Patriarch Kirill found guilty in the 1917 revolution

Patriarch Kirill found guilty in the 1917 revolution Moscow. March 29. INTERFAX.RU Patriarch Kirill lays blame for the revolution of 1917 the intelligentsia. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church believes that “the intellectuals were primarily responsible for the terrible events of a century ago”. The Patriarch also expressed regret that the currently ongoing “war historical arguments.” “Society is still not reconciled fully in regard to the assessment of the events of a century ago. Probably, interpretations will vary, but you must do everything that their diversity did not provoke a new civil conflicts,” he said. “Too much blood has been shed, too great a price was paid for that we could overcome in our current realities of the consequences of past troubles, to exclude the possibility of its influence on our lives,” — said the Patriarch.

Victor Nilov was removed from the post of the head of the traffic police

Victor Nilov was removed from the post of the head of the traffic police MOSCOW, 29 Mar — RIA Novosti. President Vladimir Putin has dismissed Viktor Nilov from the office of the chief of police, the relevant document published on the official Internet portal of legal information. By the same decree, Putin fired the head of SU IC in the Chukotka Autonomous district Sergey Davydov, Deputy Federal bailiff service of Russia Tatyana Ignatyev, the head of Department of logistics of the State courier service of Alexander Ivanov, the public Prosecutor of the Novgorod region Andrey Kikot, first Deputy head of SU IC in the Kemerovo region Paul Mullin and Commissioner at the European court of human rights Georgy Matyushkin. The reasons for personnel decisions are not reported. Rumors about the possible resignation nil appeared in the media in early March, but a senior source in the interior Ministry told RIA

Poklonskaya has threatened sanctions to the deputies for false information in the declarations

Photo: RIA Novosti The Chairman of the Duma Commission on control over reliability of data on incomes and property of deputies Natalia Poklonskaya said that the state Duma may discuss the possibility to apply sanctions to members who did not provide in the period of the income statement or submitted false information. She reported about it on the page in “Vkontakte”. According to her, she took part in a series of meetings of the Commission group of States against corruption (GRECO). “International experts are planning to perform lawmaking, principles of lobbying laws and ethical component of the work of the lower chamber, and also to check how the servants filled the Declaration on incomes,” wrote the Deputy. However, she said currently there are no specific measures against deputies who do not provide the Declaration in time or indicates false data. “I believe that this item will be included in the

Putin signed the law about the online census

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a Federal law that allows the carrying out of national population census, using the Internet and making mandatory the microcensus, the relevant document published on the official Internet portal of legal information Tuesday. Collecting information about the population using the Internet will be possible upon registration of citizens in the Federal state information system. It is allowed as a self-completion questionnaire on the Internet resource, and the survey enumerators using portable computers. Selective statistical observations based on sampling at least 5% of the population (microcensus) will be held in the period between national censuses. The document provides for the approval of the responsible for the census a Federal body of Executive power of the procedure collect information about the population in the electronic form and on behalf of the government of the Russian Federation — forms of electronic questionnaires. It is expected

Pamfilova told, due to what will reduce the number of parties

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the CEC of Russia Ella Pamfilova believes that the downward trend in the number of parties in Russia will continue, the inactive parties will gradually disappear, according to her, seven dozen of the existing participate in the elections only about forty parties. The Chairman of the CEC on Tuesday met with the head of the Central Committee of the party “Communists of Russia” Maxim by Caricinum. Answering questions of journalists following the meeting, Pamfilova noted that after liberalization of the legislation and simplify the registration of parties, their number increased sharply and was approaching eighty. Currently in Russia there are about seventy parties. “And in fact real parties are much smaller, and we see it. Now the process is reversed — a number of parties ‘financial reports do not pass, it is clear that there is nothing there”, she added, suggesting that the process

The state Commission decided to find the Arctic host

Dmitry Rogozin © Sergey Fadeichev/host photo Agency TASS ARKHANGELSK, March 29. /TASS/. Development of the Arctic requires collaboration between departments, companies and regional authorities, which will become possible when creating a single coordinating authority and the adoption of the law on the Arctic. To such conclusion participants of session of the state Commission on development of the Arctic in the discussion of the main parameters of the state program on the socioeconomic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation for the period till 2020 in the framework of the forum “Arctic – territory of dialogue”. According to the Chairman of the Commission, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, the Commission has to agree on the basic parameters of the program to the next day of the forum to submit a consolidated position to the President Vladimir Putin. The special representative of the President of Russia on international cooperation in

Chizhov: in Kiev understand that the chances to win a lawsuit in London on the debt to Russia not so much

Russia’s permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov © Ruslan shamukov/TASS MOSCOW, March 29. /TASS/. Kiev realizes that the chances to win a lawsuit in London for the Russian loan, not so much. This was stated on air of TV channel “Russia 24” Russia’s permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov. “I think that nervousness of Ukraine (decision of the High court of London to consider summarily the case of sovereign debt of Ukraine to Russia in $ 3 billion – approx. TASS) suggests that, perhaps, they understand that chances to win the lawsuit not so much, – said Chizhov. – Are strongly interested in a business tightening”.

The U.S. Congress repealed the data protection act in the Internet

The U.S. Congress repealed the data protection act in the Internet The house of representatives withdrew the law on the right to protection of personal data on the Internet, giving Internet providers the right to sell user data without their permission. Internet service providers in the United States soon will no longer need to ask users to share their personal information with marketing firms and other market participants. The house of representatives of the United States Congress voted to abolish imposed under the administration of Barack Obama law requiring Internet service providers to obtain permission for the use of users ‘ personal data, including customer location and history of visits to Internet sites. Supporters of this decision argue that it will increase competition in the market, critics fear that the abolition of the law will hurt the rights of consumers. It is expected that President trump will soon approve the

Media: Mae has notified Brussels about the beginning of Brexit

Media: Mae has notified Brussels about the beginning of Brexit LONDON/BRUSSELS, March 29. /TASS/. Prime Minister Theresa may has notified EU authorities of the formal procedure is to run for the country’s exit from the EU. The corresponding statement she made on Wednesday, speaking in the House of Commons of the British Parliament. “A few minutes ago in Brussels, the British permanent representative to the EU handed over a letter to the head of the European Council on my behalf, confirming the government’s decision to apply article 50 of the Treaty on the EU,” she said. “The process provided for in article 50, it is now launched,” he added. This was confirmed by the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, to whom the message may have passed the UK’s permanent representative to the EU, Tim barrow. “Nine months later, the UK did it (sent a notification of start of