VEB confirmed the negotiations of the Bank management with trump’s son-in-law

VEB confirmed the negotiations of the Bank management with trump’s son-in-law MOSCOW, 27 Mar — RIA Novosti/Prime. In preparation of the new strategy of Vnesheconombank, its leadership has repeatedly met with representatives of the world’s leading financial institutions, including the head of Kushner Companies, and son-in-law of Donald trump Jared Kushner, told RIA Novosti in the press service of the Bank. The meeting was held in the format of the presentation of investment instruments (road show). During negotiations, the parties discussed the existing practices of international development banks, promising directions and uralpress service of the VEB Previously, the newspaper the New York Times wrote that the U.S. senators leading the investigation of the “Russian relations,” the President of the United States, interested in information media is claiming that his son and close adviser to Kouchner, in December last year, met with the head of Vnesheconombank Sergey Gorkov. In addition, Kouchner,

Putin urged Resguardo to fight any attempt of destabilization

Putin urged Resguardo to fight any attempt of destabilization Asgardia have to “professionally respond to attempts under any pretext to destabilize public order in our country”, said President of Russia Vladimir Putin on solemn evening devoted to day of Regardie (March 27). “You have a strong staff and extensive professional experience, the necessary operational and technical capabilities, and your direct responsibility maximum use of all this great potential to protect Russia’s national interests, rights and freedoms of our citizens”, — said the President. In addition, Putin continued, the National guard is entrusted with the task of ensuring reliable protection of the state objects, control over arms trafficking and coordination of security activities in the country, all this in collaboration with civil society. The head of state handed over to the Director of the Federal service of national guard troops, the commander of the troops of the national guard Viktor Zolotov

Zakharova called the cancellation of the visit of Johnson “know-how in diplomacy”

Zakharova called the cancellation of the visit of Johnson “know-how in diplomacy” The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova called the message about the cancellation of the visit to Moscow of foreign Minister of great Britain Boris Johnson “know-how in diplomacy.” She wrote about this on his page in Facebook. According to her about the visit has not been announced, but it was canceled. It was planned that the negotiations of foreign Ministers of NATO countries was held on 5-6 April in Brussels. However, due to the busy schedule she had to miss the US Secretary of state Rex Tillerson. He was able to participate in the meeting, it was moved to March 31. The UK foreign office has announced the visit of Johnson to Moscow in early March, noting that it should take place “in the coming weeks.” Main topics of the talks was to be the

The defense Ministry told, what determines the success of the operation in raqqa

Photo: RIA Novosti The official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia major-General Igor Konashenkov called the statement of the French Minister of defense Jean-Yves Le Drian about the imminent start of the operation to liberate Raqqa far from reality. It is reported by RIA Novosti. The French Minister said that raqqa, captured by militants of the “Islamic state” (IG, an organization banned in Russia), surrounded by, and her release could begin in the coming days. Konashenkov noted that the optimism Le Drian “has some special national sources of inspiration, not related to the reality and situation on the ground”. He also stressed that the liberation of Raqqa can’t be easy for the international coalition. “The real success and the completion of this operation will depend on the understanding and readiness to coordinate their actions with all forces fighting in Syria against international terrorism”, — he stressed. Konashenkov mentioned

Putin: Asgardia should use its potential to protect the national interests of the Russian Federation

© Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, March 27. /TASS/. Asgardia should use its enormous potential for protecting Russia’s national interests, rights and freedoms of Russian citizens. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin. “You have a strong staff and extensive professional experience, the necessary operational and technical capabilities, and your direct responsibility maximum use of all this great potential to protect Russia’s national interests, rights and freedoms of our citizens,” he said at a gala concert dedicated to the day of Regardie. One of the priority tasks facing Regardie, the President called the fight against extremism, terrorism and organised crime. “It is necessary not only to consolidate the success achieved in this direction, but to move forward, to be proactive, to uncover the plans of terrorists and extremists, cut their ties with foreign groups,” – said the President.

In the state Duma proposed to give the regions the right to decide on the installation of baby-boxes

In the state Duma proposed to give the regions the right to decide on the installation of baby-boxes Moscow. March 27. INTERFAX.RU — In the state Duma introduced a bill granting the regions the right to decide the issue of creation on its territory of baby-boxes, according to the website of the lower house of Parliament on Monday. Regions taking into account their cultural and other traditions will make a decision about the necessity of creating spaces for the anonymous abandonment of a child, as well as the number, location, and installation of baby-boxes, according to the bill. If the region believe that the use of baby-boxes there, a regional legislative Assembly may not enact a law that will not allow you to create a space for the anonymous abandonment of children, stated in the explanatory note to the bill. Currently, according to the authors, in Russia there are dozens

The head of the British foreign Minister, Boris Johnson has cancelled his visit to Moscow

The head of the British foreign Minister, Boris Johnson has cancelled his visit to Moscow The visit of British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to Moscow, which was to become the first in the last five years, cancelled. The invitation to visit Moscow Minister received from his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in early March. The Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain, Boris Johnson will come to Moscow in March, the visit is cancelled due to changes in the schedule of meetings of foreign Ministers of countries-members of NATO. This was reported by RBC representative of the press service of the British Embassy in Russia. “Unfortunately we have to postpone the visit of Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain to Russia, scheduled for this month, in connection with changes in the schedule of the meeting of foreign Ministers of countries-members of NATO” — said the press service. The Embassy said

Putin said Prime Minister of Serbia about the “aggravation” in the Balkans

Putin said Prime Minister of Serbia about the “aggravation” in the Balkans The President of Russia Vladimir Putin at a meeting with Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic in Moscow said that he had noticed the aggravation of the situation in the Balkan region, and proposed to discuss this issue. About it reports TASS. “I would really like to discuss with you the situation in the region, because, we believe, by some external signs we see even some aggravation,” — said Putin. At the same time Putin expressed confidence that the upcoming presidential elections in Serbia will be held “at a high level.” The Russian leader wished “success to the current government” and said that “no matter how evolved political situation,” the Kremlin has “no doubt” that relations between Russia and Serbia will develop “positive”, “in the spirit of friendship” “which characterizes” relations between Moscow and Belgrade. In Serbia on

Serbian Prime Minister will visit Moscow on March 27

Photo: RIA Novosti The Prime Minister of Serbia Alexander Vucic will arrive in Moscow on an official visit on 27 March, on Monday, reports RIA “Novosti”. It is noted that during the visit the head of the Serbian government hopes to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Yes,” said the representative of the Serbian Embassy, answering the question whether Vucic will visit 27 March the Russian capital. Earlier it was reported that the main topic of the upcoming meeting of the Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic President of Russia Vladimir Putin will become the economic and military-technical cooperation.

Volodin gave Le Pen a book of her political career

Photo: TASS Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin gave the leader of the French party “national front” marine Le Pen’s political biography – “the Return of Joan of Arc”. This was at the end of the meeting the politicians told TASS in the office of the lower house of Parliament. “After the meeting, Vyacheslav Volodin gave marine Le Pen a book – “the Return of Joan of Arc”, they said, adding that this is a political biography of marine Le Pen, written by Russian authors. “As you know, our Russian writers have compared with Joan of Arc. And I would like to give a book that recently came out,” – quoted the Agency’s interlocutor words of the speaker of the state Duma. During the meeting, the Chairman of the state Duma and the leader of the French party stressed the necessity of improving Russian-French relations in political, humanitarian and