The U.S. Senate approved the accession of Montenegro to NATO

The U.S. Senate approved the accession of Montenegro to NATO WASHINGTON, March 28. /Offset. TASS Anatoly Bochinin/. The U.S. Senate ratified the Protocol on accession of Montenegro to NATO. This decision is supported by the vast majority of members of the upper house. At the Alliance’s summit in December 2009 Montenegro received the action plan for membership in the bloc. In 2010 started the negotiations that ended in may 2016 with the signing of the Protocol of accession to the organization, after which the country received the observer status. After the ratification of this Protocol by all States of the Alliance and Montenegro, this country will become the 29th member of NATO. A Protocol to this day ratified by 24 of the 28 countries of the organization, but the U.S. Senate for a long time did not put this question to the vote. This month do it the senators urged

Wife of Fillon was formally charged in the fictitious employment

Wife of Fillon was formally charged in the fictitious employment MOSCOW, 28 Mar — RIA Novosti. Wife of candidate for President of France françois Fillon and Penelope was formally charged in the case of fictitious employment, reports Reuters, citing a judicial source. Earlier it was reported that investigators of the Procurator fiscal of France is currently interrogating the wife of a candidate for the presidency, former Prime Minister Francois Fillon and Penelope in the case of alleged fictitious jobs. It was expected that the wife of the candidate will be formally charged. According to the Agency, citing a source, Penelope Fillon was charged with complicity to cover up the theft of public funds. She is also charged with abuse of public property and fraud under aggravating circumstances. Earlier in France, a scandal broke out associated with the employment of wives and children of ex-Prime Minister françois Fillon. It erupted after

In Germany started thinking about the boycott of the world Cup in Russia

In Germany started thinking about the boycott of the world Cup in Russia Deputy Chairman of the German ruling party CDU/CSU Michael Fuchs, made the boycott of Germany’s world Cup-2018 in Russia. The words of the policy leads the Deutsche Welle. “A country which does not observe basic civil rights, in principle, should not hold any world Championships. Unfortunate situation for overall security and human rights can lead to the fact that many football fans would prefer not to go to Russia for the tournament,” said Fuchs. According to the politician, the boycott of international sports competitions should be applied in exceptional cases, but Russia is already not the first year “is moving in a dangerous direction, and the violation of international law and human rights is absolutely unacceptable.” It is noted that the reason for discussion of a possible boycott of the world Cup has served as a detention

Medvedev: Russia hopes for new era of cooperation with Iran

Photo: RIA Novosti Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev hopes that the visit to Moscow of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will take place as efficiently as possible and will open a new page in bilateral cooperation. “I would like to Express the hope that your visit will be most productive. At the moment, between our countries established a good-hearted, advanced relations, and your visit gives you the opportunity to make them even deeper and partnership”, — said Medvedev at the meeting with Rouhani. As noted by the Russian Prime Minister, with the Iranian leader he plans to discuss the current state of international Affairs and trade-economic relations between Moscow and Tehran. “Let me Express my belief that your visit will be at the highest level and will open a new page in Russian-Iranian cooperation,” Medvedev said.

Peskov commented on the conflict in FIDE

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov called on to do everything to a scandal in the International chess Federation (FIDE) did not affect the next cycle of the world championship. “We believe that it is necessary to do everything so that nothing prevented the move organization (the upcoming cycle of competitions for the world championship), and most importantly – further development and popularization of chess” – the words Peskov TASS.

Chinese censorship is becoming more sophisticated

Chinese censorship is becoming more sophisticated For trying to circumvent the ban on access to the Internet in China are punished. Police major Chinese city of Chongqing (population over 50 million) announced the introduction of a new order of regulation of access to the Internet. As reported by Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post, March 27, entered into force a new set of penalties for attempts to circumvent state censorship of the Internet. Compared to acting with 2011 legislation, the newspaper said, introduced more stringent controls over the actions of users of the Network. In particular, attempts to use for Internet access virtual private networks (VPN connection, the most commonly used methods to bypass the lock) or other ways of masking users can now not only be deprived of access to local networks, but also subjected to large fines. Especially stringent measures can now be applied to the organizers

The Scottish Parliament supported the holding of a new referendum on independence

The Scottish Parliament supported the holding of a new referendum on independence LONDON, Mar 28 — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. The Assembly (Parliament) of Scotland, as expected, on Tuesday supported the idea of first Minister Nicola Sturgeon to hold a new referendum on independence for the region. Deputies led by Sturgeon of the Scottish national party (SNP) with the support of “green” has gained the required majority of votes and thereby gave the first Minister the right to submit to the British Parliament an official request to conduct a new referendum. The vote was to take place on 22 March, but on this day there was a terrorist attack in London, and Scottish parliamentarians decided to postpone the completion of debate and vote on March 28. In June last year, the Scotland, unlike the UK, voted against secession from the EU. Last week, the first Minister of Scotland and leader

Trump refuses the energy policy of the Obama

Trump refuses the energy policy of the Obama Moscow. March 28. INTERFAX.RU the President of the United States, Donald trump intends to sign a new decree that will revise the provisions of the plan Barack Obama’s “Clean energy” and remove the current ban on development of new deposits of coal, said on Tuesday the TV channel Fox News, citing the head of the Agency for environmental protection (EPA) USA Scott Pruitt. Thus, according to Pruitt, the President “will take a course simultaneously creating jobs and protecting the environment”. There will be jobs in the oil and gas sector. For too long, for several years, some industry sectors, certain sectors of the economy were under the scrutiny of EPA. No more of that.Scott Proytcheva Agency for environmental protection As expected, apart from the fact that the President will reconsider the plan for “Clean energy”, introduced by his predecessor, it will also

Kadyrov and Galustyan filmed a video message to NATO

Ramzan Kadyrov, Mikhail Galustyan, Dmitry Grachev ridiculed the report of the research center NATO StratCom on KVN. A humorous video was published in Instagram the head of Chechnya. In the video, the showman Galustyan, portraying Kadyrov, has accused the leadership of the Alliance of provocation and promises to “reach the chief”. Then in the frame appears a resident of Comedy Club Grachev, who, imitating Russian President Vladimir Putin, declares that he will “reach the top”. They are joined by Kadyrov and asks “masters of humor” to calm down because “he comes to the chief”. March 15, StratCom published the results of a study according to which the comic program the WHC has achieved great commercial success due to the “special relationship with the Kremlin,” the owner of the brand. In addition, the authors of the report stated that “the Comedy machine” provides the Russian authorities “access to specific, strategic audience,

Zakharov announced the winner of the competition on the best caricature “Boris Johnson was furious”

Photo: RIA Novosti The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said the announcement of the postponement of the visit of Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain Boris Johnson in Moscow, and also announced the winner of the competition on the best caricature “Johnson was furious”. “What are they interesting: about the visit to Moscow has not been announced, and cancel are not forgotten. Some know-how in diplomacy”, — Zakharov wrote on his page in Facebook after it became known that the visit of the foreign Minister of Britain to Russia delayed. However, the representative of the Russian depodesta told about who won the contest for the best cartoon about Boris Johnson. “By the way! Thank you, for reminding me of Boris Johnson! And then I forgot. Meet the winner of the competition for the best cartoon based on the publication the Daily Mail of January 28, 2017