the sanctions list of the USA Dmitry Kovtun said that he has property abroad

Dmitry Kovtun © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS, archive MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. Businessman Dmitry Kovtun, was included by the US Treasury, in the sanctions list, told TASS that he had no property abroad and he is not going to leave Russia. “I never wanted to go to USA, I have never had anything, not even interest to go there. Currently abroad I have no one property”, – said Kovtun, commenting on the inclusion of his name in the list of the U.S. Treasury. He stressed that “lives in Russia and is not going to go anywhere”.

US intelligence is not yet convinced trump that a cyber attack may be involved in RF

Sean Spicer Photo: AP Photo/Cliff Owen The US intelligence services at the moment are unable to present President-elect, Donald Trump convincing evidence that the hacking attacks on electronic systems American political organizations allegedly involved in Russia. This was stated in interview to TV channel Fox News, a representative transition team trump Sean Spicer, nominated for the post of press Secretary of the White house. He noted that trump “every day, hear the briefings as members of his team for national security, and other members of the intelligence community”, but at the moment, “it seems that intelligence there is no credible evidence” of Russian involvement in the cyber attacks on the political structure of the United States. Spicer also claimed that last week’s report by the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) and the Department of homeland security (DHS), the U.S. devoted to the alleged attacks by Russian hackers, more like a

Putin instructed to invite children deported from U.S. to Russian diplomats on the Christmas tree in the Kremlin

Photo: © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS, archive The President of Russia Vladimir Putin instructed to invite the children of all employees of the Russian diplomatic missions sent from the United States by the administration of Barack Obama, on a Christmas tree in the Kremlin. About it journalists were reported by the press service of the head of state. Earlier it was reported that the aircraft sent from U.S. diplomats landed in Moscow. Last Thursday, leaving the Obama administration in the US introduced new anti-Russian sanctions that have affected some of the Russian companies, the Federal security service and Main Directorate (former GRU) of the Russian General staff, and senior management GU. In addition, the US authorities declared persona non grata 35 Russian diplomats and shut down the Russians for access to the Embassy recreation in the States of new York and Maryland. Its punitive measures Washington were connected with hacker attacks on

Sands: potential meeting between Putin and trump will require training with regard to relations

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, January 9. /TASS/. Possible future meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the elected President of the United States Donald trump will require careful preparation, given the current state of bilateral relations between Russia and the United States. Such opinion expressed press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, stressing that during the new year holidays, specific work was carried out.

Patriarch Kirill: you don’t have to be Superman to feel God

Photo: RIA Novosti The Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill at the end at the end of a festive night service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior congratulated the Russians on Christmas and wished the faithful to always feel the divine presence, reports TASS. “I heartily congratulate you with the great and world-saving feast of the Nativity. This day is especially faithful in heart to feel the divine presence,” — said the Patriarch. According to him the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, “to feel God, you don’t need to be Superman, no need to strain your superhuman strength — you only need to sincerely turn to the Lord in prayer, and He answers this prayer.” He also noted that on Christmas day, believers feel a special proximity to God and beg Him not to leave them “ways of life”, at the same time, the Patriarch added. “Each

Kolokoltsev introduced new head of the Investigation Department of the MIA

Photo: National News Service Investigative Department of the MIA of Russia headed by Alexander Romanov, who previously held the post of Deputy chief GU MVD in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Staff of division the new head was presented by the Minister of internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev, said in the press center of the interior Ministry. This post Romanov was appointed by presidential decree on 28 December, No. 723. It is noted that the activities of the Romanov almost all associated with the investigative units, he has a rich professional experience. “The Minister stressed that Alexander Romanov “thoroughly knows the work of the investigation divisions, has a long experience and high professional level, good moral character,” — said the press service. According to Kolokoltseva, this experience will help to mobilize the entire staff of the investigative units to perform relevant tasks, and most important, the rule of law, ensuring

Sverdlovsk pensioners ‘ Party put forward candidates in the Duma of Yekaterinburg

Photo: Uralinformbjuro As told “Kommersant-Ural”, the Chairman of Sverdlovsk branch of Party of pensioners Dmitry Sergin, regional office nominated candidates to participate in early elections to the city Duma of Ekaterinburg. “Yesterday at the meeting, the party adopted the Kirov (district No. 8) and part of the Ordzhonikidzevsky districts of Alexander Sour, and Ordzhonikidze (district No. 14) – Svetlana Semenova,” – said Mr. Sergin. The candidacy of Alexander Sour the party proposed, in October, when the city Duma was deprived of the mandates of three MPs: Michael Garanin, Oleg Khabibullin and Eugene Borovik. However, the transfer of mandates was not held. Svetlana Semenova participated in the elections in Sverdlovsk legislative Assembly (held in the fall of 2016), however, the Party of pensioners the results of the voting had received one mandate, which perell Eugene Zyablitsev. Recall that early elections to the city Duma is scheduled for March 2017. Elections will