Lavrov: the candidacy of a new Ambassador to the UN until it worked out

Photo: RIA Novosti The candidacy of the new permanent representative of Russia to the UN is under discussion. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov in interview to the newspaper “Arguments and facts”. “The candidacy of the new Ambassador of Russia in new York is in the prescribed manner, – said the head of the foreign Ministry. – Upon approval by the leadership of the country will be told”. “The Ministry of foreign Affairs is doing everything necessary to perpetuate the memory of Vitaly Churkin, he said. – We are constantly receiving various initiatives from the Russian public, from foreign countries. In particular, it is considering the proposal for the appropriation of the Moscow school, where he studied under Vitaly Ivanovich, his name.” Lavrov also added that “deals with ideas about to call in his honor the street or square in various cities

The Russian foreign Ministry considers unacceptable anti-Russian statements of the Ambassador of Spain in Ukraine

© Gennady Homeland/TASS MOSCOW, March 29. /TASS/. The Russian foreign Ministry considers unacceptable anti-Russian statements of the Ambassador of Spain in Ukraine and expects an appropriate reaction from the side of Madrid. This is stated in comments to Russian depodesta. The Ambassador of Spain in Ukraine Gerardo Bugallo Ottone on March 22, stated that, in his opinion, the sanctions against Russia should be tougher. “You ask me: are these sanctions, whether we implement them. I say no, they must be larger in volume, they need to be tougher,” he said, speaking at a meeting of the press club “Diplomats without ties” organized by the Agency “UKRINFORM”. The Ambassador also made a fairly tough statement to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. “Drew attention to the… scandalous public statements of the Ambassador of Spain in Kiev Gerardo Bugallo Ottone, who allowed a number of unacceptable statements in the address of the

Putin dismissed the head of the traffic police

Victor Nilov © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, March 29. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has dismissed the head of the state traffic Inspectorate of Russia General-Lieutenant Victor Nilov. The corresponding presidential decree published on the official portal of legal information. Lieutenant-General of police, the chief of head Department of ensuring road traffic safety (GUOBDD) of the Ministry of interior of Russia Viktor Nilov began his career in 1977 with engineer 3 Department UGAI GUVD of Lenoblgorispolkom. In the following years he held various management positions along the line of the state. In 2009 he was appointed to the position of assistant Minister of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In the same year became the Deputy chief of Department of safety of traffic (traffic safety), the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, and since 2011 – head of GUOBDD of the MIA of Russia. First reports about the resignation nil came

The staff of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation from July, will increase to 1.9 million people

The staff of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation from July, will increase to 1.9 million people Moscow. March 29. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Russia Vladimir Putin the decree has increased from 1 July 2017 the number of staff of the Armed Forces to 903 051 1 person, including 1 013 628 military personnel. As reported on the official Internet portal of legal information, the President has amended the decree of July 8, 2016 “About regular number of Armed forces of the Russian Federation”. From 1 January 2017 the number of Russian Armed Forces was 1 897 694 people, including 1 013 628 military personnel. This decree shall enter into force from the day of its signing.

The Orthodox Church believes “a legal nonsense” a referendum on Isaac’s Cathedral

The Orthodox Church believes “a legal nonsense” a referendum on Isaac’s Cathedral The head of the Synodal Department of the Moscow Patriarchate on relations of the Church with society and mass-media Vladimir Legoyda commented on the decision of municipal electoral Committee of St. Petersburg on holding a referendum on the transfer of St. Isaac’s Cathedral, Russian Orthodox Church, reports RIA “Novosti”. “I believe that the initiative be submitted to a referendum of the question of the transfer of St. Isaac’s Cathedral the Church is a legal nonsense. Because it meant consideration at this referendum the question of whether or not you need to comply with the Federal law “On transfer to religious organizations of property of religious purpose,” he said. Legoyda also noted that the Church “gave answers to all the constructive concerns” and called the referendum “an attempt to move the issue back to a non-constructive direction.”

The EU will veto the agreement on Brexit

The EU will veto the agreement on Brexit Moscow. March 29. INTERFAX.RU — the European Parliament would veto the agreement on the withdrawal of Britain from the EU, if not will keep for Europeans rights to life and a trip to the UK that they had before the start of the procedure Brexit, the newspaper reported The Guardian. “The head of the EU negotiating group on Brexit Michel Barnier, members of Parliament, it is understood that concerned about what the British government wants to 29 March, the day when it will formally notify the EU about the intention to leave the Union — was the date of the cessation of free movement of people”, — writes the edition. This question Barnier, the European parliamentarians discussed the night on Tuesday. According to the newspaper, a five-page resolution clarifying the position of the European Parliament, which will put up for vote April

Drones to monitor protesters with Russians

Photo: 360tv.EN Regardie plans to ensure public order in places of mass actions with the help of drones. This was stated by the Deputy commander Oleg Borukaev in interview to TV channel “NTV”. According to him, the country is rapidly developing UAV technologies and systems for air surveillance. Borukaev believes that this technique will contribute to the monitoring of situation in places of mass actions. The commander also stressed that Resguardo expects retooling. The main accent will make the weapon non-lethal effects. This is due to the fact that in some situations the use of military weapons is not just advisable but impossible. However, to perform a number of tasks need “special funds”, — Deputy commander, Lieutenant General Oleg Borukaev. Earlier it became known that Asgardia will participate in the WHO in the North Caucasus. According to the presidential Decree, the head of the joint group on implementation of counter-terrorism

The CEC is preparing proposals for the abolition or optimization of early voting

Ella Pamfilova © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, March 29. /TASS/. The Central election Commission of Russia is preparing proposals on enhancing the practice of early voting, or its complete cancellation. This was stated by the CEC Chairman, Ella Pamfilova. “To this headache don’t have, we are now preparing proposals on streamlining, optimizing and, perhaps, the abolition of early voting, if we are able to offer adequate ways to vote people, not to violate their constitutional right to vote,” she said at the CEC session. Pamfilova recalled that early voting for those who cannot come to the polling station on election day, regional and municipal elections. This norm is regulated by state and local laws. In the elections of the state Duma and the RF President’s early voting is not carried out. However, in Federal elections, organized early voting in remote and hard to reach areas on camps of reindeer herders, polar

Sokolov: the Russian Federation continues to discuss with ICAO the Ukrainian missile fire near Crimea

Maxim Sokolov © Ekaterina Shtukina/press service of the Russian government/TASS ARKHANGELSK, March 29. /TASS/. Additionally, Russia is discussing with the International civil aviation organization (ICAO), missile firing, which was conducted by the Ukraine near the Crimea at the end of last year. This was reported to journalists the head of Ministry of transport of Russia Maxim Sokolov. “Additionally, discuss with ICAO the issue. Definitely going to put in the agenda of our relations with ICAO,” – said the Minister. Training missile firing over the water area of the Black sea near Crimea, Ukraine held December 1, 2016. Initially, the Armed forces of Ukraine planned exercises in the sovereign airspace of Russia, Kiev was later moved to shooting in the area West of the Peninsula. In mid-January, Sokolov said that the Russian side was not satisfied with the response of ICAO to the appeal of Moscow on the firings.

Marine Le Pen: France is not adapting to Russia

Marine Le Pen: France is not adapting to Russia The leader of the French party “national front” marine Le Pen in the TV channel France 2 responded to the question of whether France “to adapt to the line of Russia” in case of its coming to power. “In any case”, — quotes TASS of her response. “When I’m elected, France will again become a great power that provides balance. She again will bear its own global vision, and not be narrowed to the limits of the European Union, as it occurs now”, — said the politician. Previously, Ms. Le Pen visited Moscow, where he met with members of the state Duma Committee on international Affairs and Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. Speaking before the Russian Parliament, the candidate in presidents of France called for the lifting of sanctions against Russia — in any case, the black lists. The