Trump called Putin “a tough nut”

Trump called Putin “a tough nut” WASHINGTON, March 19 — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump called Russian President Vladimir Putin “tough nut”. Trump in a Fox News interview asked in two words to describe various people, politicians and entertainers. In particular, he was asked how he would describe Putin. I don’t know him, but he’s definitely a tough nut to crack. I don’t know what he’s doing for Russia, but at some point we unemloyed Trepresent USA In the original he used the American idiom tough cookie, literally “hard cookies”.

The DPRK announced the testing of its powerful new rocket engine

The DPRK announced the testing of its powerful new rocket engine North Korea has announced that it has tested a powerful new rocket engine, reports Reuters. The test was on ractogram, Conchan-no. The country’s leader Kim Jong-UN has stated that this test “new birth” of the rocket industry of the DPRK. According to the news Agency KCNA, Kim Jong UN personally attended ractogram. He was acquainted with the technical specifications of the engine, and gave an indication about the start of the test. Earlier, the US and China have agreed to confront the nuclear threat of the DPRK. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said of the possible presence of nuclear weapons in Japan and South Korea to deter Pyongyang. The American government does not consider it expedient to resume the six-party talks with North Korea. In response, the Russian foreign Ministry said that “the alternative to a political and

WSJ learned about hiding Flynn contacts with Russian student

WSJ learned about hiding Flynn contacts with Russian student Former adviser to the national security of the USA Michael Flynn was accused of concealing another contact from the Russian side. According to the WSJ, Flynn spoke with the Russian student, who studied the history of intelligence, and not reported it. Former national security Advisor, Michael Flynn did not notify the Pentagon that talked with a student who has dual (Russian-British) citizenship, security conference in the UK in 2014, where he held the post of Director of the Intelligence Department of the Ministry of defense of the United States. About this newspaper The Wall Street Journal, citing sources familiar with the situation. According to interlocutors of the newspaper, we are talking about the Cambridge seminar on exploration (Cambridge Intelligence Seminar), held in February 2014 and attended by former intelligence officers. There, according to the newspaper, Flynn talked with Svetlana lokhova from,

Poklonskaya saw the anger and envy in the anti-Russian sanctions

Photo: RIA Novosti The Deputy of the state Duma Natalia Poklonskaya on Friday congratulated his colleagues on the three-year anniversary of the reunification of the Crimea with Russia and talked about their feelings towards this event. According to Poklonski, 18 Mar 2014 Crimeans and Sevastopol with a sinking heart listened to “sacred words” of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who announced the entry of both subjects in the Russian Federation based on the results of all-Crimean referendum. Your emotions from the words of the President of the MP compared with the celebration of Victory Day, reports TASS. Poklonskaya believes the reunification of the Crimea with Russia a restoration of historical justice and a major step to the prosperity of the country. The West’s reaction to this event is motivated by “envy and anger”, especially in connection with the pride of Russians and Crimeans for their President, but one day even the

Juncker said that Europe must be ready for a trade war with the United States

Juncker said that Europe must be ready for a trade war with the United States MOSCOW, 18 Mar — RIA Novosti. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker warned Washington against a “trade war” against Brussels, and also drew attention to the growing “estrangement” in relations between the European Union and the United States, writes the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag. According to the politician, changes in the economic strategy of the United States could harm bilateral relations. Teeth whether America’s trade war with Europe? This move is contrary to both American and our interesaban-Claude Underpresident of the European Commission He stressed that the EU should prepare for a possible transition of Washington’s position of protectionism. European Commission President also noted that “attacks” the American President about the European Union “left a trace”. “There is a kind of alienation. When the American President welcomes British exit from the EU and said that

US authorities have announced a competition of projects wall on the border with Mexico

US authorities have announced a competition of projects wall on the border with Mexico WASHINGTON, 18 Mar — news, Alexey Bogdanovsky. Border-U.S. customs (CBP) posted on its website the tender documents for private contractors who want to participate in the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico. “Projects with a height of less than 18 feet (5.5 meters — ed.) is inadmissible”, — stated in the documentation. Ideally, the wall should have a height of 30 feet (about 9 meters), the document says. In addition, the wall has to “look impressive”, the US should be painted in a “nice color” The strength parameters of the wall must be such as to make her hole wider than 12 inches (30.5 cm) was not less than an hour. Clarifies that a wall must withstand for one hour the impact of tools such as sledgehammer, pickaxe, chisel, car Jack and manual

Gatchina will become the capital of Leningrad region

Gatchina will become the capital of Leningrad region Alexander Drozdenko said that the capital of the Leningrad region will be the Builder. During a visit to the Gatchina district of the Leningrad region, the Governor said that in 2022, the government of the region will move from St. Petersburg to Gatchina, which by that time will become the capital region. The plan Drozdenko, in 2017 in Gatchina will be allocated a land plot for construction of a new building of the government, in 2018, the building needs to be designed, in 2021 to begin construction in 2022 to be fully commissioned. “If we want the Leningrad region was self-sufficient subject, and have stopped talking about the unification of the city and the region, we have the same Moscow region, to have on its territory governments. Over the past two years the situation has changed. Conducted a survey — most residents

The foreign Ministry said the possible cancellation of the recognition of the passports of the LC and the DNI

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia’s permanent representative to the OSCE Alexander Lukashevich said that Moscow may change its decision on the recognition of passports DND and LNR, if Ukraine complies with the Minsk agreement. This was reported on the official website of the Ministry of foreign Affairs. This statement Lukashevich made at a meeting of the OSCE permanent Council. Among the conditions he called “the abolition of the punitive operation”, the withdrawal of heavy weapons, and constitutional reform and recognition of the local elections, and the implementation of the agreements to restore socio-economic relations. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the recognition of DND and LNR document on February 18. This measure was explained on “humanitarian grounds”. The decree will remain in force “until the political settlement of the situation in certain districts of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine”. The situation in the Donbass managed to break, when,

MP from the Communist party developed a draft Amnesty to mark the anniversary of the Russian revolution

Photo: RIA Novosti MP from the Communist party Sergei Shargunov ready to submit for consideration the state Duma the project of the Amnesty to commemorate the centenary of the two Russian revolutions, if the support of the deputies. “The proposal is connected with Amnesty for those who committed petty crimes. Now we have the anniversaries of two Russian revolutions — an occasion to think about how important it is that the state showed mercy, adequacy of, humanity”, — said Shargunov. He noted that he has already prepared a draft Amnesty. “I’m concerned about the reaction of the deputies. I have a ready project, it is important whether colleagues or not to support. But the project is almost developed and on any day it is possible to make, if there is support from colleagues”, — told RIA Novosti the MP.

Alexei Navalny refused to hold a March and rally in Central Moscow

Alexei Navalny refused to hold a March and rally in Central Moscow Moscow mayor’s office has denied politics Alexei Navalny in the March and rally in the capital on March 26. The aim of the event was a “statement in support of a requirement to investigate the facts of corruption of senior officials of Russia.” The first Deputy of the Department of security of Moscow Vasily Oleynik in a written response to the request of the policy explained that the March will cause inconvenience to traffic and movement of citizens in the capital. “The March on the claimed route would entail a violation of the functioning of vital facilities, transport and social infrastructure, create obstructions to pedestrians and vehicles, limit the access of citizens to residential premises, will violate the rights and interests of citizens not participating in the event,” the document says. Moscow authorities also explain that in the