Lavrov discussed with the Austrian foreign Minister the situation in Ukraine

Photo: Kommersant The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and his Austrian counterpart Sebastian Kurz during the talks in Moscow discussed the situation in Ukraine. During the conversation the sides stressed there is no alternative to the Minsk agreements. “Said no alternative to the Minsk agreements in their totality and continuity”, — said Lavrov. In addition, they exchanged views on the state of relations between Russia and the European Union. Previously, Kurtz called for a gradual lifting of sanctions against Russia in case the Minsk agreement.

Zampolpreda of the Russian Federation to the OSCE: Kiev contact group continued sabotage Minsk agreements

VIENNA, 19 Jan. /Offset. TASS Dmitry Valeev/. The results of the first in 2017 the meeting of the contact group on settling the situation in the East of Ukraine of 16 January confirmed the course of Kiev on sabotage Minsk process. This was stated by the Deputy permanent representative of Russia to the OSCE Mr. Dmitry Balakin at the meeting of the permanent Council of the organization in Vienna.

Lavrov: Moscow ready to work with the new President of Austria

Photo: Kommersant Moscow is ready to cooperate with the new Austrian President Alexander van der Bellena. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, opening negotiations with the Austrian foreign Minister, OSCE Chairman Sebastian Kurtz. “Our relations are marked by mutual respect and have friendly, constructive, – said Lavrov. And this was confirmed during the visit last year to Russia’s President Heinz Fischer. We are interested that relations have maintained the continuity, is ready to develop relations with President Alexander van der Bellena”. The program of chairmanship in the OSCE Moscow considers the pragmatic programme of the Austrian presidency in the OSCE is ready to facilitate its implementation, said the Russian foreign Minister. “Today I want detail listen to the Austrian colleagues, who are the heads of the OSCE this year, – said Lavrov. – We have studied the presidency programme, we consider it pragmatic, willing

The COP left on the “goodwill” of the authorities payment of €1.9 billion to Yukos shareholders

© Vadim Zhernov/TASS SAINT PETERSBURG, 19 Jan. /TASS/. The constitutional court (CC) of the Russian Federation on Thursday announced the decision in which they allowed not to pay compensation to the Yukos shareholders in the amount of €1,866 billion, but felt that as a compromise, the authorities still unable to pay compensation, defining its size, at its discretion, but not at the expense of the Russian budget, but at the expense of newly identified assets.

New Pereyaslav Rada is prepared in Crimea

The DPR head Alexander Zakharchenko Photo: TASS The history of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia could be repeated. A suitable venue for conclusion of the new agreement is the Crimea. This was stated by the head of the DND Alexander Zakharchenko during his visit to the Peninsula. Today, January 18, there marks the 363rd anniversary of the Pereyaslav Council, which initiated the Association. In addition Zakharchenko in the celebrations attended by the head LNR Igor Carpentry, as well as the chairmen of people’s councils of the DNR and LC Denis Pushilin and Vladimir Degtyarenko. “Which [may be signed by the new Pereyaslav Rada]. The city is actually not important. In the Chersonese. Great place, a landmark. And what are the boundaries? Three hundred years ago it was one of the border. During this time much has changed. We passed First world war, the Great Patriotic war. If the next

Zakharov: team Obama continues to strike at the Foundation of relations with Russia

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Michael Pochuev/TASS   MOSCOW, January 19. /TASS/. A team of U.S. President Barack Obama continues, even in the last hours of his presidency to strike at the Foundation of relations between Moscow and Washington. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation said about possible mass protests during the inauguration of the trump

Donald Trump © AP Photo/Evan Vucci MOSCOW, January 19. /TASS/. Mass protests are expected on 20 January during the inauguration ceremony of Donald trump as President of the United States. This is stated in the message published on the website of the Department of the situational crisis center (DSCC) of the MFA of the Russian Federation.

Ukraine has filed a lawsuit against Russia in the international court of justice in the Hague

Photo: RIA Novosti Ukraine called Russia “responsible for committing acts of terrorism and discrimination” and filed a lawsuit against her in the UN international court in the Hague. Kiev accuses Moscow of involvement in the crash of the Malaysian MH17, the shelling of residential areas in the Donbass, the destruction of a passenger bus at Volnovaha and in violation of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people. That is behind the accusations of the Ukrainian side at RT. “Ukraine has filed a lawsuit in the international court of justice with the aim to attract the Russian Federation responsible for the Commission of acts of terrorism and discrimination for its illegal aggression against Ukraine. The lawsuit was filed under the International Convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism and the International Convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination”, — stated on the website of the Ukrainian

The constitutional court considers it impossible the execution of the ECHR ruling in the Yukos case

The Chairman of the constitutional court Valery Zorkin © Vadim Zhernov/TASS SAINT PETERSBURG, 19 Jan. /TASS/. The decision of the European court of human rights (ECHR) for compensation of more than €1,866 billion in the Yukos case violates the Constitution. This was stated by the Chairman of the COP Valery Zorkin, reading the court order. “The rulings of the ECHR, based on the interpretation of the Convention, do not cancel for the Russian Federation the priority of the Constitution. Solving the question about the possibility of enforcement of decisions of the COP must be in accordance with the international obligations to find a compromise”, – said Zorkin.