Not fair: trump has criticized the media for reporting about his “ties” with Russia

Not fair: trump has criticized the media for reporting about his “ties” with Russia WASHINGTON, Mar 23 — RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovsky. The President of the United States Donald trump criticized on Twitter the news of major TV channels NBC and ABC, which discussed “when the trump of Russia”. “Just watched a completely biased and fake news reports on the so-called Russian history at NBC and ABC. So not fair!” — wrote trump. Just watched the totally biased and fake news reports of the so-called Russia story on NBC and ABC. Such dishonesty! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 23, 2017 American television stations, citing intelligence agencies regularly accuse trump “ties with Russia”, which, they claim, could lead to victory trump in the election. FBI Director James Comey confirmed this week that the investigation is ongoing regarding the possible connections, but nothing reported on the findings of this investigation.

The state Duma may consider in the first reading the project of postponement of the elections on 14 April

Photo: RIA Novosti The state Duma on 14 April plans to consider in the first reading the package of draft laws on changes to the electoral law, which, in particular, provides for the transfer of presidential elections in 2018, with 11 on March 18, and the abolition of absentee ballots, the relevant information is available in the electronic database of the lower house of Parliament. The responsible state Duma Committee on legislation plans to submit the decision to the Council of the Duma on 11 April. The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation Andrei Klishas Senator Anatoly Shirokov, previously introduced earlier in the state Duma a package of bills directed, in particular, to increase the transparency of the presidential elections and other levels, liberalization of the approach to the appointment of observers and improving the accessibility of voting stations. Under current law, presidential elections are held on

Sands: Putin will hold a meeting with the head of the Central Bank

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that President Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting with the head of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina. It is reported by RIA “Novosti”. “The President works in Moscow. Today he would take the Chairman of the Central Bank Nabiullina, will host a conversation, you will receive information about this visit”, – said Peskov. He also stressed that this meeting was not held within the “week of silence”.

The Ministers of defence of the USA and Finland discussed the “Russian aggression”

Photo: Twitter / @DefenceFinland The Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis on Tuesday, March 21, held talks with his Finnish counterpart Jussi Niinistö. At a meeting in the Pentagon, the sides discussed a number of issues, including the “Russian aggression”, the relationship of Helsinki with NATO and bilateral cooperation in the field of security. This was reported on the website of the American defense Department. Mattis, in his introductory remarks noted that the Northern location of Finland and its history will help Washington “to clarify its position, and to deepen the understanding of the situation which presents a challenge to stability.” The Pentagon chief also thanked Niinisto for his country’s participation in the fight against international terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), support to NATO-led operations and for the assistance of the United Nations. During the meeting, the Ministers “have identified areas for further deepening

Turkey and Russia have restored relations and work together

Photo: © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS Turkey and Russia have restored their relationship and are now working on solving the problems in the region. On Tuesday, speaking at the National press club in Washington, said the foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu. “With Russia we have overcome our differences. Today our relationship is restored, and we collaborate in solving some of the problems of the region”, – said the Minister. As an example he cited the situation in Syria and Azerbaijan. At the same time, added Cavusoglu, Ankara continues to “support the territorial integrity of Georgia and of Ukraine, including Crimea”. 4 Nov 2015 F-16 fighter of the Turkish air force shot down a Russian su-24 bomber who participated in the antiterrorist operation in Syria. One of the pilots died, the other was saved by a 12-hour operation by Russian and Syrian special forces. During the operation to evacuate the crew of

The Prime Ministers of Italy and Japan discussed relations with Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti Relations with Russia become one of the topics of the talks between the heads of the governments of Italy and Japan Paolo Gentiloni and Shinzo Abe. The Prime Ministers of both countries said at a joint press conference after a meeting held on Tuesday in the Italian capital meeting. “Among the current topics of geopolitics, we discussed relations with Russia, which along with the policy of sanctions, it is necessary to make steps forward in strengthening the dialogue,” he said. In addition Gentiloni and Abe discussed the agenda of the upcoming summit of the group of seven, which will be held in late may in Taormina (Sicily). In particular, the two heads of government spoke out against the policies of protectionism. “We hope that “seven” will give a clear signal and will emphasize the importance of preserving freedom in international trade,” said Italian Prime Minister. He also

“Leonid Ilyich lay on his back”: how the Soviet Union was rife with rumors about the assassination attempt on Brezhnev

The General Secretary of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev at the airport of Tashkent, 22 March 1982 © Vladimir Musaelyan, Eduard Dogs/TASS At the end of March 1982, in Moscow rumors of 75-year-old Brezhnev assassination attempt, he’s dying. Seriously discussed even a version that the General Secretary of the CPSU was dead, but to advertise the demise were not because of the fierce fighting comrades for his chair.

Minsk plans hearings on the question of the death penalty

Minsk plans hearings on the question of the death penalty The Chairman of the lower chamber of the National Assembly of Belarus Vladimir Andreichenko during the meeting with representative of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Andrea Rigoni said that “Belarus is open to dialogue in all spheres, including on sensitive issues, including the death penalty.” Mr. Andreichenko said that the Parliament continues the work of the special working group on the issue of the death penalty, the planned parliamentary hearings. “We must prepare the society (for a moratorium or abolish the death penalty.— “Kommersant”). When we find out people’s opinions, a decision will be made” — leads TASS his words. In 2012, in his annual message to Parliament and nation, Alexander Lukashenko said that “the execution of one of the main demands of the West — a moratorium on the death penalty… will not. Mr. Lukashenko