Asgardia will adopt drones to monitor demonstrations

Asgardia will adopt drones to monitor demonstrations Troops Regardie intend to use unmanned aerial vehicles to monitor the situation in places of mass events, said sampaka Minister Oleg Borukaev. According to him, the main emphasis in the course of technical re-equipment of the Department will be placed on the special non-lethal weapons. Monitoring in the places of mass rallies troops Regardie will be performed with unmanned aerial vehicles. This was the Deputy commander of Regardie Oleg Borukaev said said in an interview with NTV television, published on Tuesday, March 28.. We are currently developing drone technology and aerial surveillance complexes in order to monitor the situation in places of mass actions.Oleg Boralesgamuwa forces Regardie Zamglavnogo of Regardie also said that the main emphasis in the course of technical re-equipment of the Department will be placed on the special non-lethal weapons. “This is due to the fact that in some situations

The West ignores the extent of what is happening in Mosul, said Lavrov

The West ignores the extent of what is happening in Mosul, said Lavrov MOSCOW, 28 Mar — RIA Novosti. Western countries continue to gloss over the humanitarian situation in Iraq’s Mosul, said the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “We all remember how emotionally reacted to the Western countries and they control the media on the situation in Aleppo, Syria. However, they continue to “retouch” the humanitarian situation in Mosul, to gloss over the scale of what is happening. Meanwhile, the city ran almost four hundred thousand inhabitants who were in dire conditions,” he said in an interview with the newspaper “Arguments and facts”. Commenting on the operation of the coalition led by the US in Mosul, Lavrov expressed the view that “the comparison of its action with the “surgery” is hardly appropriate, given the numerous victims among civilians and destroyed civilian infrastructure.” “However, in the Iraqi theater of war there

Medvedev said what he did on March 26

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that he went skiing on Sunday, March 26. About this he wrote on his page on Instagram under the photo two weeks ago. On the question of the user under the name ispiridonoff: “hi! How was your day?”, the head of government said, “Well, ski, ride”, and at the end of the message put a smiley face with its tongue hanging out. Earlier the President of Russia Vladimir Putin said that Medvedev “not saved,” and he was sick with the flu, so didn’t come to the meeting with members of the Cabinet. Later, however, in response to congratulations on the recovery, Medvedev said that “he was sick”.

In the Federation Council proposed to deprive of liberty street racing for a period of up to five years

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the Federation Council Committee on rules Vadim Tulpanov proposed to introduce criminal liability for street racing with a maximum term of imprisonment of up to five years. This is stated in the bill seanor, reports TASS. In particular, the document refers to the addition of article 213 of the Russian criminal code (“Hooliganism”) as a new offence – “driving”. This article prescribes punishment in the form of large fines, forced labor and imprisonment for up to five years. Tulips explains the need for stricter punishment of violators on the vehicle, “the emergence of a higher degree of danger to society and a threat to human life as a result of these acts.” As an example, the Senator leads the racers who “regularly racing in the streets”, the continuing “on the sidewalks and lawns”. However, he adds that often the racers spread record their races

The transport Ministry said development of transport infrastructure of the Arctic

Photo: © RIA Novosti. Alexander Liskin Ministarstvo of transport of the Russian Federation carries out extensive work on the development of transport infrastructure of the Arctic: the reconstruction of airports and highways, development of the Northern sea route and port infrastructure, is planned the construction of Railways and the creation of a single protected information and telecommunication system, said RIA Novosti in the Ministry of transport. On the eve of the International Arctic forum “the Arctic — territory of dialogue” which will be held on March 29-30, the Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation told RIA Novosti, the development of transport in the region and what projects will be implemented in the short term. “Development of the Arctic zone today is one of the key tasks of government, and largely it depended on the success of the modernization and development of transport system of the Arctic region”, — said

Mizulina urged not to withdraw children from a family due to poor living conditions

Mizulina urged not to withdraw children from a family due to poor living conditions Moscow. March 28. INTERFAX.RU — Senator Elena Mizulina urged to fight the growing trend of increasing the number of unreasonable seizures of children from families, including for lack of repair. According to her, the trend observed in the last 10 years, and in many cases it was possible to support the family, not the child away. “The number of unreasonable seizures is increasing, and ought to fall,” Mizulina said on Tuesday at a press conference in Moscow. The Senator gave an example of when the reason for withdrawal is that the family have not been doing home repairs. Well, I have no family money to repair! What you each have? I, for example, natalina Metalinsulator For its part, the head of the Association of parental committees and communities Olga Letkova said at a press conference that

Abbas will visit Moscow on may 11

Photo: RIA Novosti Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas plans to visit Russia on may 11, reports RIA “Novosti”. “President Mahmoud Abbas intends to visit Moscow on may 11,” said the Palestinian Ambassador to Russia, Abdul-Hafez Nofal. Earlier it was reported that Abbas plans to visit Moscow in the first half of may. It was noted that the main purpose of the visit is to discuss the outcome of the summit of the League of Arab States, as well as coordination.

Slutsky sees no reason to react to new US sanctions

Photo: RIA Novosti Response to new US sanctions are not necessary, the provocation is designed for a strong reaction from our side, said the head of the state Duma Committee for international relations, Leonid Slutsky, RIA Novosti. “I don’t think. The provocation is designed exactly for that, to stronger to break us up,” said Slutsky RIA Novosti, answering a question whether retaliatory measures from Russia on the new U.S. sanctions. The state Department spokesman on Saturday said RIA Novosti that the United States has imposed sanctions against eight companies of the Russian Federation in connection with the American law on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction relating to Syria, Iran and North Korea.

Trump urged to investigate regard Hillary Clinton with Russia

Trump urged to investigate regard Hillary Clinton with Russia Donald trump believes that the ad hoc Committee of the U.S. Congress on intelligence should investigate the ties of his opponent in the presidential race, Hillary Clinton with Russia. The President of the United States Donald trump believes that the house Committee on intelligence should investigate when Hillary Clinton and other representatives of the Democratic party of Russia. About it was a Republican who announced on his Twitter page. “Why is the house Committee on intelligence investigating the deal bill and Hillary [Clinton], which allowed a significant part of the Uranium to leave Russia, the “reset” Hillary, her praise of Russia or a Russian company [John] Podestà,” wrote trump. The President once again stressed that “the story about trump’s ties with Russia is a lie.” Why isn’t the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big

The PACE President said that hinders improvement of relations with Russia

Photo: Flickr/ Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly The head of PACE Pedro Agramunt on the eve of meetings with Russian officials on the sidelines of the IPA CIS in St. Petersburg said that the issues related to the conflict in Ukraine remain a stumbling block in relations between the Russian Federation and the Assembly. “Hard questions, particularly concerning the conflict in Ukraine continues to remain disagreement between the parliamentary Assembly and the Russian Parliament,” said Agramunt. “After my election I have decided to take steps for the resumption of dialogue with Russian parliamentarians to work together to find ways to resume a full and normal cooperation in the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,” he said. “These steps do not contradict the position of the parliamentary Assembly on the support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine”, — said the head of PACE. “We must remember that our