The administration trump did not mention Russia among the military threats

Photo: EPA Protection from missile threats from North Korea and Iran, as well as countering threats in cyberspace will become the priorities of military construction administration of the 45th President of Donald trump, whose inauguration took place in the us capital on Friday. Immediately after the ceremony on the White house website was published a laconic programme of action of the new administration, consisting of six sections. Military construction the subject of a separate item in which the administration promises to modernize the armed forces and to take care of veterans. “We cannot allow other Nations have surpassed the U.S. in military capabilities. Administration trump will achieve the highest level of military readiness,” the document says. For this purpose the President intends to “end its policy of cutting the military budget”, which the US has taken in recent years to curb rising national debt. It will provide to Congress a

In Russia expanded the list of controlled psychotropic substances

Photo: The Department of internal Affairs across the Belgorod region The Russian government expanded the list of narcotic and psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the country. The corresponding decree was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, reported on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. According to the government, in some regions of the Russian Federation there are new psychoactive substances related to synthetic cannabinoids, in addition, on the territory of foreign States were recorded the appearance of 4-chloro-N-(1-finetipped-2-iliden) benzosulfimide. Also, changes were made in several articles of the criminal code, they relate to a considerable, large and especially large sizes of narcotics and psychotropic substances. “The decisions will contribute to the strengthening of state control over the circulation of new types of drugs”, – stated in the certificate of the Cabinet.

The judge, the COP considers inadmissible the request of the Ministry of justice in the Yukos case

© Vadim Zhernov/TASS SAINT PETERSBURG, January 23. /TASS/. The appeal of the Ministry of justice to the constitutional court (CC) on the impossibility of execution of the decision of the European court of human rights (ECHR) in the Yukos case should not be heard by the court. This is stated in the dissenting opinion judges of the constitutional court of the Russian Federation Vladimir Yaroslavtseva, published together with the decision of the constitutional court.

In the state Duma reported about the analysis of “legal debris”

Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda / The state Duma of the seventh convocation have already successfully dealt with the primary “legal obstructions” that it inherited from its predecessors. About TASS said the first Deputy head of the faction “United Russia” Andrei Isayev, summing up the plenary of the second week of January. Thus, according to him, the deputies show a differentiated approach to all initiatives, regardless of their authorship, and in detail discuss socially important documents, even recommended by the relevant committees to be rejected. “I want to say that we have a very differentiated approach to all the bills, and if the laws are obviously serious, meaningful social nature, even if we do not believe it is possible to take them in this edition, we still discuss them in detail,” — said Isayev. He also said that the parliamentary majority “takes a differentiated approach to the bills of the opposition.”

In the Kremlin consider that it is too early to talk about the turnout for presidential elections in 2018

© Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, January 23. /TASS/. The theme of the presidential elections of 2018 is not on the agenda of the Kremlin. This was reported to journalists the press-Secretary of President Dmitry Peskov, answering the question of how the administration of the President, assess the risks of low turnout in the upcoming presidential election, and what is the landmark of the turnout.

Vladimir Putin congratulated DOSAAF with the 90th anniversary

Photo: RIA Novosti People who have passed school of Voluntary society of assistance to army, aviation and fleet (DOSAAF), has always been popular in life and achieved success in various fields, said President of Russia Vladimir Putin in congratulatory message on 90th anniversary of the society. “People who have passed school DOSAAF, has always been popular in life, achieved success in different fields – economy, industry, design bureaus and research centers”, – said in a greeting read out by the first Deputy Minister of defense of Russia Ruslan Zelikova at a gala evening in the Theatre of the Russian army. According to the head of the state, hundreds of thousands of pupils DOSAAF fought on the fronts of the great Patriotic war in the most difficult situations has consistently demonstrated excellent training, courage, and personal courage. At the same created in the distant 1927, OSOAVIAKHIM United under its banner active,

Shuvalov called horror stories opinion Chubais forum in Davos

Photo: RIA Novosti First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov called the statement of head “Rosnano” Anatoly Chubais on the Davos forum horror stories and evaluation, are far from economic reality. This opinion was expressed by Igor Shuvalov in interview to TV channel “Russia 24”. “It scares, some very emotional evaluation. It does not relate to reality and to the request of the ordinary citizen is generally irrelevant. Because you need to build a strong economy. You can debate all you want, is there a crisis in liberal values or not. It’s all talk, which are irrelevant to real economic life, though with me I bet the people who talk about it a lot”, he said. Shuvalov noted that, as a member of the world economic forum in Davos, “horror” was not seen. Earlier, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov commented on the words of Anatoly Chubais

HRC prepared critical comments to the “Spring package”

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, January 23. /TASS/. The members of the Council under RF President on development of civil society and human rights (HRC) has prepared critical comments to anti-terrorism package of laws (the so-called “Spring package”). At the conclusion of the project, a copy of which is available on TASS, indicated that the number of regulations imposed by this law, “creates opportunities for arbitrariness and abuse in the imposition of liability.” In particular, such a definition, the members of the Council used in relation to the article of the criminal code “failure to report a crime.” “Liability for non-notification to the competent authorities about known preparing or committed crime not is based on clearly defined elements of a crime from the point of view, neither the objective nor the subjective side. It is not clear why and how a person must determine the appropriate body for the message; it