The government will prepare the first version of the action plan until 2025 to March

Photo: RIA Novosti The first version of the government action plan until 2025 will be prepared in March this year, said the head of the Ministry Maxim Oreshkin, reports TASS. “A certain version of the plan we already have. We now over it actively work, will take any suggestions that come from departments, we will communicate very closely with business associations, to tell them about the ideas that we have to listen to the ideas that they offer. About two months later – in March we will have a working version of it, such intermediate result,” he said. According to him, the government is actively working on the preparation of a plan for acceleration of growth of the Russian economy for 2017-2025 gg. the upcoming phase is to obtain proposals from ministries and departments. According to the instructions of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, the final version of the

Zakharova called heresy publications about Russia’s attempts to influence the presidential campaign in the United States

Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova called astounding heresy, the publication of the Western media about alleged Russian efforts to influence the presidential campaign in the United States. “Today spoke with Western journalists. The main issue netlenka BuzzFeed about the “attempts” of Russia to influence the presidential campaign in the United States, he wrote on his page on the social network Facebook. – Their attitude to mind-blowing heresy expressed in full. This inhuman nonsense is unbearable.”

Tuleyev has refused the award in 100 thousand roubles for victory in competition “the national hero of Kuzbass”

Photo: RIA Novosti The Governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev has refused the award in 100 thousand roubles, which he was to receive as the winner of the contest “national hero of Kuzbass”, and asked to pass it on to the next applicant. About it reported in a press-service of the Council of people’s deputies of the Kemerovo region. “The Governor explained his decision by the fact that when he gave consent to be nominated for the award “the national hero of Kuzbass 2016”, I didn’t know who the expert Council will select to participate in national referendums, as did not know this and the rest of the contenders. In the end, the Governor was the only political figure among the nominees. In this situation, Mr Tuleyev found the fair to pass the award in the category “Personality” the one who took the next place,” – said the press

In the state Duma explained the expansion of the “Magnitsky list”

Photo: RIA Novosti Extension of U.S. sanctions on the basis of the Magnitsky act — a continuation of the policy of forcing relations with Russia, it is the continuity of such a course the Obama administration is trying to impose on the newly-elected President Donald Trump, said RIA Novosti first Deputy head of the Duma Committee for international relations Dmitry Novikov (CPRF). The U.S. Treasury on Monday on the basis of the Magnitsky act imposed sanctions against five Russian citizens, including the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin. According to a press release of the Ministry, the list of sanctions also included Andrei Lugovoi, Dmitry Kovtun, Stanislav Gordievsky and Gennady Plaksin. “Expanding the list of those who fall under US sanctions from among the citizens of Russia, is the continuation of politics by forcing the relations between the US and Russia. This policy, the Obama

Churkin: some members of the UN do not seek to resolve the conflict in Syria

Photo: TASS Permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vitaly Churkin told “Izvestia” about results of year of work of the organization, the initiatives for reform and the desire of some member countries to prevent the settlement of the conflict in Syria. Churkin said that 2016 was a difficult and eventful. Thus, according to him, in the whole range of issues significant positive balance, although many of the problems moved to 2017. On the question of whether the members of the organization to adequately respond to contemporary global challenges, Churkin replied, “Yes and no”. But one thing is clear: if member States are not engaged in finding solutions to the situation in the conflict hotbeds would have been much worse, noted the Ambassador. He stressed that in this regard, the example of Syria. Which became the most acute problem of the international community in the past year. According to Churkin,

Sands: the energy sector of the Russian Federation may adopt compensation measures in case of new US sanctions

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. The Kremlin is convinced that the Russian energy sector is able to take compensatory measures in case of introduction of new US sanctions against Russia. “There is no doubt that the system, the sector (energy) of the (Russian) economy – he will find appropriate compensation measures in order to minimize any possible damage from such actions (new US sanctions)”, – said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov.

The state Duma may extend or make perpetual free privatization of housing

Photo: RIA Novosti The state Duma in the spring session can take the law or about prolongation of term of free privatization of housing for certain categories of citizens, or decide to make it perpetual, said the first Deputy Chairman of Committee for housing policy and utilities Alexander Sidyakin (United Russia). “In March, the deadline for free privatization of housing, and will be taken by law or that it be extended for certain categories of citizens, or whether to make it indefinite,” he told journalists Sidyakin. He noted that the solution to this issue is inextricably linked to the need to start standing arrangements for the resettlement of dilapidated housing, development in Russia of the Institute of rental housing. “We are in constant dialogue with the government,” the MP added. In addition, according to Sidyakina, to solve the problem defrauded real estate investors will help the amendments to the law