Trump canceled the order Obama on combating climate change

Trump canceled the order Obama on combating climate change The US President Donald trump has signed a decree on the abolition adopted by its predecessor, Barack Obama measures to combat climate change. On Tuesday, March 28, reports TASS. The ceremony was held at the Federal Agency for the protection of the environment. Trump expressed the opinion that Obama’s decision is detrimental to US energy and those who work in this field. Before signing he declared the beginning “a new era of American energy.” “The decree that I signed today, eliminate excessive Federal oversight, it will allow our workers to develop, compete and win in equal competition for the first time in a long time”, — quotes the owner of the White house Agency. In 2015, Obama signed Executive order requirements to reduce emissions of power plants into the atmosphere and impose restrictions on methane emissions and oil and gas extraction

Pushkov criticized the state Department for the lack of comments on the situation in Paris

Pushkov criticized the state Department for the lack of comments on the situation in Paris MOSCOW, 29 Mar — RIA Novosti. The lack of review of the state Department about the dispersal of protests in Paris, speaks of his “fake” values, believes Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov. County residents and representatives of the Chinese community of the French capital for the second night in a row organize riots and protests in connection with the murder of police Chinese. On Tuesday evening police used tear gas to disperse the protesters, reported the correspondent of RIA Novosti. “Something not heard the indignant voice of the state Department, condemning the French government’s violence against protesters. And do not hear. Values-a fake”, — wrote Pushkov in his microblog on Twitter. Earlier, U.S. state Department condemned the detentions held during an unsanctioned rally in Russia, and the EU urged the Russian authorities “to immediately release” all

Gatilov urged not to judge prematurely on the results of the “Geneva-5”

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian Deputy foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said that while early to speak about results of the “Geneva-5”, have meetings with delegations, representatives of the Russian Federation will remain until the end of the round. “Round is still going, why say in advance that it failed”, — he told reporters. According to him, before talking about expectations of Moscow, “we need to talk to delegations”. “We should not build any concepts, let nature take its course”, — he told, answering a question, whether he expects progress in the talks in Geneva, as it was last time. A new round of inter-Syrian talks began in Geneva on 24 March. He is the UN special envoy, Staffan de Mistura, currently located in Amman, the conference of the League of Arab States. Instead of the delegation shall his Deputy, Ramzi, Ramzi Ezzeldin.

Andrei Vorobyov summed up the elections to bodies of local self-government

Photo: RIA Novosti The Governor of Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov summed up the elections to bodies of local self-government. This was reported by the TV channel “360”. Voting took place in five districts of the Moscow region on Sunday 26 March. The inhabitants chose deputies in Pavlovskiy Posad, Lyubertsy, Krasnoarmeysk and Ruza as well as the head of the city settlement in Springs Ramenskoye district. “Elections were held in Moscow perfectly. With observance of all norms and laws. I want to thank everyone who took part in them and to congratulate those who won,” — said Andrei Vorobyov. According to the regional election Commission, was only nominated candidate 501. Total voter turnout in the suburbs was almost 22%. Most voters came to vote in Krasnoarmeysk and in Lyubertsy.

Fallon: Russia’s behavior is becoming “more assertive”

Photo: Reuters Russia is behaving more and more “confident and assertive”. This view was made by the defense Minister of Britain Michael Fallon. His words RIA Novosti reported. “When it comes to Russia, we clearly understand the model behavior, which is becoming more and more self-confident and assertive,” said Fallon. His statement Fallon made at the international security conference in London. The Minister added that the British authorities would like Russia “restricted reckless military activity and stopped the misinformation.” Fallon stressed that as long as between the two countries have restored relations, it is better to follow the setting of “to cooperate, but beware.” On 27 March, the foreign Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson postponed a trip to Russia. The foreign Ministry said that this is due to changes in the schedule of foreign Ministers of countries participating in NATO.

The US Congress is going to allow the sale data of Internet users

The US Congress is going to allow the sale data of Internet users WASHINGTON, Mar 29 — RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovsky. The house of representatives of the U.S. Congress on Tuesday adopted 215 votes against 205 the decision to abolish the rules of the Federal communications Commission, which under the previous President Barack Obama banned the Internet providers sell user data to third parties, according to the results of the vote. The Senate has already endorsed a similar decision earlier. As expected, President Donald trump will sign the bill, and it will take effect. The rules prohibited providers, including the largest telecommunications firms in the U.S., to sell data about users. The administration of the tramp declares that it is unfair to impose restrictions only against providers, unlike other companies operating in the Internet, such as Google and Facebook.

The Prime Minister of Britain signed the letter to the European Union on the launch of the Brexit

The Prime Minister of Britain signed the letter to the European Union on the launch of the Brexit MOSCOW, 29 Mar — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Theresa may has signed a letter to the EU about the start of Brexit, reports Agence France Presse with reference to the government. Earlier it was reported that it is expected that on 29 March the Prime Minister of Britain will announce the beginning of the implementation of the provisions of article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, according to which Britain may voluntarily leave the EU. Also Wednesday, Mei will be sent to Brussels official request letter to start the process Brexit. According to the Agency, the press service of the government has published a photo, which depicted, as may signs a letter informing Brussels about the beginning of a start Brexit. A letter will be sent to the head of the European Council

Britain with the start Brexit is entering a period of “great uncertainty”

Britain with the start Brexit is entering a period of “great uncertainty” LONDON, Mar 29 — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. Prime Minister Theresa may on Monday will formally launch the procedure for withdrawal from the EU. This means that, in accordance with the rules prescribed in article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, the United Kingdom should leave the EU exactly two years later, on 29 March 2019. What’s in the letter Since 50 text of the articles is rather General, and the procedure has no precedent because no country from the EU were not exceeded, the process and details of the startup procedure remains quite unclear. The only requirement is a written notice from the Prime Minister of great Britain Theresa may, the head of the European Council Donald Tusk. It is unclear whether this is the usual letter, email, or the message will be delivered Tusk personally by the

Medvedev has appointed Tatyana Sinyugin Deputy Minister of education and science of the Russian Federation

Photo: RIA Novosti Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has appointed Tatyana Sinyugin Deputy Minister of education and science of the Russian Federation. The corresponding decree was published on the website of the Russian government. “To appoint Sinugina Tatiana Yurievna Deputy Minister of education and science of the Russian Federation”, – the document says.

In the state Duma a bill on Patriotic education

Photo: TASS A bill to establish a uniform approach to the system of Patriotic education in all regions of Russia, developed in the state Duma. This was reported on the website of the party “United Russia”. It is noted that this initiative “defines the overall goals, objectives and principles of Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation, and also unifies the mechanisms of its implementation in all areas” of the country. “Many regions have their own laws on Patriotic and military-Patriotic education. All these documents have different names, different interpretiruya goals, objectives and methods of this activity. We with colleagues-deputies has prepared a draft Federal law that would establish uniformity in the system of Patriotic education throughout the Russian Federation,” – are reported words of the Deputy Chairman of lower chamber Committee for security and combating corruption Anatoly Election. The Deputy explained that the law also defines the powers