The income of the former officials will check

The income of the former officials will check The Prosecutor General’s office proposed to confiscate illegally acquired property. Income current and former officials of the Prosecutor General’s office proposes to test for legitimacy. About this “Izvestia” said the Deputy head of the General Prosecutor’s office for supervision over execution of legislation on combating corruption, Valery Volkov. Today the law allows you to control expenses of officials only on condition of its location on the service… And then the Prosecutor has the right to address in court with the claim about collecting of property acquired on unconfirmed incomes.Valery Volkov Many officials, taking advantage of this gap in the legislation, quit and start living “large”, confident in their impunity. According to the proposed to the presidential administration the amendment, the state can come to the former official and request a report on the origin of property. If the civil servant cannot prove

Ivanka trump will be father’s assistant, but will not receive a salary

Ivanka trump will be father’s assistant, but will not receive a salary WASHINGTON, March 30 — RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovsky. The daughter of the President of the United States Donald trump Ivanka announced on Wednesday that it will become an official member of the team her father, but will not receive a salary. In a statement, Ivanka trump, which results in AP, says that she “heard the concerns of some people” regarding the fact that she was de facto adviser to the father, but did not occupy official positions. The white house, in turn, issued a statement in which it welcomed the decision by Ivanka trump. Earlier it was reported that Ivanka trump got the office in the administrative building of the White house and secret clearance. Initially, Ivanka trump said that he would not take official positions in the administration of his father. Ivanka’s husband Jared is already an

Lavrov called the lies and hysteria of allegations of human rights violations in Crimea

Photo: RIA Novosti The assertion that in the Crimea, human rights violations, in particular discrimination of the Crimean Tatars, are false. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in an interview with The National Interest. He noted that “people tend to forget facts, because they are brainwashed every day with such simple wording, like “Russia is the aggressor in Ukraine”, “annexation of Crimea” and so forth.” “Better to go there, instead of wasting time on unnecessary conversations. Those who come to the Crimea, you can see for yourself how people live there, that all the hysteria about human rights violations, discrimination of Crimean Tatars is a lie”, – said Lavrov.

Sergey Lavrov headed the media ranking Federal Ministers in February

© Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, March 30. /TASS/. Leaders media rating of Ministers of the Russian Federation in February 2017 were the Minister of foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov, according to a press release of the company “Medialogia”. Lavrov leads the ranking by a large margin (media index – 30125,5). Shoigu ranked second (12343,3), Silvanus closes the top three (5750,1). Fourth place – the Minister of economic development Maxim Oreshkin (4678,0).

The interior Ministry denied the information about the merger of police with other departments

© Vladimir Smirnov/TASS MOSCOW, March 30. /TASS/. The interior Ministry denies appeared in the media information about the merger of the state traffic Inspectorate with other departments. About TASS said the official representative of the Ministry Irina Wolf. “The Russian interior Ministry does not address the issue of Association of the traffic police and any other service Agency”, – she said. Thus, said the representative of the Ministry of interior, common in some media information about the Association of a number of police units does not correspond to reality. Informed the Internet-a resource “” reported about the possible disbanding of the police. According to the portal, in 2018, the state traffic Inspectorate will become part of the patrol. However, as explained TASS a source in law enforcement bodies, if the reform takes place, not before the end of the world Cup (July 2018). “Traffic police can be lowered to control

Media: a South Korean court issued a warrant for the arrest of ex-President Park Geun-Hye

Media: a South Korean court issued a warrant for the arrest of ex-President Park Geun-Hye SEOUL, March 30. /Offset. TASS Stanislav Varivoda/. A South Korean court issued a warrant for the arrest of ex-President Park Geun-Hye. About it reports TV channel YTN. The Prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Korea has sent a request to the court on March 27. Thus, the court agreed with an extended consequence of the accusations against the former President. Chief among these is the bribery and abuse of power.

The U.S. Congress has called for the return of the DPRK to the list of sponsors of terrorism

The U.S. Congress has called for the return of the DPRK to the list of sponsors of terrorism MOSCOW, March 30 — RIA Novosti. The Committee on foreign Affairs, house of representatives, U.S. Congress unanimously voted for the return of the DPRK to the list of state sponsors of terrorism. The Committee also advocated the strengthening of sanctions against North Korea and condemnation of the development of Intercontinental ballistic missiles. The Committee’s Chairman, Republican ed Royce said that “the measures proposed today will push the state Department to the decision on whether the DPRK to be re-entered in the list of state sponsors of terrorism. North Korea was included in the American list of countries that sponsor terrorism, in 1987, after the explosion of a South Korean plane, killing 115 people. It is believed that the explosion was carried out by intelligence agents of the DPRK. In 2008, the administration

Media: the head of the FBI would like in 2016 to tell you about the “Russian influence” on elections in the United States

Media: the head of the FBI would like in 2016 to tell you about the “Russian influence” on elections in the United States WASHINGTON, March 30 — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. FBI Director James Comey last summer, had intended to publish information on the so-called “Russian influence” on the coming, at that time, the US election, but has not received support from representatives of the administration, said Wednesday on its website, Newsweek magazine. Citing “two sources familiar with the situation,” the magazine writes that Komi came out with this proposal “in June or July” of last year at a meeting with members of the presidential team on national security. In particular, it was attended by Secretary of state John Kerry, and the Ministers of justice and internal security Loretta Lynch, and Jay Johnson. “He had a draft article, which he brought and said, “I’m ready to move on, what do

Medina offered to send French travelers in Borodino

Photo: RIA Novosti The Minister of culture of Russia Vladimir Medinsky has proposed to arrange for the French and other foreigners tours of the battle of Borodino. He said this at the presentation of the concept of development of the Borodino military historical Museum-reserve, reports on Wednesday, March 29, “Interfax”. The official suggested that the Museum Director Igor Korneev to interact with a number of domestic and foreign tourist firms. “I think we should, because we have a cultural exchange year of Russia — France. What is not a cultural exchange — visit Borodino?” the Minister noted. Medina offered to arrange for foreign visitors one-day bus tours in this area. Korneev has promised to work on this issue. Borodino Museum-reserve is near the village of Borodino in the Mozhaisk district of Moscow region. Its area is 110 square kilometers, the territory has more than 200 monuments and other objects. The

The father of the young author’s political reform from Tomsk scolded son

Photo: Crown / YouTube The father of fifth-grader Gleb from Tomsk, who suggested at the meeting on March 26, political reform, was critical of the performance of his son in action. Sergei Tokmakov gave an interview to “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. “I knew that he was going to the rally, but my entreaties to leave it for him didn’t work. Just had to link it. But to act in ways I did not want. In the end, he with the scandal ran in the rally,” said the man. Tokmak-senior believes that children at such events is nothing to do. “He understood that there was to be dangerous. However, it came to him after the meeting. And he realized that it was used,” added MK. “At the meeting, he went himself, no one pushed. But who benefits from it was his statement? Judge for yourself, he was surrounded by people, began to cheer,